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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. Never before have I enjoyed gore in a game. Yet, there's just something about sneaking behind a master super mutant, crit hitting them in the head, and getting a slow mo image of it exploding and ripping off their neck.
  2. Is ridiculous a bad thing? I am sure there are deeply important and serious questions that I ought to be asking myself, but I don't come on a gamer's message board for those. Also, acid stops a troll from healing, but isn't anymore damaging to them than it is to a human. Their stomach acid doesn't hurt them for the same reason our stomach acid doesn't hurt us: it's too weak to distroy the protective layer in our belly.
  3. Michael Phelps has a great body. The face is...
  4. Heidi Klum's measurements are 35-24.5-35.5, but it will be often given as 34-24-34 as her real measurements are consudered too 'heavy' for a runway model. In what bizzaro reality is this considered to heavy? The Guitar Hero ad. I think she looked sexier with the man's shirt on than when she took it off. And yes, it was an ad for A&F.
  5. I want to critical hit a ghoul's head while Cliff Edwards croons 'When You Wish Upon a Star.' Okay, the game does one thing I hate: the lower the difficulty, the lower the XP. I understand that some people want to be rewarded for playing on hard, but I've played for 20+ hours now and haven't reached level 10. Maybe they should do something like if you play the game on hard without ever changing the difficulty, your next game you unlock different stuff for your house.
  6. Anyone figured out how to add music to GNR? Cause I have American Songbook: 6 CDs of 1940/50s music.
  7. 1. It doesn't matter to me that the socio-political climate in the US changed didn't change in the fallout'verse. As I've pointed out when people ask why Star Wars seems to always be the same over thousands of year: the rapid social and technological change we see in modern, Western countries is a historical aberration. We assume because the world we live in changes in a certain way that all worlds and cultures should do so, but that’s not necessarily true. 2. Who says that it was the 1950s for over a hundred years? They might have had the various social changes and then when the fight with communist countries like China broke out, backpedaled to what they viewed as a
  8. Volourn does magic tricks! Did you see that one? Instead of pulling a rabbit out of a hat, he pulled an opinon out of his backside.
  9. Now that Fallout has been resurrected, let's hand it over to a third-party developer so they can introduce elements most fans are unlikely to enjoy. It's a model for success. Also, Obsidian has never made a turn-based, isometric game. What makes you so sure they'd be interested in taking Fallout in that direction? Their last two games used engines developed by a different publisher. Why not use whatever engine Fallout 3 used?
  10. For me, the PS2 is still more attractive than the PS3. Two, almost three, years after release, that's a bad thing. If it takes another two years for the PS3 to 'break away from the pack,' that's a problem as consoles only last around four to five years before the next generation hits.
  11. All my posts are of the highest quality. REALLY! uh-huh.
  12. His first name was Erich. I said, 'People think I'm a woman all the time..'
  13. It's not the number of accounts, but the quality. What was your old handle again? Why would you think someone named 'Maria' was a guy? That's like thinking someone named 'CrashGirl' is.
  14. They could, yes. It's the misleading name. People think I'm a woman all the time as well.
  15. The spirit monks were niether huge, nor elite warriors. They were an orginization though, and one out of three aint' bad.
  16. How do you get to GNR? I exited Friendship Station and my little arrow just tells me to go back inside. I go back inside and my little arrow tells me to leave.
  17. Yes. I'd go so far as to say that it runs better on low settings than Oblivion did on low. Though it's the opposite on higher settings. This is all my computer, and as we know, computers are unique snowflakes and no two are the same.
  18. I have a horrible computer for games (integrated graphics card) and it runs great.
  19. Can I get spoilers as to the locations of the bobbleheads you've found?
  20. I was sneaking. He still drew them to me because he doesn't do sneak attacks.
  21. I honestly think that's the default character for the game. I finally got my small guns + sneak skill up and have been 1-shotting everything; I'm level 8. The Chinese Assult Rifle and 10mm minigun are my best friends right now.
  22. You can't make me take the GOAT!
  23. I'm found Vault 106 at level 2. It's right by 101.
  24. I wish you could give your companions orders. In the Crysler Building, I had to leave dogmeat outside, as he'd immediately go on a rampage and bring everything in the building over to slaughter us. The building itself is a disappointment. This game has too many dungeons-to-nowhere. You enter a hostile area, and battle your way to the bottom to find
  25. I found him in something called the Scrapyard. South of Minefield. East of Agatha. West of Weton Armory. North of M.. Station.
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