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Everything posted by Salsabettis

  1. I have a question. Might be kinda a dumb, but what good would using a KotOR 1 saved game be for KotOR 2?
  2. I voted Kreia. I think it will be either her or Atton Rand. Not because I want to know more about the two, but because to me it just seems logical to introduce the early party members first so that they don't accidently spoil some plot points.
  3. Being able to actually join the sith is probably more wishful thinking on our part.
  4. That is how I took it. It seems to me that when you are DS in this game, you will actually join the sith instead of being a rogue dark jedi on a mission to reclaim control of the sith.
  5. One helluva a bump there. Feb 9 to July 31.
  6. Are you sure about that? Don't blank DVD's cost a whole lot more than blank CD's? I think having it on DVD would be cool, but I would have to buy a new drive, mine is kinda crappy and doesn't always work right. I need to uprage anyways, and if I have not by the time the game comes out it would force me to because I want to play the game.
  7. I always have thought the Masked guy was going to be a good villian, regardless of Tyrell's claims of it being cliche
  8. There are so many places where I live that I can buy the game, so preordering would be kind of silly.
  9. Personally, I think Sion looks way more badass in the trailer than he does in the concept art. The half second or so that we see him just tells me that this dude will be tough. Was it just me, or did the silver suit guy mentioned have a Darth Vader like breathing?
  10. Are you complaining about my complaining? I did my time with dial-up a long time ago. And with my DSL which is only 384k, this thing still took a bit to download.
  11. ads ads and loading. I was shocked when I actually got to download the damn movie. Craftsman. I hate you. Now the wait will feel much longer because that trailer looked amazing to me. Anywho, thanks for the link.
  12. I chose Sentinel. They said that skills will be more significant in this game, and I want to see how true this is.
  13. I think it would be neat if we could be left handed, because I am left handed, and my off hand is my right and not my left.
  14. I think something funny with Atton Rand would be great. Does saving the galaxy always have to be serious?
  15. Oh, and to be on topic. I think it would be kind of lame if there was some sort of planet or huge space station gets destroyed. I think the idea of superweapons taking out planets or just large scale destruction in a short amount of time is a bit overused in the SW Universe.
  16. In A New Hope, they used Proton Torpedoes to destroy the Death Star. They explain their use in the briefing. The guy says something about the vent being ray sheilded, so they have to use proton torpedoes. I don't remember any other instances in the movies, but they talk about them all over the place in the EU books.
  17. I voted Force Constipate because...well, I don't know why.
  18. CONGRATULATIONS! I could make absolutely no sense of that post! I second that.
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