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6 Foot Invisible Rabbit

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Everything posted by 6 Foot Invisible Rabbit

  1. I didn't know at the time okay. It wasn't after I got the ring that I found out about her little problem.
  2. Oh, you are a funny one. She wanted to carve it into my chest. Word to the wise, folks. Never date someone who is Paranoid Schizophrenic. It could be hazzardous to your health.
  3. The Greatest What Is The Point Drink Ever: Diet Caffiene Free Jolt.
  4. There was no video, thank god, though I would have prefered she used a camera instead of a knife.
  5. Personaly I rather get to know a woman before doing the nasty and I would perfer to do so on the wedding night. Call me old fashion but that is just the way I am, mostly due previous experience otherwise which was horrorific indeed.
  6. Can't go wrong by renting first. Too bad PC games can't be rented.
  7. Ramza got a lil' pissed if I remember right. Then again I don't usually remember things right.
  8. Okay, here is a lplace where you can get some decent Video Cards for a good price. If I were you I would seriously consider to save up money to get a decent card than to have your card be obsolete the moment you open the box. Also I would get an NVidia card. They are generally slower than a Raedon, but they have less compatibility issues with software. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/ca...|c:1087|&Sort=2 Such as you can get a Geforce FX 5500 with 256 MB for the same price as as that 4000 after rebate. Just keep that in mind.
  9. I'm on Kobol. Sorry.
  10. Shhh... They don't know that.
  11. Frank Harvey? That can work.
  12. I thought CoN uses the same engine as BGDA?
  13. You just flipped the channel and got that? Normally that sort of thing is PPV.
  14. I like the Outer Limits, both the original and the newer series.
  15. What is there not to like? Its a prequel. Stories are meant to go forwards, not backwards.
  16. Just as long people don't refer me as Visceris it will help.
  17. The should at least remove the Sonn portion til they know 100% certainty.
  18. Over the course of the day I have been going over some of what Darque, Volourn, and Llyranor and to a lesser extent Gromnir stated in the April's Fools thread and it got me thinking that Visceris must die. When I log onto the net I take a net persona that was Visceris, even when I tried not to be Visceris-like. There were always triggers that would put me into Visceris mode, such as Exitium's prank. Chris Avellone and I discussed this through e-mails a while back on this and I should have taken care of it way back when but these events have made me want to kill Visceris for one very reason. That being is that if Exitium's prank came from one of my Real World friends I would have still fallen for it, but instead of going into Visceris mode I would go into Harvey mode. I would first laugh at myself for falling for it and then laugh at the joke itself, which was Exitium's intended purpose. Now I know RPG Codex and myself have a history but I think as I kill Visceris it is time to kill that history. Deathboy, I think that was his nick, kind of influenced that decision as well. While I know I won't be forgiven, nor do I wished to, by the Codexers at large and I am sure more gay pr0n, tubgirl, and other unsavory pics will most certainly will come I won't be taking it personally. As I said, its time to kill Visceris. I do feel I need to apologize to Exitium, who I have always seen as the second most reasonable person from RPG Codex, for overreacting and making an ass out of myself. I went to the forums earlier just to see how the news thread was going and I have to say that diagram of Visceris speaking out of his ass did cause me to chuckle. With the killing of Visceris I think it is time to be more honest to myself and to others which I will strive for. DIE VISCERIS DIE!
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