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6 Foot Invisible Rabbit

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Everything posted by 6 Foot Invisible Rabbit

  1. As far as I am concerned it is a dead issue. We already know the answer. LA's silence is the answer.
  2. Has there been any new patches since the last one? Has the movies/music patch been released? What has LA and OE has done with the game recently?
  3. Who? Sorry, but I hold companies accountable when they make statements about their products. Good or ill. Any sane person would.
  4. The content patch of the new music and new movies was stated to be released a few days after the last patch. That is what John Morgan said. I hold him accountable for the misinfomation.
  5. That is why I uninstalled it and deleted it. Played it once but the constant internet check was a major pain. My computer isn't online all the time, only when I am actually doing online stuff. Rest of the time its unhooked, physically.
  6. Well, the support of the game is dead. The series should go with it.
  7. I rarely get tear jerky but the "death" of Gandalf got me for some odd reason. Man, I am such a geek.
  8. No, the whole freaking game. Their label, their responsibility.
  9. Obsidian is still responsible for it.
  10. Concept art is meanngless for it shows nothing about the game. Take a look at the concept art of NWN 1 and take a good look at the OC.
  11. Art is art. Its not a game.
  12. Concept art is irrelevant.
  13. Oh, I thought you mean "private message." Silly me. There was no them. Just one.
  14. None of the above. I say we start a petition to show Obsidian and LA that we don't want KotOR 3. Let it die.
  15. Irrelevant. Obsidian is as much as responsible for KotOR 2's quality as is LA.
  16. Why does it deserve a sequel? You have yet answered this question to my satisfaction. Story wise, character development, and their interaction with the rules system given gives NO ROOM FOR A SEQUEL. Also I don't care what happened to Revan. Revan's tory and relevance ended with the first KotOR. He was at max level. Exile's relevance ended with KotOR 2. He was beyond what is the max level for Star Wars d20. A game with a poor story, poor characters, poor support, and poor rules implementation does not deserve a sequel.
  17. Personally, who gives a frak? Star Wars is a stagnant setting with very little to offer.
  18. Atari owns the BG rights for the PC at the last I heard of it. aRumors have it that they are publishing a BG3 even though it will have jack to do with the previous BG games. Who cares about the BGDA series. They were short POS that were not worth the money.
  19. All that means crap, Bastila and you know it. Take a look at KotOR 2. Look at its quality, its support, and give it a good analytical break down. That game deserves no sequel. Let the series die and be done with it.
  20. Why does the game have to be made? KotOR 2, while over all average, the ending SUCKED. Why does it deserve a consideration of a sequel? It just doesn't have the quality and the story was complete in of itself.
  21. Well, I am not buying KotOR 3 til KotOR 2 is finished.
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