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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. Isn't the whole deal with Vault 101 that no one gets in or out? I assumed they disabled the access panel on the outside. My favorite character so far is the girl I left in the vault. If there's a way to get back in and get on her good side again, I'd like to know.
  2. This game runs better on my computer than Oblivion did. It runs better than Dead Space, Far Cry, Mass Effect, Devil May Cry, Halo 2, or NWN 2. And it looks really good. How is that possible?
  3. I just now realized that sleeping for 8+ hours gets you a Well Rested (+10% xp) state. Then again, I just got my own house. My explosive skill is 15. 1) Kids aren't that interesting. 2) A bunch of kids just wandering around doesn't add much and takes away from FPS. 3) As noted in the game, the birthrate is going down.
  4. I wasn't talking about you. As far as I know, there's only dogmeat. Though I suppose Jericho might be a companion. I've been using speech conversation options as I find them and not quick saving before I talk to people. At this point, I've lost 80% of my speech challanges (my speech is now 55, so it's getting better). I think Bethesda counted on people saving and reloading because charisma is my highest stat and speech is my highest still. I'd disagree; the voice acting and dialogue in Oblivion was consistently bad.
  5. I don't understand the complaints about the dialogue or the voice acting. I
  6. In Vault 101, an older woman makes the comment that in her day, there were many children in the Vault, but now-a-days there are only a handful. I found Agetha and am doing the violin quest: is the Vault HQ dangerous for a level 5 gunslinger? Also, I found 2/5 of the Keppler Tapes. Any idea on how to get the rest?
  7. I found the Bethesda Ruins about 3 hours ago. Everyone there is dead now. I was hoping for an easter egg or something, but that's it: Bethesda Ruins with some raiders inside.
  8. Vault 106 Have you done the quest where you rescue the Wastelanders from the Super Mutants? I only have one rescue so far, but got stuck in a house surrounded by four Super Mutants with two mini-guns, a shotgun, and a hunting rifle. Have you gone by Germantown? I'm loading up my rifle before I do the Big Town mission.
  9. Lockpicking is simple. Mr. Burke sent me a love letter.
  10. I'm playing on easy. At level 2, I met my first group of super-mutants right outside of Anfur (Lucy's hometown). The first one blew my legs off with a missle launcher and the second ripped through me with a mini-gun. I was dead so fast, it wasn't funny. And I only had a Chinese officer's sword to fight them with.
  11. Lucy West wants you to give a letter to her family?
  12. Bobblehead Medicine = Vault 101, Dad's office Bobblehead Science = Vault 106, Lab level Also, the Vault 106 story makes no sense. Also, hookers in this game are lame. I miss witcher sex cards.
  13. We need a new german word for taking pleasure in the pain people feel when they enjoy themselves.
  14. I hate jumping. If I'm at a crate that reaches my belly, just let me hit 'e' and get ontop of the damn crate already. I don't want to spend five minutes trying to hop on top of it because that's the only way to get the suitcase full of diamonds.
  15. All those poor 'fallout' fans who were hoping it would suck must need a hug about now.
  16. Translation: I went to the store at midnight to pick up a copy of FO3. Uh, I mean, there was a h4wt-ch1ck. At the end of an eight hour shift, she was dying to shove her assets in my face to get me to buy a game that the store will run out of by the end of the week. Did I mention I just happened to be in the area at midnight, and did not at all expect to see FO3 on the shelves? Total coincidence.
  17. I hope they change that.
  18. That would be SPORE. In FO 1/2, couldn
  19. I find this game terrifying and I
  20. You know what would be AWESOME? If the Fallout franchise was passed around like a french hooker. Blizzard -> World of Fallout Square Enix -> Final Fallout Fantasy
  21. I dislike RTS. You have to pull me in with a good story and setting. The Warhammer 4k games I enjoy just because the Space Marines are my buddies. They're so cute! Oh, and the little dudes with the jetpack + chainsaw are my favorites. I also enjoyed Age Of Legends. Both of those games combined an overland map of controlled, neutral, and enemy territories. Your territories provided you with resources instead of you plunking down a miner/woodcutter whatever. More RTS should do that. But, I still prefer games like Alpha Centurai, Civilization VI, or Galactic Civ. To me, strategy should not be 80% warfare.
  22. Annoying, isn't it?
  23. Why would Knights of the Old Republic 'not be pretty?' The graphics are a bit out dated, but it's a nice game.
  24. Piracy has not been mentioned once in the thread. Therefore, for some reason that defies logical explination, I'm going to mention piracy in the hopes that piracy is not mentioned. Edit: And now I see that people had already started talking about it, but those posts are gone. My bad.
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