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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. I've only hit one invisible wall. I got a quest to retrieve the corpse of a dead soldier (Morales) for his wife. When you carry things, you move at a regular walk, so it took about ten minutes R/L to just carry his body back to McCarren. Which was the wrong spot. It seems there are a group of troops near his corpse that you give it too. Oops! Now I have to carry the copse back to where I found it. Edit: Finally got the corpse to the unit, but not before stripping off that fancy ranger armor. I finished up the 'spy' quest, defused the bomb, then headed back for a nice level up. My skills are... all over the place. But, I finally have lockpicks 75. I'm going to head over to Gun Runners and steal/buy upgrades for my service rifle and then try to find someone to fix my radiation suit.
  2. it's an X-box...it happens these days. This isn't the first time, and it's happened many times previously. X-box games get patched these days...it's an MS thing. Don't like it...buy a Wii...of course then you wouldn't be playing F:NV on it either. I don't like the idea either...anymore than I like Steam...but that's how things happen. Live with it. I don't own an X-Box 360 or a Wii. Yes, I know it's happened before.
  3. Yes. And while it's bad enough that you like BioWare games, I see no reason why you have to muck up the thread with it.
  4. It is okay for PC games to be buggy because developing a game for PC is developing for dozens of different systems. Developing for a console is developing for a single system. That's why console games have always been less buggy than PC games. Consoles are basically computers, but part of the draw of a console is that you don't have to deal with all the crap PC gaming gives you. You don't have to worry about your hardware, operating system, drivers, or that the e-mail with the cute pictures you looked at has a virus. Ease of use has always been one of the strengths of the console, and transforming them in mini-PCs or 'home entertainment centers' annoys me.
  5. 1. Many containers are random while others are not. You can save, open a container, then reload and open it again. 2. The easiest way to find duplicate guns is to pick one that a certain faction uses. Ceaser's Legion tends to have Cowboy Repeaters while the NCA has Service Rifles. Early game, the NCA armor is the best I've found and all the different types of it can be joined together. 3. At the far south of the map is the Mojave Camp for the NCR where you can pay to have guns and armor restored to 100%. It can be expensive though. Outside of Novac is a Scrapyard where a woman can restor items to 80%. Armor only loses its usefulness under 50% while weapons only lose damage until 75%. 4. Feel free to abuse the fast travel system. If you fast travel to Goodsprings, there's an abandoned house right across from the saloon. I sleep there and stuff all the extra weapons, armor, and ammo there because I'm a pack rat. Sadly, I've managed to tap out all the merchants in the area so I'm running around with 5000+ bottle caps and it takes a half hour to scroll through the huge list.
  6. Excellent games: Silent Hill 2 - 2002 Tom Clancy: Splinter Cell - 2002 Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
  7. When I used my X-box, I always rented the game before I bought it. I think it all evens out in the end. There were games I rented but never bought because I disliked them. There were also games I rented that I would never have bought if I hadn't rented them first.
  8. The words 'console' and 'patch' should never be uttered in the same sentence.
  9. If you're talking about the surplus boxes, they're cheaper than normal ammo, but ruin your gun faster.
  10. I have Holy Hand Grenades thank to Wild Wasteland.
  11. I met my first deathclaw. I mean, first ever. I've never seen one in a game before. I assumed they were radscorpians. Now I'm not sure what they are. I found the Brotherhood's hide out. Yes. Right beside the launching controls is a navigational computer. I believe it's 60 science to use.
  12. I helped the Bright Brotherhood and their crew go to the Great Beyond. I have no idea where that is, but I expect to see a bit about it in the slide show. I even tinkered with the navigation to let them get 12.5% closer. I'm not sure what that means. After Novac, I hit the Helios plant and gave the juice to McCarren and the Strip. That's not at all because it's where I live now. The other two places I haven't visited yet, so I want to see if who they're aligned with. I finished five challanges so far. The Lord Death, the Explorer (no perk for that one ), Bug Stomper, Low-Tech Hack, and I think the Speech one. Made it to Camp Misery, but the game crashed. Haven't even gotten to Biship yet (main quest), and probably won't until I hit Black Mountain and Hidden Valley first.
