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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. At the moment, I'm talking about the fact that we don't have the same conclusion.
  2. Raven, I think you're mistaking the premise with the conclusion. Raven: P1: Having hack and slash games feature sappy romances is absurd. P2, P3
  3. "The Manual of the Planes" has been out for about three years now.
  4. Clear about what? I've said a great deal in this thread and so far I haven't explicitly agreed with any of your statements.
  5. I can sympathize with those who don't want romances in their cRPGs. There is something absurd about a game consisting of mostly hacking through enemies with a sappy romance grafted onto it. Despite this, romance is here to stay. At their heart, cRPGs cater to player fantasy and human fantasies tend to fall into two groups: sex/romance and power/fame. All entertainment mediums do the same but most have more sophisticated ways of narrating them. Most also have a broader audience base. Mature plotlines require a mature audience and a mature industry. Look at comic books; they've existed in their current form for sixty years yet the majority still caters to adolescent power fantasies. Cartoons are even worse as most are still aimed at the toddler to early teenage set. [i am certain someone will pipe up about anime and manga. That's an argument for a different thread.] Fans of computer games have it easy comparatively because the computer was first extensively for adults and is still quite expensive.
  6. DarbiusMaximus:
  7. I'm glad that particular image does so much for you. I just wish that this were an 18+ forum sometimes.
  8. It certainly won't leave much time for that telepathic lightsaber jack I requested they include with the game.
  9. It's interesting, on-line everyone talks as though they've had sex. It's like when you go to a middle school dance and see twelve-year-old boys grinding their crotches against some girls' behinds.
  10. Doesn"t pl4y dummm lololo wewll bust /\/\ah bitches an' callm e str3ak3r!!!!!!!!1~~~~~ cuz Iw ill hack youuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!! evryb0dy knows trhetr krazy iS a fergei alt account!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~ lololo~~ you r lame !!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~ .. on am oe s4riouz note, it'd be nicet "see a way t"conveneintly traXr0 developer posts tehs vboards, effn yo 4hd not jotic3d, is k|\|da sdaid, an" mebbe folks"d B3 mo"e intaR3sted effn tejhy cd find posts do|\|e by f0lks not darq, vo7o ' krazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 looolololl!!!!!!!!!11~~~~ lololololololoolo *shrugg*
  11. How interesting, I was swearing in another thread and there was no editing. A moment please... As i said, very interesting.
  12. If someone can explain how this has something to do with the conversation, I'd appreciate it.
  13. That would be an interesting twist.
  14. mkreku, Nope. Let me see, a life?
  15. I've been thinking about it and I can see how joining the exchange and advancing in it could be a great DS character sub-plot. I think it could be a nice step in giving DS characters something to do that is purely for personal gain instead of the usual 'save the universe' bit. In fact, it might help justify their saving the universe. Tyrannical Sith can't be that good for business. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Joining the Exchange Planet A As you enter a cantina you see an Angry Man berating a Drunken Pilot. Angry Man: If you inquire about the problem the angry man tells you that pilot gambled away his advance on a game of Pazac. Now the pilot doesn't have enough to repair his ship and the angry man's boss expected the shipment two days ago. If you offer to help out the Angry Man tells you that he doesn't have any money but he'll write you a note to give to his boss and you'll get the full payment of 200 C. However, it has to be delivered immediately, you cannot open the shipment, and you can tell no one about the shipment. If you agree, he hands you a sealed, metal cylinder and a note. You can open the package. It's filled with raw spice and you can sell it for 1000C in another area. You can deliver the package to the angry man's boss for 500C. Or, you can report the package to the Plant A Guard for a LS point. Pilot: If you speak to the pilot he tells you that he's not worried because his skills are sought all over the sector. Losing the money wasn't that bad but he also gambled away his blaster. Now he just needs 200C to repair his ship. Can he borrow it from you and pay you back later? If you give him the 200C you'll get LS points. If you give him the 200C and his blaster back you'll get LS points and he'll appear later at one of the random 'meeting' spots and give you 200 with 10% interest. If you report the package to the Planet A Guard he'll remark that the guards took that SOB, the angry man, away and good riddance too. Gambler: He has the pilot's blaster and will give it to you if you beat him in five games of Pazac. You can keep the blaster or give it to the pilot. Guard: Before you leave the planet, a guard will ask you if anyone has asked you to transport any weapons, spice, or unknown cargo. If you show him the package and the note, he'll take both and tell you that he'll investigate the matter. You gain a LS point and when you return to the cantina the angry man is no longer there. Planet B Angry Man's Boss: Various people on Planet B will mention Angry Man's Boss, even before you go to Planet A. It seems he's a businessman in the lower quarters. If you try to approach him earlier you can buy various good off of him but nothing else. If you present him with an open package and the note he'll claim he has no idea what you're talking about. If you hand him the package and the note, he'll pay you 500C and ask if you're looking for some work. The jobs he offers right now are: 1. A certain young, guard officer is making his life difficult and isn't responding to the usual monetary incentives his friends are. Get him to respond or get rid of him. 2. A friend of the boss seems to have misplaced a land deed and somehow it's ended up in other person's safe. If you could get a hold of it, that would be wonderful. 