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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. 'If you could make any game, what would it be like?' It would be crappy. I'm a lover, not a game developer.
  2. You mean you were well armed? :rimshot!:
  3. I'm going to disagree that LARPing will net you more 'real' RP than PnP. In a LARP, your character can never be smarter, faster, stronger, or more skilled than you are. Heck, you can't even change gender while LARPing.
  4. The Longest Journey/STALKER/Fallout 2/Neverwinter Nights 2 I usually play 3-4 games at once and finish 1 of them.
  5. Stealing is bad. Stealing and not even changing the filenames is stupid.
  6. Damn, whoever made that mod appears to be overcompensating for something.
  7. You can't fight such a terrifying vision of mankind's future. 2035, a nuclear fire spreads over the earth, incinerating its major cities. On Maskiwan Army Base, a group of military families rush to fallout shelters and take refuge deep in the earth. Six months later, they emerge to a shattered world. Cities still smolder and burn, a maddening plague spreads through the scattered remnants of humanity, and when night falls, horrors from a forgotten age stalk the land. The war is over; the battle for survival has just begun. *cue dramatic score*
  8. And the survivors ravaged by a deadly plague that made them hunger after the flesh of their former loved ones?
  9. The quotes are all out of context and I often do... judicious editing.
  10. It was mostly a joke.. mostly. Nevertheless, you're right, The Sand would make a good cRPG setting. Or maybe an adventure/RPG hybrid with episodic content in which you play a different main character each chapter.
  11. New Game Trailer They're pumping up the hype machine. So far, we've gotten new interviews, trailers, screenshots, etc every day this week. Any guesses on the release date?
  12. Pfft, I want a cRPG based on the Book of Revelations. None of that pseudo-apocalyptic rubbish. Ragnarok would do in a pinch.
  13. Sand: "Did you actually read the post. I very much clarified that I was talking about Bioware's CRPGs. You even quoted me on it. And I did miscount. It is 8 DnD/d20 System CRPGs to 3 non-DnD/d20 System CRPGs. I forgot to count ME because its not on a platform I can play on. Come on now, keep up. " With our powers combined, we can make Volourn's head spin off. Azarkon: "I wouldn't call a game generic based just on its setting. However, as I said on the Codex boards, it's too early to say whether it'll be a winner, also." It's going to be great. It's going to be an epiphany for cRPG players; a full-body orgasm you can play for 40 hours. It will make tons of money and be heralded by gamers and critics everywhere. It will be BioWare' Diakatana.
  14. Sand: " Bloodlines wasn't generic fantasy. Arcanum isn't generic fantasy. Hmmm... Those are just off the top of my head." You're using a much broader definition of fantasy than I was thinking. Vampire: the Masquerade 'borrowed' heavily from Anne Rice, but I agree that it's unusual concept for a cRPG. I was sad to see that it sold far less copies than Arcanum or TOEE. Yes, they announced it when they were very early in production. Lots of people have thought it was vaporware.
  15. Sand: " If I had to choose between Obsidian's Alien game or Bioware's Dragon Age, I would choose Obsidian." I'd buy both. I think they'll be at least a year and a half apart. But if I had to choose? Dragon Age. I know nothing about the Aliens RPG. Volourn: " Half their games aren't even D&D...." I'm talking about the fantasy games. However, even if you consider KotOR generic, it wasn't their IP either.
  16. Sand: " The poverty of CRPGs is the only reason I would get DA." If only people understood that RPGs are the best genre of games. But remember, it could be worse. You could be like me and love adventure games. That genre pretty much died off five years ago. Anyways, can I ask what sort you'd consider non-generic fantasy? Llyranor: "Besides, this is vaporware." I'm assuming you're joking.
  17. Hmm, I wouldn't call Jade Empire a generic fantasy setting. Other than that, all they've done is D&D. However, the tropes of generic fantasy don't bother me. A strong single player storyline, the ability to customize your character, interesting NPCs, areas to explore, and ambigous moral decisions interest me more than the backdrop.
  18. I'm waiting as well.. mostly because it won't be out this year. But, yeah, I'm going to pre-order whatever special edition they offer. I've been on the DA forum for about three years now, and have decided to put off getting a new rid until I know the system requirements of DA. Like ME, everything I've heard and seen about this game suggests it will be great. Besides, given the poverty of cRPGs now-a-days, I'd end up buying it sooner or later.
  19. Here are two in game screen shots. The ogre is a lovely blue. As I understand it, the 'zombie' looking gentleman is not undead but rather suffers from a nasty disease. I'm confused as to how sand could regard the quotes in my thread as hype, given that outside of the 'Themes' section, it's mostly facts about gameplay. Unless you're suggesting there won't actually be classes, class tiers, swords, armor, and origin stories. What other cRPG gives you origin stories? The closest I can think of is Arcanum, in which you picked a background and got some pluses and minuses, you never actually play through the background.
  20. Frustration: Surry gives me a mission to protect the garage from bandits. I kill bandits. I'm told to go to Surry for the reward, no Surry. As I'm looking around for Surry, another group of bandits respawn. I kill bandits. Now I find Surry, but he won't give me a reward because there are bandits left. I kill bandits. After cleaning the area of bandits, I return to find the garage *swarming* with them and a little message pops up telling me I failed the quest because Surry is dead.
  21. I think it will eventually come to PC. I just think the trilogy will push it further back than a year. And the blue girl is hot.
  22. The sales for JE were midrange. Moreover, they've already committed to 3 ME titles on the x360.
  23. Another new screen shot. This is an Asari diplomat. They're members of the Citadel Council.
  24. 160+ bandits dead at the car port. *chuckles*
  25. Hmm, if I understand you correctly, I disagree. Yes, if you're role-playing an insane person, it's possible that your character doesn't understand that they are not all powerful. However, most people/characters would understand that they are not Superman. I'd say it's metagame knowledge that leads people to play characters would never run away from a fight, sneak pass a powerful foe, or simply not attack a powerful person who isn't hostile to them. I do believe that the game world ought to offer clues to other's power.
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