  13. Killing him is the right way to finish the quest.
  14. As ever, I've come to love and hate companions. Without the flying robot, I'd doubt my level 8 character could take on the three nightstalkers or those three golden geckos. At the same time, it decided to start shooting at rad scorpions, causing about five small, two regular, and one giant one to swarm my location. Can I upgrade its gun? Anyway, I now have the bug stomper perk.
  15. I'm still mostly wandering. Only need to discover 5 more places to get the 50 explored places challange. I am worried that when I finally get to my house it will be nothing but a bunch of big rocks. Still haven't gotten to Novac (the dinosaur one). That's your wild wasteland perk kicking in with an encounter that wouldn't normally be there. Ahh. Thank you.
  16. I find it odd that of the classic games the original poster listed, I've only played three and only consider one a classic. I also find the idea that society requires we play these game strange. I know a large number of people who have never played Halo, either because they don't games or because they don't do FPSs.
  17. Second verse, same as the first! It is the thread that never eeeeeeends It just goes on and on my frieeeeeeends Some people started posting it, not knowing what it was They ended up posting there forever just because It is the thread that never eeeeeeends It just goes on and on my frieeeeeeends...
  18. One more thing, when I hit Novac (or was it Nipton?) for the first time, I encountered two skeletons. One named Drew and the other named Breu. The game played 'eerie' music and the image of a pip-boy head with spiral eyes appeared on my screen. What's that about?
  19. I've been roaming the wasteland and quickly realized that while ray guns are cool, there are far more bullet guns and bullets. I am now hoofing it through the desert with a 10 mm, simple shotgun, service rifle, and plasma pistol. Back 'at home', I have a 9 mm pistol, 9 mm machine gun, cowboy repeated, grenade gun, laser pistol, and laser rifle. I realized that you can just run over the mantis bugs and kill them. I tried to run over a giant soldier ant, but that didn't work. I found Ringo in the gas station in Goodspring and agreed to help him. Before I could do so, I needed Explosives 25, Barter 25, and Speech 25. Then I headed up to Sloan and decided I needed Medicine 30 and Repair 35. I did quests for the Powder Gang until I hit Primm, at which point I betrayed Eddie. This got me to level 7, at which point I headed back to Goodspring, passed all the skill tests, and easily destroyed the Powder Gang even though I'd already destroyed the Powder Gang. After Goodsprings, I wandered south to the NCR HQ, and found a 'desert canyon' with a bunch of broken down vehicles. Some of them were spray-painted COURIER 6? and YOU CAN GO HOME COURIER. Part of me wonders if this isn't a Jacob's Ladder/Mulhuland Drive plot. Maybe I wasn't saved. Maybe I'm bleeding out in a grave somewhere and all the events since I woke up at Docs are a hallucination.
  20. I planned on killing them all eventually, but as I'm in a small facility with 15 of them, I thought I'd wait a bit.
  21. I'm neutral with the Powder Gang and in the middle of doing one of their quests. One of their members attack me so I kill him. I'm still neutral, so I finish the quest, return to the Correctional Facility, turn it it, become *famous* with the Powder Gang, get a new quest.... and the quest giver suddenly turns hostile and all the gang members attack me.
  22. Let's begin! The story begins with the introduction of three factions and then the PC getting shot in the head. Okay, I didn't see that coming. For a moment, I assume that character with the mask in the opening artwork is the PC, who is hideously scarred and must forever hide the flesh vestiges of their face
  23. One of the things I enjoyed about the original FO3 was reading about other player's exploration and experiences in the Wasteland so why not a thread focused on just that? What this thread is for: Discussing your character or play experiences. This is a SPOILER welcome zone. What this thread is not for: Discussing reviews, bugs, Obsidian, collectibles, the comic, RPGs in general, etc.
  24. A story does not need to be EPIC to be great or compelling. It does need drama (conflict with emotional value) but it doesn't need to be DRAMATIC. I meant it ironic.^^ Personally, I like subtelty in my stories/video games more. Oops! I think I botched my sarcasm detect roll. Sorry.
  25. A story does not need to be EPIC to be great or compelling. It does need drama (conflict with emotional value) but it doesn't need to be DRAMATIC.
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