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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. I think you just answered your own question, my friend.
  2. Neat. It's the dark-side imbued alchemical Sith metal, isn't it?
  3. Hmm, no, I don't believe the average person is self-aware enough to know whether they are essentially pessimistic or optimistic. Some do, but not all. There
  4. The other thread is about people pirating the game. This is about the game itself. What
  5. We can eat people for health. That's nice.
  6. Dark Raven and Volourn or Dark Raven and Will the Almighty? You can fit more than two people in a room.
  7. *salivate* Hope it's good.
  8. Ebert gave Tomb Raider 3/5 and then went on about how much he loved the movie. I've read many reviews by movie critic in which how much they like/dislike the film isn't what they base the review on. Now, I can't say that about game reviews, though Yatzee may come close at times.
  9. A C isn't always average. Teachers that grade on scales ususally have B as the average score. A C being average depends on the subject, the type of teacher, and the students. High School English is usually a B average. Math used to be C average, but a number of laws reward schools with more funding if students get higher test scores so you're seeing more student aids like being able to use notes on a test and partial credit for an incorrect answer. School grading scales are borked up for a large number of reasons right now.
  10. I wouldn't be surprised if you got hundreds of bright color options. For my Sith character, I'd like a metal sword that's as good as a light saber. What's that substence again? Cortisol?
  11. Two reasons: 1. The publishers don't like it, especially marketing. Being able to get exclusives or to review a game before it's out is important for sites and magazines, and that hurts their ability to do so. 2. Consumers don't like it. People like numbers, stars, or thumbs up or down. RT's methodology is great for modern cinema. For video games, it doesn’t fare as well.
  12. Far Cry 2 and the original Fable.
  13. The thread has exploded, which is neat as I've never started a thread that's done that. If a mod is able to, could you rename it 'Knight of the Old Republic MMO'? We now know what game it is.
  14. Would they actually kick the Jawas or would they just see how far they can throw them with the force? It would depend on the Sith Lord, but they're more likely to use the force. Sith Marauders would be inclined to physically punt them.
  15. Yes, they have outlines that pop up when I hover over them, but all assult rifles seem to have the same outline. What is a wire stock? I have a black assult rifle but most people drop silver ones. Anyways, I went to some same to talk to some guy to make him lie to a special forces unit. After battling my way in for a half-hour, I clicked on him and the game froze. *Annoyed squinting of eyes*
  16. ~sigh~ Picked up this game and am struggling. Just got to Mike's for the first time. You know that guy who gives you the taperecorder missions? Next time you see him, look at his crotch. Someone on the art team liked him. I'm confused on the upgrading weapons. I see where their attributes are listed, but how am I to know what weapon is what in the real world. There's assult rifle silver and assult rifle black.
  17. Yep, that's what a Sith Lord does when he's angry. Rant on the interwebs.
  18. Go Grand Theft Auto on her ass. Maybe you can beat it back out of her.
  19. I think the system they used before was... brutal I guess part of me just wondered where the fun in this is. You can play a Jedi after a year of grinding through your professions, the character can die permanently, and if you ever use your Jedi powers around others they can kill you (how do you do group quests?). Why would Rebels kill a Jedi?
  20. I checked on Wookipedia, and it seems Tython is already part of SW lore. It's like the Jedi spawning ground. Like the Ur-Jedi. Like the Garden of Forceness.
  21. Okay, so for me FC2 > S:CS. What about Dead Space? (Maria does not have alot of dosh and is saving for Fallout 3)
  22. Errr, do you mean make it easy to be a Jedi? When I read your response below this one, it seems to me you think this way. I was this close to making a response towards your position that you feel making it hard to be a Jedi is a good thing for SWTOR, but I don't think you actually mean that... Aristes is TOYING WITH MY MIND. That last post and the lack of avatar proves it. I'm not even sure if Aristes is an innie or an outie.
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