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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. The ennui of modern living, an excess of free time, and a medium in which ten minutes of typing can get you the attention of a dozen people. I hope it
  2. It's gotten to the point that I sometimes buy games and then let them gather dust for three months so the developers can release the necessary patches.
  3. Newc, There are people who are interested in the Fallout series, but who aren't interested in Fallout 3. Take Star Trek, I've seen most of the shows and all of the movies. The last few movies were uninteresting to me, but I followed them, read reviews about them, watched clips on them, etc. Just because something isn't interesting doesn't mean it's not part of something that interests you.
  4. That's a pretty lopsided way to analyse the SE system. Besides, what is not broken about dead members waking up again with a swoosh and shinies when the enemy moves 10 metres away? Everything.
  5. Being a game developer isn't easy. You live at the whim of your publisher and even great games can flounder and drown. If you're lucky people will like one of your games and then you get to churn out sequel after sequal because that's what the publisher will pay you for. I sometimes wonder what a Trokia KotOR 2 would look like. That said, as someone who liked Morrowind, I thought Oblivion was a horrible, boring and unfun game. If it can make money (and it did) Fallout 3 can make money.
  6. World of Warcraft. I'm on a crappy server though. The game is 10x better when there are people I enjoy around.
  7. The original NWN was fun. Its story wasn't as deep as other games, and the tilesets bored me, but it still was fun.
  8. It takes a combination of real time combat and give it first person view. After all Deus Ex and Bloodlines were both FPS games and not RPGs. RIght, folks? Right? Meh, we're all just speculating. Not one of us has played the game. I tend to think Trokia > Bethesda, but I also notice that Trokia is out of business while Bethesda seems to be doing well.
  9. "The shop is now under new management."
  10. Having to play with the CD in the drive is annoying. CD-Keys are fifteen seconds of typing in numbers before chucking the booklet in the booklet bin.
  11. It's a demo. If there's a 22% chance of getting a headshot with VATS, are they going to show someone missing 3 times and hitting for partial damage the fourth time?
  12. There are no forced party members in DA:O. There is one temperary party member you have to take along, but you can drop him afterwards.
  13. Right. Like Jade Empire. Oh, wait, no huge organization of elite warriors or ancient race. BG2? I don't recall a huge organization of elite warriors and I wouldn't call Irenicus an 'ancient race.' NWN, it has the ancient race, but no HOEW.
  14. FO3 is like sex. In polite company, one should never admit to liking it.
  15. *disappointed* *puts away brass knuckles* I, sir, am a lady. FYI.
  16. You might be overthinking this. The sweet rolls might just be from one writer who spends too much time at his keyboard and too little sleeping or walking in the sun.
  17. I've come to the point where I view animations as more important than model detail or attempts at 'photorealistic' environments. I think it's a matter of priority. For me 'good graphics' means rich in color + fluid + stylistic. Fallout 3 looks ugly to me, though if they're able to capture the post-apocalyptic setting well enough, I think that's fine.
  18. You know, I hadn't seen any gameplay vids previously. That looks sweet.
  19. Two classes left! What will they be? I'm hoping for paladin type and assasin type.
  20. My favorite character right now is a tiefling feylock. Remember to grab up powers that target Will.
  21. *Is exercising her clicky finger in anticipation* Anways, I'm more interested in the save system. I installed Diablo 2 when I first heard D3 was coming out. After clearing the area around the starting camp out five times, I shelved it.
  22. I don't know who Zeratul is and my father is dead. The Zerg game will have an entire plot.
  23. I'll pick up the Zerg one. Who cares about humans or Protoss? That said, I think people who are concerned about this have nothing to worry about. Instead of getting one Starcraft game, they're going to get three.
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