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6 Foot Invisible Rabbit

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Everything posted by 6 Foot Invisible Rabbit

  1. I have yet played a good movie to game conversion. I have yet seen a good game to movie conversion..
  2. I am an empirical rationalist. I go by what I can see, hear, touch, and so forth. I know God exists. I know that Lucifer (Semyaz, Satan, Bob, whatever you want to call him) exists. I worship neither one.
  3. They should just release the game when it is done. If the game is done in 1 year then release it. If the game is done in 3 years then release it. Simple as that.
  4. The Mirror Universe was formed out of this universe. The regular Star Trek Universe was founded by Puritans.
  5. I would very much doubt that we are going t be playing Revan or the Exile because they were the most powerful there were iat the end of the game. I mean, what more can they do to advance in power. Max level is max level.
  6. What are you talking about?
  7. They won't. It will be yet another rush job. LA don't seem to care too much about making quality games out of their pocket when it comes to hiring new developing companies.
  8. Well, a lot of people say Diablo and Dungeon Siege are CRPGs and they are most obviously are not.
  9. Again, I have to ask who's Visc? Anyway, I play both Console and PC. If there is a choice between the two for multiplatform games I would pick PC over console, but I won't deny there are some good games on console, specifically the X Box that I am going to give a try.
  10. Cliffhangers only make sense if you are going to use the same character in the next game which was canceled and the character was too powerful to start off in a fresh game. Not to be overly critical of Obsidian, but it was a fairly poor design choice.
  11. Here is a word of advice that can go a long ways: Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweatty things.
  12. The story of the BG series is over with. The could make another Baldur's Gate game series, but they shouldn't call it BG 3.
  13. Stories are meant to go forward, not backwards. If the games series was meant to start at an earlier point then they should have started the story there. Same goes with the movies. If Georgie boy really wanted to tell the story of Anakin's fall then he should have started with Episode 1 back in 1977. You start the story at the starting point and you finish the story at its end.
  14. It could have been worse. They could have named him
  15. Well, it is a list of Best Games of ALL TIME. I wonder if Space Invaders and Pong are in that list.
  16. Change everything? Only a small percentage of the human population are homosexual. As long as the games we play reflect that small precentage then I don't see the big deal. If you don't want your character gay, then don't role play him gay. Simple as that. I just want to add, I see your point but these are role playing games. You just role play your character as you see fit. If it bothers you that much, then don't play the games you know that have the "gay options."
  17. Homosexual or heterosexual.. In a RPG there both the same to me. Its about playuing your character. You choose how your character is played and if he or she is homo because you wish to play him or her that way, then it is your choice. Whether or not the other people in the party are homo or not is up to the developers. Such as trying to romance Dawn Star with a female character isn't going to work out. She isn't a lesbian, from how I was able to respond to her with my female character in the game, but Silk Fox is at least Bisexual. I think that people are too freaking hung up on the homo-hetero thing, and those who are unreasonable about it are spouting off religious doctrine, which has no bearing on biological processes, as their proof that homosexuality is bad. As long as people are ignorant, intolerate, and religious (I hate organized religion and always will, personal pet peeve and all) and not look at human physiology and rational science there will be this hate and bigotry. By George Lucas and his companys' stance on this, I would catagorize him as a bigot. Frankly I find a brother and sister french kissing and groping more distrubing than two unrelated males french kissing and groping, but that is just me.
  18. Well, we all know what happened to Troika now, don't we.
  19. Burn down my house? That would be some X-Box since I don't have a house. One of the main reasons why I didn't even consider the Game Cube is the fact I couldn't play DVDs. I have a fairly small entertainment center and barely enough room for my VCR and DVD player. X-Box took the place of my DVD player and works great. I heard the PS2s are a little finicky when it comes to play DVDs and that is why I didn't go that route.
  20. Why are they against modding the X-Box. I mean its no more than a low end PC in Console form.
  21. Well, they didn't have Fruit of the Loom or Hanes back in medieval times.
  22. Not enough experience? These are the people who made Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Planescape Torment, Icewind Dale 1, and Icewind Dale 2, and numerous other games prior to the formation of Black Isle. They have the experience. What they need is a publisher that gives a crap which Lucas Arts does not. The only way KotOR 3 will be worth getting is if LA isn't the publisher.
  23. I was overall satisfied with the game.
  24. That is why you don't make games that uses established licenses. I look forward to the day Obsidian makes their own original IPs like Bioware.
  25. Hey, watch it you buggers. While you are making fun of my deductive abilities and spoilers, why don't you tell me how I can play off the hard drive. :D
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