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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. You're both wrong: It's a dialogue RPG. The first since Planescape. The player's epic quest to wade though endless waves of conversation is a wonderful metaphor for the PCs epic quest to drive the MAKO around mostly barren planets, which is, of course, all symbolic of the ever present Reaper menace, and I'm sure we're all aware that all these elements combine (like Voltran) to paint a picture of man
  2. I rather disliked Spore. Sims was the perfect 'casual' game, and it appears lightning did not strike twice. I'm replaying Civilization IV right now. I just wiped out Alexander the Great, Washington DC rebeled from America to join me, and Mao's China has coverted to Christianity with my help. What a great game.
  3. Maybe they've merge various skills? Hide + Move Silent => Stealth. Open Lock + Disable Trap + Pickpocket => Thievery.
  4. Fable 2 Divinity 2 Dragon Age (what no number?! Oh right, it's Dragon Age: Origins now. The semicolon makes up for it) Fallout 3 Deus Ex 3 Apparently this will be the year of F and D for me.
  5. This sounds like a great game. Even if it fails to live up to the hype, or it has a number of gameplay failures, I hope it will add something to the medium. My real concern is dizziness. I tend to have trouble with regular first-person shooters. I can imagine playing this game for an hour and being rewarded with a migraine or feeling nauseated.
  6. Tony Evans, lead designer interview at Gamespot With the additions of "real" death, less artificial and more intelligent AI, realistic restrictions on resting, and meticulously designed encounters, battling monsters in Storm of Zehir is the most fun you will have yet in a Dungeons and Dragons game. That sounds.. not that fun. 3.5 ruleset = I understand it can't be helped, but going back to 3.5 is like going back to dial up after I've had broadband. I mean Level Adjustments - the game has level adjustments. Lack of = Though given Obsidian's track record, I don't blame them.
  7. It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle. I'd agree with this.
  8. This 'patch' is worthless. None of the bugs I've experienced have been fixed and people can see you through Obfuscate. I can be standing still, and security gaurds will spot and attack me.
  9. If you want to be a fanboi, defend a game from a well-known developer from accusations of 'it sucks!'
  10. He cheated, exploited, and griefed. If you want me to get riled up at abuse of a player, bring up the story of that guy who was banned from EQ(?) because he posted a graphic back-story for his character in a seperate forum.
  11. I finished downloading it and when I read the FAQ, it doesn't talk about bug fixes at all. It just talks about the changes made in some other patch and how this one 'restores' the original content.
  12. There are still people who go on the BG and NWN boards and complain about combat being too hard, because they didn't know there was a pause button. I read the manual because I don't want to be one of those people.
  13. Sure. But I rarely notice bugs in my games anyway.
  14. Quest for Glory 4: Shadows of Darkness had pizza recipe as its copy protection. At a certain point in the main quest, a mad scientist could only help you if you gave him the correct selection of ingredients for his pizza.
  15. I like the 'extract the heart' song. WMP has never given me problems before, and I'm not certain it's WMPs fault, as I listened to the songs before I entered any of the clubs. Yes, I mangled the English language.
  16. I was explored the music files, played them on wmp, and now none of them work in the clubs.
  17. I'd suggest that in real life, there's a limit to how much better you can get. Also, if you train daily with a skill, become great with it, and then train daily in a second skill, you'll lose a certain amount of ability with the first skill.
  18. Zoma "So it'll be just a Stalker clone?" I think it's natural to bringing up the last notable game in your memory banks when talking about a good game you want made. STALKER had a good atmosphere. It's one of those games that makes you appreciate how far graphics have come. karka: "I think it's a system which is very open to abuse. " I agree with this. It's a bit like making an XP system then filling the map with respawning, wandering critters. QFG was well designed in that it had an energy meter that let you train only so many times per day, and you could never train up a skill that was at 0. If you wanted to use a skill during the game, you had to put points into it during character creation.
  19. I liked it in Quest for Glory. Learn-by-doing isn't a bad system.
  20. Obfuscate is so useful. It suffers from the "We don't care if you have Obfuscate 5 and Stealth 10, there's a cutscene coming up where someone talks to you then attacks," mentality.
  21. Morrowind and Fable: B The Bard's Tale: C Call of Cthulhu: C- I'd give CoC a D, but it has some great moments. J. Edgar Hoover strapping me down to a chair and slapping me around until I cooperate. Me unleashing a beast that kills the little girl, her ghost popping up occasionally, and the big band theme slipping into tense moments. However, if these really are the worst games you've bought, then you've been lucky. If you ever want to torture me, here's a good game that will make me beg for death: Myst
  22. Flavor. It takes a real man to stand around a bloody, raging battle wearing only a chain shirt and playing a lyte.
  23. Eh, nothing in any addition of D&D says that charisma of eight means you can't lead a group. You're just slightly less charismatic than an average person. Nor does having a low charisma mean you cease to exist. Everyone has some influence on the people around them. What you're saying is akin to describing a character with an intelligence of 8 as brain dead, or one with a strength of 8 as a jellyfish. Charisma is a combination of looks, social graces, personal magnetism, personality, and the ability to lead. There is no rule saying that someone with a charisma of 8 can't be a group leader. I'd also like to point out that not all leaders have to be popular. Other characters might voluntarily follow her for a number of reasons. Yes, a more charismatic character has an edge when it comes to getting others to follow her, but an edge is not an certainty. Unless you can point me to a source that states a character with Charisma of 8: ~ Cannot make friends ~ Has no leadership ability ~ Has no influence on others Then I'm going to have to continue disagreeing here. I also still think this comment: "
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