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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Like I said, Roshan needs to play BG2 again. You can't tank mind flayers in BG2. Heck, BG2 flayers are much tougher than the pnp version. A melee character is likely most suspectible to them if anything espicially with the umber hulks that was with them. Beholders also were really tricky except with certain items. The list goes on. I bet when Roshan thinks a combat is eays is when he dies only 1ce or 2ce a fight. LOL
  2. Nothing wrong with the summons. That's legit. The overpowered anti draining amulet was a bit much though. I doubt she could pour through the vampires that easy - epsicially the powerful ones.
  3. Sure, you could breach a dragon, and then what? A dragon's greatest strnegbth wasn't its defensive spells; but its breatwheapon, melee attacks, offensive spells like the green dragon's swarm. Breach them, and they still have ahost of ways to kill you. Catsting restoration after a fight witrh vampires doens't help you during the fight does it? Though negative plane protection (from both spells and iems) cam into be useful. Nothing really can protect you from the flayer's intelligence draining powersz. Combine that with their usual pet the umber hulk and that's a deadly combination unless you planned accoridngly hence strategy. demons wer emore complicated than hacking them as thewy had a host of powers to terminate you and not just the insta death kind. Charms/dominations, and a host more were there for them. You better play BG2 and PST again and comapre the two games' combat. It's not even in the same league when it comes to challenge, diveristy, and strategy.
  4. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Breach doesn't help you against warriors. It doesn't help you against impirosnment casting demi liches. The list goes on. If the only strategy you used in BG2 was breach then you most certainly didn't use the best strategy. In fact, breach is a horrible strategy. It also doesn't help against mind flayers, demons, or beholders. Why do you make crap up? edit: WOW! I've been destroyed by both Grom and Muso. Face it, Roshiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeee, you loseeeeeeeeeeeeeee.............
  5. "Hell, my character soiloied the demoigoirgoin after oinie oif the mage npcs breached him." You seem to NOT know the defintion of 'soloing' it seems? 'Soloing' is NOt the act of getting someone else to cast a spell at the target then you hacking at it. Don't make things up - it makes everything else you posts with or without many i's to look wrong. And, oh, breaching was one valid tatic in BG series. I, for one, never used breach. Ever.
  6. "must have read at least 3 or 4 reviews of JE and while they all gave it quite nice marks I never walked away with the impressions of it that you had. Is that the fault of the reviewers, you or me? I dont know, but I suspect like most instances such as this the truth is somewhere in the middle." Any review that you gave an impression that JE didn't have dialogue skills (which it has 3 of), no multiple solutions, and only 1 ending was a very poor review indeed. As those three things are not my personal opinion; they are facts of the game. The story thing is opinion; but the existence of dialogue skills is not. It's a stone cold fact. If I were you, I'd tell those reviewers who gave you the impression that JE had no dialogue skills a big FU as they obviously are lacking any experience with JE.
  7. PST combat was good? Hahahahahhahahaha. It had the worst combat of any IE game including IWD2, and on top of that it was barely any fun. Easy, overall boring, and unimaginative. Killing MILLIONS of rats does not equal fun. Half the joinable npcs were some of the bets ever in any game; the other half are amongst the worst. Sorry, anyone who like Fire Fool, and Tin Can or Cubester needs lots, lots, and lots of help. PST was a good game. That is all.
  8. MDK2 sucked though!!!!
  9. If you don't like 'Biowareisms' don't play their games as they'll ALL contain 'Biowareisms'. Did you expect otherwise? If you did, your mistake. You wasted your time.
  10. Yes, an added bonus! Though, admittedly, while fun, that particular mini game was not needed. Of cours,e it doesn't change the fact that, indeed, JE is a role-playing game. Espicially if a game like Bl and its silly combat is considered a rpg. And, don't tell me I'm anti Troika so I'm bias as I actually like BL. R00fles! Though; it's nice to see you've admitted that JE has all those role-playing thinsg in them!
