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Everything posted by Supreme

  1. I know the avatar can be changed to absolutely anything, but I am pretty insistent on playing Island Aumaua but the first few dialogues that has presented itself as such puts me at "Requirement not met". I have no idea if this applies to the other races, I've had no issue with class choices so far or the cultural picks. (Because I have yet to see another race option dialogue just yet.)
  2. I noticed this in several places and thought they were just doors that I had no real access to, but after getting stuck I realize that it's a legitimate bug. I can't get out of this room and no amount of reloading will save me. Progress halted until the next patch arrives, I guess.
  3. I am completely and utterly stuck now and no saving or reloading will save me. Thanks, 1.0.3.
  4. I remember way back when you sent a letter about what the name should be in the credits section of your game. I still remember the name I submitted, and neither my Kickstarter name nor the name I submitted is in the credits. And the name was in no possible or even remotely way offensive as it was the real name and no quotations.
  5. Resolve has a lot of dialogue checks, along with Perception. The issue is that max on both those stats are only ever useful for a Tanking character.
  6. Except of course for the solo achievement and the triple crown solo achievement. Why do you think it's a picture of Josh with his smug grin?
  7. I think everyone should quote this post at all times, if they cave that easily to some Social Fedora Warrior then go right ahead. Also, being offensive to people and calling them nerd in a negative light makes you no better, Double Standard. You have no justifiable ground to be offensive to people on this thread by your own double standards, so if you are going to be offensive then that is your own fault and if you expect no retaliation then you are exactly the kind of people that people on this thread doesn't want to talk to; since you expect everyone to conform to you. Triggered much, Double Standard? just awaiting the extremely long "analytic" and "calculated" nonsensical answer trying the standard shame tactics and turning the conversation around without ever justifying your own behavior and trying to justify the whole. I am also excessively sure that you don't in any way represent the trans community, just like any Social Fedora Warrior as well. I am trans, and you are disgusting.
  8. Caving in to the social justice. Extremely disappointed and disgusted. Out of all the things that are offensive in this game, trans jokes and suicide was the one that took the bill? How the heck do you even justify that? Those fedora wearing asshats don't even represent the trans community nor do they represent those that commit suicide. Not that it would hurt anyone if they did the former. Just like uninformed hicks, they will spout and groan about anything without ANY form of information, and guess what? about a majority of the people complaining hasn't even touched, played or known about Pillars of Eternity to begin with. Social fedora warriors, when will this **** die.
  9. Where are people getting these portraits. Hell, how did you even get it?
  10. Beefstick, that's the best name ever. Makes me want to make an Aumaua namned Beefcake.
  11. That's for Steam and their pre-load feature. So it's not a patch.
  12. As you would expect In case you don't watch the text on the image: Moon Godlike Fighter.
  13. You could always play XIV or Diablo 3.
  14. So what's the deal here, I am quite confused unfortunately. Is it the damage types? I understand the whole percentile vs integer deal and why the bigger weapons are way better, but what about the damage types in general? I am quite confused, people don't want you wearing a spear but they suggest a rapier when it is essentially a minor version of it? Stiletto I might understand, but that one I don't. And then clubs, that only has a +accuracy but not maces or warhammers?
  15. Well mages having unlimited simple spells through implements (wands, rods and staffs) is from D&D 4e (which is Sawyer's fav D&D). It is not about wands having infinite ammo but mages wielding them having it. In 5e they scaled it back a bit and just given wizards infinite cantrips (0 level spells) that are simple attack spells which they can use without anything but their magical power. Oh god, that explains so much, and that is absolutely horrifying. D&D 4e is the red-headed stephchild of PnP, the abortion that should never have lived, afterbirth that gestated and was born as a mutant into a world that it hated, and that hated it in turn. How could ANYONE like 4e? oh wow, what have I done...
