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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. It's not in London at the moment but it's legal elsewhere.
  2. Thinking of this as a game in its own right instead of a shadow of the original? You freak! I didn't care for the majority of the characters in KotOR so I'm hoping the same...
  3. Even if you're not interested in getting married, it's always possible you'll fall madly in love with someone who is. Couplehood is rife with compromise.
  4. For years, comedian Jimmy Durante (the one with the huge nose) ended his television and radio programs with "Good night, Mrs. Calabash
  5. Anyways, I noticed that she
  6. Your parents are too cheap to go out and buy you a new spaceship when you graduate so they get you a 'fixer-upper' from the planetary junkpile that just happens to be the Ebon Hawk.
  7. 1. Irrationality is part of human nature. You can't escape it. 2. You've mentioned several times you were wrongly insulted. Why not work it out in PMs with whoever rubbed you the wrong way?
  8. I wouldn't consider having a good and enjoyable life unimportant. I'd say it's one of the most important things to have.
  9. Rubbish or not, I want it - even if it's adolescent. It will become mature enough when I write my mature fanfic.
  10. Yeah, but she could get better. Or maybe she was just playing dead. One of the new force powers...
  11. Is Mira Ugly? Not when compared to the thing in Meshugger's signature line. Master of All, My hair ownz anyone else's. It's the ninja of hairstyles.
  12. I don't know if someone has replied to this or not but you can't influence the alignment of all the party characters. Some bend to you, some will reject you.
  13. Okay, this made me smile. But you obviously lack fashion sense because my hairstyle is fabulous.
  14. There are people who are indifferent There are people who hate romances and do not tolerate them. There are people who hate romances and tolerate them. There are people who love romances but don't need them. There are people who love romances and consider them a vital part of the game. You can't move someone from one category to another through reason or emotional pleas. However, there's no reason to tell people they need to get a life because they enjoy game elements you don't. That said, I'm pretty sure they'll have romances and more than one per gender. I don't know if they'll have same sex one and, if they do, they'll have to sneak them past Lucas Arts so I doubt it will be better than that in KotOR
  15. There's something abnormal about that guy's (gal's?) hairstyle.
  16. DS-LS. The harder the struggle the greater the glory.
  17. That and MMORPGs all suck. Personal opinion, of course.
  18. MastaGAW: "They better." Or, what? You're not going to buy the game? CraigBoy: " She looks alot hooter in the concept art" Spelling Buddy Sez: "A lot hotter" Freudian slip with see-through panties? I'm not certain I care about how good-looking one character in the game is but since it's been brought up, I think she's better looking than Annah from Planescape: Torment and not as attractive as Nicole from Broken Sword.
  19. Then you haven't spent enough time online. Regarding the other discussion, it
  20. As far as I can see, you two agree. And since you agree, there's no need to be unfriendly or argue.
  21. You know, mkreku, when ramza was saying 'the only difference is that [anime is] designed for a young public and thus don't have extremely violent contents or mature discussions in them' I was thinking just that.
  22. I want a clothing store in game. I want boots, gloves, leather pants, jackets and an emerald green silk shirt. I also want some evening wear and maybe some flannel pajamas for when I'm spending two weeks flying through space on the Ebon Hawk.
  23. In answer to the original question: It can be very, very dark.
  24. This topic is illogical. It has been tainted by the darkside... I must escape.
  25. I hate Batman... I wouldn't mind playing Revan in another game but I do prefer original stories. In an industry dominated by 'sequelitis,' I'll take whatever originality I can get.
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