I've gotten to the quest saturation point, and I blame the Communications Officer at Forlorn Hope.
I'm level 18 and I'm using the same service rifle I did when I was level 3.I gave Cass a 10 mm pistol and she went through the 500 bullets I'd given her in less than three hours.
I want to go to Ranger Station Bravo (the one in the far NW) and whomever positioned it should be slapped because I spent over an hour hugging the side of a mountain ridge trying to find a way to get to it while fighting swarms of giant, evil flies and Fiends, and Cook-Cook, and I never managed to fide a way to it.
I want to upgrade my weaponry as I'm starting to feel behind the curve, and many of the threats I'm facing have higher DT than my shotgun. Sadly, the only good guns I can find are Energy weapons and I've been sticking points into guns because those were all I could find previously.
The inventory list is now massive and I have to remember what's in my inventory, ED-E's, and Cass' now.