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6 Foot Invisible Rabbit

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Everything posted by 6 Foot Invisible Rabbit

  1. Who bloody cares? KotOR 2's ending sucked crap and doesn't deserve a sequel. Bad games don't deserve a sequel. I guess we are going to start all over again with a new character again. Or will they put in even more implausible reasoning for the PC and the rest of the crew (if we have the same NPCs) are back to single digit levels. KotOR 2 had bad rules implementation as well as damn amateurish writing for the end, and the whole part of Malachor was the worse design I have ever played in a game. Was all this Obsidian's fault? Partially. Part of it is LA's fault for not letting the buggers at Obsidian finish the game in the first place. If Obsidian is doing business again with those ****s at LA then they are stupid. I hate to be an ass on this but LA did nothing for Obsidian's rep. Doing another poor game with poor support will only drag Obsidian down the path of Troika and I don't want to see that.
  2. Like I said before I go where the games I like go. PS3 hasn't got any titles I would want to play. X Box 360 does. Will I buy a X-Box 360 on launch? Nope. I have never bought a console on launch. Besides I am waiting for the PC/X Box 360 hybrid. A system that can play the X360 and PC software.
  3. You didn't offend me, Thunderkitty. I was thinking the same thing.
  4. Guns don't kill people. Physics kill people. Lets put a ban on Physics.
  5. Ultima 8 and 9 were the worse of the bunch. I liked the Ultima story telling up to 7.
  6. When Firkraag, the red dragon in BG 2, was polymorphed into a squirrel by Nalia then he killed my paladin with his fire breath. I laughed so hard I nearly vomitted. FEEL MY SQUIRRELLY WRATH!
  7. Of course I am right. Trust in the Bunny.
  8. Back then games were actually finished before the game shipped. The days of the COmmodore 64 was indeed golden.
  9. So we should appreciate the crap support? Sorry, but I don't play that game. Personally I think the minimum support for a game as buggy as KotOR 2 should be on the same lines as Neverwinter Nights 1 or hell, I would be happy with KotOR 1's level of support. KotOR 1 had 3 patches in a relative short order to get the game working at top notch capability. Bioware's tech support should not be an aberrant, but the norm to expect from developers and publsihers.
  10. The last good Ultima was Ultima 7. They started to go the wrong way with the series in Ultima 8.
  11. Fallout 1 Planescape Torment Fallout 2
  12. Now children, play nice or I'll have to bring out the pitchforks and torches. "
  13. I doubt that. It will either be the same quality as TSL or worse. I just want to say on the record I liked KotOR 1, and I like KotOR 2 except for that horrid ending. My beef is with Obsidian's and LA's tech support after the game had been release. One patch does not save this game from crappiness. Could of... Should of... and what not are irrelevant. Only the final product and its support matters. I really don't give a rat's arse about the excuses. It should be quite obvious that LA doesn't have the ability to handle the support of a game like KotOR. Why waste the time and energy to make a another bug filled lackluster ender game? I mean the game can't even work right on a console. On a freaking console that is a standardized platform.
  14. Hardly. I am simply judging the merits of a KotOR 3 based on the work done on KotOR 2, both PC and X-Box, and the technical support given by Obsidian and LA.
  15. Or they can let the series die and never do work with LA again. In my view that would be a win-win outcome for ll of us and Obsidian.
  16. I really don't give a rat's arse about a KotOR 3. KotOR 2's ending and the severe lacking of proper tech support hopes this latest rumor and all other rumors of a KotOR 3 is false. Look at the bloody quality of work that is KotOR 2 and look at LA's track record of supporting their games. The series died with KotOR 2. Its time to move on.
  17. Where's the none of the above option?
  18. Its just another broken promise from a developer and publisher. Nothing new here.
  19. Beyond their evolved weapons that are part of them not much. They really don't need too much beyond that. I still need to write up their starships. One of the aspects of their technology is that they directly link to their ships. Also they tend to be insectoid and... well alive. I am getting my inspiration for their ships from the Shadow from Babylon 5. They were pretty damn cool.
  20. In d20 Modern there are no preferred or favored classes. In normal DnD I would say Psychic Warrior or maybe Fighter. They do tend to take levels as Tough and Smart then taking levels in Dreadnaught (d20 Future), Soldier (d20 Modern), or Dogfighter (d20 Future).
  21. Thank you. Just wait til you give him class levels, equipment, and a star fighter.
  22. This is a set of bad guys, the Nephilim they are called, for my d20 Moder/Future campaign. They are inspired from the Kython from the Book of Vile Deeds, the Bug from the Alien movies, and the baddies from Wing Commander: Prophecy. DO you think my players are in trouble? (tee hee) Now I ust need to write up their star ships and fighter craft.
  23. If I was twelve I would put all my paper route money in Electronic Arts when they first started to trade on NASDAQ.
  24. If I was to vote I would vote Jade Empire. That is a much better crafted game, both in technical aspects and story, than TSL.
  25. It wouldn't be so bad if I had the Death Star and go Earth hunting.
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