  16. I like the idea of a Priest of Skaen, but there is a few things I am disappointed about. Warhammer Online when it came out made me giddy as heck because they nailed the 'Zealot' look so hard, on top of their aesthetics and what they wear (outside of the high-fantasy ridiculous looking stuff) http://tinyurl.com/lttzdx8 Ever since Demarch of Mask in IWD2 made me disappointed and lacked many things (Sneak Attack, for one), I always wanted a sort of zealous executioner/assassin. My only gripe with the Priests right now is that they all have the same spells available, instead of being limited to a set amount of spells. It's just an immersion gripe, nothing more; just having an extra 'unique trait' and that being the only thing that separates you from the other Priests makes me not feel any different from any other Priest I'd ever make. Being happy that they get to have a mastery in Stiletto and Clubs made me even happier, and on top of this looking at the unique weapons of them both: Bleak Fang and Blesca's Labor; all made for a perfect character (if it wasn't for every Priest using all spells ever). A corroding/acid dagger with a life stealing club in the offhand, dual wielding and throwing out all kinds of fear spells and debuffs; while using that Baby Sneak Attack for executions. But if it ends up being the same on release, where there is no noticeable difference between any of the Priests then I'll just go and play a Conan the Barbarian in a Companion setting. Pillars might be the first and only videogame RPG where you can play as a proper R.E. Howard's Conan, if you've read all the books. So in the end my party would be (With Companions): Conan the Barbarian - Rage as sole self-utility and then all party-based utilities. Will constantly and consistently change gear for any given situation. Edér - Because every Fighter companion usually ends up being bro, also he looks Norse and his image is handsome as heck. Aloth - Seriously handsome Elf with raven-black hair?! Yes please! and he looks really interesting just by his initial gear. Grieving Mother - Chris Avellone?! there is no way I can say no to bringing her along, ever. Very interested in what her story is! Sagani - She looks amazing! I can't say no to someone that looks like that! Why does she have a fox pet?! I need to know! Pallegina - She looks really unique, and I am very interested to see what she is all about and why she is even with you (and a Unique Godlike along with a unique Paladin Order) Else my full Conan-themed party would be: Conan the Barbarian - Same as above, same build, [int/Con/Might/Resolve] in that order of priority, then add into any stats that come into his way. Valeria (Fighter) - Total Dual-Wielding party-based Fighter utilities, using Disciplined Barrage as the only self-utility with Knockdowns and defensive stuff that helps the party. [Con/Per/Dex/Resolve] Bêlit (Rogue) - Very lightly armored, Dual-Wielding all-out damage. Will only ever use the +Accuracy weapons and/or a Sword. Will use Escape and Adept Evasion when stuff gets hairy. [Might=Dex/Intellect=Perception], basically regular Rogue Priorities. Balthus (Ranger) - And his ferociously wild dog, Slasher. Slow shooter with lots of Pet skills. Regular Ranger stat priorities. Zelata the Witch (Druid) - Even though Druids can't summon giant wolves which would be required for this character, this is the closest class to this "Sorta but not kinda Alchemist" woman. Also Wolfshift. I could replace her with someone else entirely but I need some magical prowess, so this is a good excuse! Regular Druid stat priorities. Hadrathus (Wizard) - And last but not least the very few of any magicians that Conan ever trusts. With regular Wizard stat priorities but with some Resolve. And that is pretty much how I would play the game.
  17. This seems more like a min/max scenario rather than a Roleplaying scenario. Back in the day of Baldur's Gate, people pretty much just roleplayed the game.
  18. I thought I could paste half into a Pastebin and then the other half in an additional one. I hope that's fine? Part 1: http://pastebin.com/W6BzZiMs Part 2: http://pastebin.com/DiJws8R2
  19. Hi, thanks for answering! I am running an i7-2600k with 8gb RAM on a Windows 7. My Graphics Card is a MSI Geforce 590 GTX attached to a Maximus IV Extreme-Z motherboard. My output log is bigger than 507kb so it won't let me upload it directly to the forums., and I don't think you would be too keen on a download link either. Any help?
  20. Most things are fine, but I did not expect to have to wait >1.5 minute for the game to load up the character creator when pressing "New Game". I Thought that the game had crashed completely. I had a timer on hand and pressed "New Game" a second time, and this time it took 40 seconds to load and it was without a doubt much faster than the first time I had pressed it. Game lags up for 15-20 seconds whenever I click on the character portrait buttons, moving back to a previous picture that I had viewed/loaded doesn't make it load up faster as one would have or might expect; game still freezes. Aren't the voice options supposed to play a sample when you select it? because if not then I hope you have the option to retroactively change it since it is silent as a cricket. [While in-game] (Race I think shouldn't matter, but I tested this on a Godlike Male and a Human Female) When I click on the Level-Up icon located on the character portrait, I have to wait 12-15 seconds for it to go into the level-up/creator screen. Pressing "Next Level" to continue with the level ups causes the same length of lag. Interacting with buttons are completely fine. Going into the character/equipment causes up to 10 seconds of lag. When switching to other characters casually and in quick succession the game works completely fine. Switching back to my own character causes lag. Otherwise, the rest of the game has made me just awestruck, I just can't express any feelings anymore; the game is everything I have waited and expected. DxDiag.txt
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