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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. This is a bit like saying that GRRM is a thinly veiled Tolkien clone. Yes, they have dwarves, elves, dragons, and magic. Other than that, the game system and setting don't strike me as being anything like DnD.
  2. I want a new video card, yes. I know next to nothing about which ones are good (I bought my last one over five years ago) but I assume yours is nice. I have no idea if I could afford it though. How much do you want? *edit* I just googled 'GTX 280.' That's way out of my price range. Forget I said anything.
  3. **double post**
  4. Well, BG2, Anachronox. The point is that they were trying to be original and different. Today it seems that no one takes any risks, because failure costs too much. Your example of a game not about saving the world is one about saving the universe. Paradise Lost by Milton. To quote my college English prof, 'This is a masterpiece. But no one has ever finished it and wished Milton had written more.' How about A Song of Ice and Fire? I love the series, but wish his editor would find a pair and start using the red pen o' death. Even die hard Wheel of Time fans have told me that the series is too long had has a ton of useless content that should never have seen print. Improvement by reduction is a worthwhile concept in music, painting, poetry, prose, movies, and games. I'm sorry this letter is so long, I didn't have time to make it shorter." — George Bernard Shaw
  5. What RPGs came out this year? Mass Effect PC Fallout 3 Fable II WoW: Wrath of the Lich King The Witcher Rise of the Argonauts Sacred 2: Fallen Angel NWN2: Storm of Zehir Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods Age of Conan Warhammer Online Two-Worlds Chrono Trigger (on DS) Can anyone else think of others? (Or add the JRPGs that I know nothing about?)
  6. Was it great to begin with? No. Does shrinking it make it better? At least it doesn't waste so much of the reader's time. The Lord of the Rings is a wildly popular and imitated fantasy novel (or sextet) but it
  7. I played Diablo II. In fact, I was playing it less than two months ago. People overstate just how
  8. Do you sell your old cards on e-bay?
  9. Titan's Quest. I constantly compare it in my mind to Diablo II and for every hour playing it, I spend about an hour online reading about it. All the while speculating about Diablo III, of course. Right now I'm obsessed with item drops and why/how they're so different. In Diablo II, I always played an Amazon or an Assassin, and while playing, I almost never felt that I *needed* to farm an area. I still did so, yes, because I wanted something cool to drop. I was being greedy, and when it got boring, I moved on. Titan’s Quest is different. I feel as though I’ll slip too far below par if I ‘just play’ and don’t farm end bosses. My first character (a few years ago) ended up getting through to the end, but there were times I’d *constantly* die, especially in China. I know I had a bad build – I always have bad builds – but it was ridiculous how much pain I’d endure trying to survive any attack with, say, fire in it. Also, while playing class X, I never found myself regretting the choice to play class X. In Titan Quest, I constantly think 'Gee, if I were playing a different class, I'd really be able to use this blue item.' I resent both the games for their save systems. I don
  10. Overgeneralization is the best.
  11. Once upon a time, I'd run out to buy the latest game/toy/comic book/anime DVD without reading reviews first. Back when my major source of income was named S-T-E-P-D-A-D. Then I grew up. (Meaning, I now read the reviews, decide reviewers are idiots, and buy what I want anyway. I still pick up crap titles, but I do my research first! ) I enjoyed KotOR and JE. Mass Effect runs horribly on my PC, but so does everything but Fallout 3. I look forward to Dragon Age. I
  12. If you'd bothered to read the very informative posts by mr. 'Swedish guy under moderation' then you'd have known how screwed you were days ago. Instead, you got to hold on to meager and fleeting hope until reality dropped on you like a pile of ****-bricks. I have no idea how RockStar messed up like this, and I
  13. Yes, I can do that as well. Behold: the power of my mind!
  14. A lot depends on whether they can take their story idea and go somewhere original with it. I getting a bit sick of secret societies. I think I
  15. Unoriginal name and a dood for the protagonist. It doesn't get my juices flowing. When is the next The Longest Journey game coming out? That's an adventure game I look forward to.
  16. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/vie.../333-Dead-Space Por vu
  17. I'm reinstalling Titan's Quest + Immortal Throne, now I just have to find Defiler (I believe that's the name) and I'm ready for hours of mindless hack and slash.
  18. Llyranor made a deliberately misleading comment? Shock!
  19. My best combo so far is sword, sword, sword, magic, sword, magic, gauntlet, magic, sword, magic, sword. I've only been able to do the entire thing twice because most badies hit the edge before I finish. Does anyone else think Hunter, Warrior, Alchemist, and Concubine is the best order for the story? I figured I just go right to left (Hunter, Alchemist, Concubine, and Warrior). I wonder if any developer/writer at Ubisoft has weighed in on the 'prefered' order.
  20. Molyneux has 'hinted' at a PC version before. And I doubt it will be Direct X 10 only.
  21. .. it doesn't come out for two more days. Also, the characters in the game are a bit odd. Pan as an old, wise healer type? This is a god best known for having goat legs and trying to sleep with anything that moved. If the PC asks Pan for medicine, he should give you hallucinogenic mushrooms. After watching the pretty lights, the PC should pass out and wake with a burning soreness in his rectum. *That's* how you modernize Greek gods. Is it possible to get *too* excited over playing a computer game?
  22. 'Harlequin Shadowlands'? Only if people role-play, and you have to hold a gun to peoples heads to get them to RP in an MMORPG.
  23. It's beautiful. Fallout 3, GTA, and Farcry are not beautiful in the least. The.. h8ers? It's getting great reviews across the board.
  24. I already figured out how to do it. There's a 'settings' button on the launcher and an options button in-game that lets you remap the controls. I changed the attack button to F and managed to get through that portion.
  25. More endless tapping! I'm fighting the Warrior right now and to win I have to repeatedly click my right mouse button fast enough. I've played this eight times now, and can't get it right. Oh, boy! Isn't this fun? And there's no way to remap buttons.
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