3. A young gang leader has been attacking the boss's smugglers and stealing their spice supplies. Kill him or destroy his ship. (If you choose to open the package, the is the person who will but the spice from you) The boss will reward you for all of these but, if you complete all three, he'll tell you that he wants to introduce you to a few friends of his. It's obvious that you're better than the petty thugs that usually work for him and the Exchange is interested in making you a member. Young, Idealistic Guard: You'll find the young, idealistic guard at the security checkpoint. You can convince him that you have information on the boss but will only give it to him if he comes alone to a certain, secluded location. Once there you can kill him or warn him that he's in danger and that his friends are on the take. You can break into his house and read his journal entry about his girlfriend. If you speak with him afterwards you have the option of threatening her. At that point, he'll attack you. Once you kill him, you'll be arrested and you'll have to convince the court that you were just acting in self-defense. You can also speak with the guard. First, you'll need to convince the other guards that if their buddy keeps on bothering the boss that their good deal might go away. They'll tell you that they've tried to speak with him but he's pretty stubborn. If you've already read his journal, you can speak with his girlfriend and convince her that the guard doesn't treat her right. Persuade her to be more demanding and make him buy her more things. After you've done these thing, if you have high enough persuade, you can convince the guard by bringing up the damage he'll do to his friends and how he deserves that extra money. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These are just some ideas how the Exchange could be grafted into the game in an interesting way.
  16. Right again, you're in the lead. I have one and you have two but we don't have three, what could it be?
  17. You've got it mkreku. Once upon a time two princes wished to marry the daughter of a Sultan. The Sultan did not want his young daughter to marry and leave him yet he did not wish to insult the princes' family. He told the princes that to win her hand they must race one another across the desert on camel back but it was he whose camel came in last that would win her hand. The princes despaired for the race could take weeks, even months, if they went as slowly as they could. So, they went to a wise dervish and told him their problem. After carefully listening, he told them something and they promptly ran to starting line and raced off. What did he tell them?
  18. I find the same to be true. If you find either of them difficult reading try the Canterbury Tales or The Sound and the Fury. This knyght answerde, "Allas and weylawey! I woot right wel that swich was my biheste! For Goddes love, as chees a newe requeste! Taak al my good, and lat my body go!" "Nay, thanne," quod she, "I shrewe us bothe two! For thogh that I be foul, and oold, and poore, I nolde for al the metal, ne for oore, That under erthe is grave, or lith above, But if thy wyf I were, and eek thy love." "My love?" quod he, "nay, my dampnacioun! Allas, that any of my nacioun Sholde evere so foule disparaged be!"
  19. June 16 1999 verses June 16 2004. Hell of a difference if you ask me.
  20. Yes I am holes tied intricately together My touch you will hardly feel For I am light as a feather Yet I am strong as steel
  21. This second will pass, As all moments do, And when this time is over, Only I will stay with you.
  22. A shadow.
  23. To start this off, I will post an easy riddle: I am, The beginning of eternity, The end of time and space, The beginning of every end, And the end of every race. What am I?
  24. I love riddles, always have. One of my favorite parts of Knights of the Old Republic was the mysterious box that teleports you to nowhere and your only escape is through a riddling game with a Rakata. So, I've started this thread based on my own version of the riddling contest. Anyone can play and I will keep score of how well each person does. Rules: 1. There are two ways to get points: Posting a riddle no one can answer in 12 hours or by answering another's riddle. 2. You can answer as many riddles as you like and post one whenever you like but you can only post one riddle at a time. After 12 hour, you may edit your original riddle with the answer and post another riddle. 3. Only the first person to answer a riddle correctly will get a point for it. 4. All riddle answers must be within the realm of reasonable knowledge. 5. Trivia (What is the capitol of the northernmost country?), Word Problems (How many words can you make out of the letters IRCEPS?), and Math Problems (Jan is half the age of Jon and in twenty years Jon will be twice as old as Jane, how hold is Jane) are not considered riddles for the purpose of this game. Dereth: 1 Maria: 1 NinjaPirate: 1 Old Skool Wheelman: 1 mkreku: 2
  25. Just inject midoclorians into his oil supply.
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