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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. I agree he was better in ME 2.
  2. How powerful is melee in the end? My mage's fireballs did 6000+ damage at the end of FoV, one-shotting pretty much everything, but the final boss still took me a while. Not as powerful. Maybe 2k damage a swing. Combat is pretty boring throughout FoV as nothing can damage you.
  3. On topic post. BioWare released another image. This time it's bianary for the SIS homepage address.
  4. It's not that Mark Meer is 'bad.' It's that the alternative is Jennifer Hale who is much, much better. (Though there were a few scenes in ME 2 where she sounded half-asleep)
  5. How utterly shocking that a guy doesn't mind playing a guy. Also, being able to play a girl adds nothing to his experience and thus it adds nothing to the game. I mean, I wouldn't have been able to predict that in a thousand years. Nope. At this point, I'm not even sure you can change Adam's appearence.
  6. I see very little anime influence. If anything, it has a very 1990s American superhero comic feel mixed with 300.
  7. Not sure if this made it into the last thread. Gameplay trailer.
  8. Divinity 2 - Ego Draconis and Flame of Vengeance.
  9. In the gameplay vids I've seen, it's not that prominant. I think the bloodmage Hawke is the best looking part of the game so far. I've even gotten used to the nutella across the nose. The PC camera can be zoomed out and they've talked about giving us a free cam when paused. Instead of looking down, it always remains at an angle though. As I understand it, they haven't finalized the PC camera yet. At this point, I'm more interested in the story and companions than the mechanics. I have no idea what the central conflict is, however, which I find worrisome. In ME, I know it's Reapers! With sides of Saren+Geth and Harvesters. In DA:O, I knew it was the Blight and Loghain. DA2? Not a word.
  10. Bloodmage Hawke: There's at least one mage outfit with pants.
  11. The herlock is 'meh.' The emissary I like. I'm trying to figure out if the black, angular armor is supposed to be the armor style of the Free Marches and they've just scavenged it or if it's something made by the ghouls. Visually, there's little that grabs or interests me. My hope is that the darkspawn aren't major enemies in DA 2; the Blight is over and we're no longer in Ferelden so there's no reason for them to be anything other than rare and isolated bands. What do you think?
  12. The totally original nano-non-eutactic solid blade weapon was great until I fought the MIB and they exploded when they died. You could also break open all crates and many doors with it, which saved on omni-tools and grenades. Then again, I've always gone the ninja/sniper build for DE. There are 100s of games where I can play Rambo.
  13. The DA2 main site has been updated with 2 creature pages talking about Hurlocks and Emissaries: Hurlock Emissary
  14. Sorry. There's a difference between being the Thor or the Silver Surfer and being Captain America or Daredevil
  15. Heh... I suggest you stay FAR away from DeusEx series then. In DeusEx you'
  16. Oh, right. Tunnel Snakes rule!
  17. *runs off crying* This explains so much!
  18. The hell? You need to hire QA. The sad thing is that I'm an editor. Those freshly minted MFAs b*tches are aiming for my job and they're probably better at it than I am. Got to slit one's throat, devour her heart, and gain her power. I can only assume that 'tunnel snake' means something different to you than it does to me.
  19. How is this thread nine pages long? *goes back to beginning to see what, if anything, is on topic*
  20. Finally something I can agree with. A poor assumption on your part. I don't need the 14 year old to be stupid to insult you, if that's what I was attempting to do. They could be a 14-year-old of average intelligence. Of course, I wasn't attempting to insult or compliment you. The point of my post was that a video game isn't a marker of intelligence. How you get 'Maria is insulting my intelligence because she says a 14-year-old can play a video game I once played' is beyond me. Right, again your assumption. "Video games are tied to intelligence; therefore, any change that I don't like must be because the maker is attempting to dumb it down." You don't like streamlined design? I don't like Ernest Hemingway. But I don't assume that an author who attempts to streamline their characters, descriptions, or plot are dumbing down their story or that people who like Ernest Hemingway are 'stupid teenagers.' They're streamlining aspects of the game because they don't value those aspects of the game as much as you do and they think the game will be more interesting and engaging without those aspects. The elements *you like* aren't the elements *they want.* It has nothing to do with intelligence or stupidity.
  21. BioWare just opened up a Montrial studio and is highering QA who are familiar with the Unreal editor and multiplayer games. A MP game in the ME universe?
  22. It's a repaint of the M-29 Incisor sniper rifle. Originally, only in the PC digital deluxe and then avilable through the Aegis DLC. Now all we need is Volo to say "New BioWare Game > KOTOR L0L."
  23. More stuff from the BioWare boards:
  24. With generic white guy with short dark hair and slight stubble space marine? A BioWare dev posted two images to the announcement section: Poster 1 said his redlaser app got this: ‎001101010011010100101110001110000011010000110101 Poster 2 said it's the mass of iron. A poster said it's "-128.5
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