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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. I sometimes get the impression that a few Fallout fans would prefer FO3 to be a horrible game instead of a good or even great game. Which would be irrational.
  2. I suddenly have the strangest desire, HOPING Obsidian would buy the Anachronox IP from Eidos. Are you serious? Have you played Obsidian's games? Obsidian could no more do Anachronox than Lion's Head could do KotOR 3.
  3. I'd say that every game series produces the same reaction in its fans. Look at the reaction to Diablo III's color scheme. Now consider how minor a thing color is in relation to the changes between FO2 and FO3. Hmmm.. It's possible to be interested in an element of the game while being uninterested in the game itself (specifically if 'interested in the game' means 'interested enough thay you'll buy and play it.')
  4. Prince of Persia. Love the series. Love the trailer.
  5. I'm playing DX2 right now (I've never finished a play-though
  6. This one is better Experience *epic* shades of brown.
  7. You can only attack hostile creatures, with the exception of scripted sequences (ie shiving the prisoner). So, no, you can't just kill her on sight. You can't kill the King on sight, or Duncan, or another other NPC. Now, you don't have to have her in your party, but that doesn't mean she stops playing an important role in the story. If you mean party members, you're incorrect. There's one party member you have to take on, and you don't have to keep him.
  8. Only if you believe in aesthetic relativism. If you
  9. No, it won't.
  10. How so? It's not a PC version that is floating around in the wild. It's sort of sad when the person who starts a thread hasn't even bothered to read the article he's linking you to. That a half dozen other people did the same is par. In no way is it easier or simpler. You have to do exactly what you do when pirating PCs, plus burn a DVD, and plus chip your console. In Europe, there are places where you can legally get it chipped, and X-Box Live can't touch you, but for most of the world a chip means opening up your X-Box and modifying the hardware (it's not like a PC where you can just snap a part in the slot) and if you log onto X-Box Live, it's quite possible your account will be deleted. If pirating a console game was as easy as a PC game then as many people would pirate games for ttheir consoles as their PCs.
  11. You think it's worse than other BioWare games... but you've never played it? It's your prerogative to not buy a game based on screenshots and reviews, but come on now. Anyways, the DRM was bad, but I don
  12. Thank you Deraldin. Different brains.
  13. I haven't been on the forum for over a year. If I was around, I'd have said it in a more timely manner.
  14. I'm playing Dues Ex: The Invisible War. I enjoy the game and think the real 'problem' with it is that it bought into its own hype. The original, like BioShock, was a shooter with an interesting setting and RPG elements. The game would be improved vastly by paying more attention to the shooter elements like level design instead of trying to make the game more RPGish by adding false choices.
  15. It's good to know the developers are keen to that issue. How would a dot in the center of the screen help though?
  16. I rather like Volo. He's like one of those balloon clowns: smack him down and he put pops right up with a grin.
  17. I hate the new introductory music.
  18. I think the issue here is that different game genres have different expectations. For one thing, playing an MMO for 50 hours does not get you the same type of experience as playing a other genres. How much of that 50 hours is spent in travel? How much of it waiting for a group or regenerating health and mana? How much of it is wandering from node to node to gather herbs and minerals? How much of it is helping low level guild members through an instance? Despite utilizing many elements from other game genres, most notably cRPGs, the relationship and expectations a player has with an MMO is fundamentally different. If I played an adventure game that lasted 60 hours, I
  19. I believe so although Ive seen some complaining that it contains DRM so that may effect your decision. It's been out for several months. From everything I've heard, the controls on the PC version are superior.
  20. Wait... "going back to 3.5" is a bad thing?! The best thing I can say about 3.5 is that it
  21. As a character, the only flaw I saw in Kreia was that she tended to be both obvious and heavy-handed at times. I expect a master manipulator and powerful Sith lord to have a lighter, defter touch. The classic example would be when the PC gives money to a beggar and Kreia lectures you as you watch a cut-scene. Not only does she overstate her case, but the KotOR switches from game mode to movie mode. At the same time, I realize there are limits to the level of storytelling and characterization built into a game. You have to be blatant if you want players who are only casually interested in the story to notice what you
  22. In 2003, you could play a man or a woman and there were different shades of skin color. In 2010, you can play a white guy. Progress - ain't it grand?
  23. In 4e you die if.. Take enough damage to reduce your hit points to negative your bloodied value (half your HP). Hit 0 HP and fail 3 death saving throws. There's no 'bleeding' in 4e when you hit 0 HP, but as the rounds go by so quickly in NWN, I suppose an NPC could die before the player noticed.
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