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6 Foot Invisible Rabbit

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Everything posted by 6 Foot Invisible Rabbit

  1. Um, he did say good CRPGs.
  2. Force Lighning, Force Choke, maybe he could use force crush on you. That would be keen.
  3. Well, since then the raven population sky rocketed into astronomical numbers. If you walk through campus you better bring an umbrella and its not for the rain.
  4. A few years ago I was walking through campus to where I worked at the time. From the commons building to the publications building, which is a good mile apart, a single raven followed me. Went from light pole to light pole, looking at me and following me. It almost freaked me out.
  5. It was done for cinematic purposes and since the KotOR games are cinematic in nature it made perfect sense.
  6. So, not based on George Orwell's story then?
  7. Planescape is a dead setting and I would prefer Obsidian starts to work on their own IP, PC or otherwise.
  8. Today I was waklking home from work and a brown squirrel ran up to me, about 10 feet away, and stood on its hind legs in what looked like a martial art stance. I thought what the hell and I felt a bit whimsical so I got into a similar stance. The beast then ran straight at me and I ran towards it and then it suddenly swerved to on coming traffic. Now in most cases that would make Squirrel Road Pizza but not in this case. A woman driving a jeep swerved to miss the squirrel, hit th curb and pretty much launched the jeep right at me. Obviously the Jeep didn't hit me or I wouldn't be typing this right now and I would want to see more trees planted by the road side. While the woman was distraught over her single car accident I looked for the squirrel. The squirrel was on the oppoite side of the street, on its hind legs again, and giving me what looked like the squirrel equivelent of the bird. It then scampered off into the bushes of a nearby house. I laughed and continued walking home.
  9. I found the story prety damn good in KotOR 2, its just the ending that needed reworking. I liked the story for several reasons, the first and fore most reason is that it doesn't treat the player like an idiot like the first KotOR 1.
  10. My view is this: Malak was so wrapped up in destroying his enemies. He couldn't see the subtle machinations that Revan had put in place. The bombing of Telos happened before Revan was "killed" from my understanding of it, but instead of Revan showing his hand to Malak he or she kept quiet about it because he or she knew that the Droid factory was still intact and any damage done to it would be repaired by the HK-50s. Revan channeled Malak's destructive urgings by making sure certain planets were destroyed while at the same time distract Malak from destroying worlds that Revan will need later. Of course that plan goes down the drain when Malak, sick and tired of being controlled and held back, attack Revan's ship and the Jedi capturing him/her. During this whole time the droid factory was rebuilding any damage that occurred and making HK-50s so they can follow Revan's directives.
  11. You do have a point. I would basically increase his level that he is at least 5 to 10 levels above the PC and have a fully tricked out double bladed light saber.
  12. That is because you have something in common with Kojak. You both suck.
  13. Certainly, friend. Here you go: http://www.stargatesg1rpg.com/ If you follow the links these are the same people who did the Farscape d20 PnP RPG.
  14. Well, its a wierd glitch you have but I would assume so. Don't quote me on it, though.
  15. Take the gun to the Duros black marketeer.
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