Correct - but with your "average" fully upgraded saber (before crytstals) doing 9-39 points of damage already (up to 11-57 with regular crystals, and up to 20-60 with your name crystal), the added bonus of exceptionally high STR is kind of over kill.
I guess it really comes down to ... would you rather have a PC with:
- awesome defense and attack, but average damage (Finesse + DEX focus)
- awesome attack and damage, but average defense (STR focus)
- or -
- above average defense, attack, and damage (balance between STR and DEX)
it doesn't matter. they'd all pwn because of the pathetic enemies k2 has to offer. although my last build was the second option. still, he was quite powerful. 51-100 damage on that lightsaber with criticals spiking upwards of 200.