  11. "JE is a typical console fighting game. Thats why I dont see it as anything more then that. I will admit I never played it (nor do I have any interest in it) but from reading the reviews I dont see anything that makes it more that what it is. I think its a well done fighting game granted. But at the core its not much different then if you bought the latest mortal kombat." Sorry Rhomal; but that's your ignorance speaking. JE is not a typical fighting game. Not even close. It's exactly like BL wiith regards to combining RT semi stat based combat and role-playing. At it';s core, JE is a role-playing game with RT combat. It's a role-playing game first and foremost. Anyone who has played it and is being honest would know that. To prove this, I'll quote the next aprt of your post and repsond further. Correct me if I am wrong but from what I have read on JE the following is not possible/seriously implemented in the game: "a. several ways to get around many/most obstacles other then combat" 99% of quests have multiple ways to complete them. Sure, many of thse do involved; but many quest have a non combat solution. I think the Ghost Orphan quest as one where the non combat option is the highly preferrable one. "b. your actions have a noticable effect on the game world" It sure does. By the end of the game, one wya or the other, the game world has changed for better or worse. "c. your stats effect dialog and dialog options/NPC reactions" They sure do. In fact, JE has three dialogue skills in which are used in almost all dialogues skills. Your 'ability scores' affect these skills. "d. depending on your choices, several endings." 3 main endings. It also also tons of various endings for the pc himself, and the joinable (and non joinable) npcs as well for a grand total of LOTS of various endings. P.S. Unlike the others I dont bash you for your opinions in this thead however your misconception of JE had to be taken to task. :D "e. strong story with depth." Well.. 'Strong story' is always an opinion; but comapred to 90% of rpgs JE cetrainly has one with depth. It's story is stronger than BL with mord epth though Bl does have more role-playing except in the last 3rd where JE'S role-playing is throughout the game and doesn't magically stop. Also, JE's story is tronger than most of BIo's previous games including NWN (bothe xpansions), KOTOR1 (and KOTOR2 though it's not a BIO game), and even BG1. The funny thing is BIo's games are by and alrge considered role-playing games yet because JE's combat is 'kung fu' it's auto not depsite its strong role-playing. Go figure. It sure crushes the depth of 'old skool rpgs' like Wizardry and the like. But like I said this aprt of the qaution is mostly opinion and I'm bias supposedlt so meh. hwoever, teh other 4 parts are *not* opinion and are factual aspects of the game thata re undisputable. "I think the above are key points of any good CRPG." Yes, yes they are. And, JE has them all.
  12. Great tips. I know how it feels to be part of a failed project, and I'm still in the midst of trying to finihs my own NWN project. Hopefully, it'll be successful. It better me or after reading this thread (again) I'll blame Mr. Sawyer.
  13. VERY MINOR YET MAJOR EPIC YET NOT ANNOUNCEMENTS tm: 1. I need help with certain things other than play testing. I suck at certain aspects of modding, and if I don't get volunteers sadly some things will have to be cut. I need people who are good at chnaging spell parameters as well as various rules. Script wizards to deal with some of the more complicated scripts in the mod would be appreciated. If interested email me at volourn@yahoo.ca or pm here or on the NWN site. Thanks, The Sucky One. 2. Expect new screenshots of the mod later today including updated versions of some of the dialogue that looked crappy. Haha! 3. Though not diretcly related to the Witcheta Chronicles, during my frustrations with certain aspects of the process, I have decided to start work on a 'lite module'. This one is more focused on exploration and combat and won't have as extensive dialogue or role-playing options though they will exist. This module will be a lot eaiser to make since its focused mostly on exploring areas, slaughtering monsters, finding ph@t lewt. There will still be followers in the game (not henchmen) who will fight with you; but they'll be very limited in their interaction 9a side quest or two at tops0. You will have chocies in regards to what factions to join and what not, and some battles will be avoidable. Think ala BG series. The settings here vary from the frozen north, jungles, desert, sewers, and the like. The module is tentaively title 'Adventures in hornsville'. Stay tuned for more. Okay, okay. not exactly major stuff; but hey not bad. Part 1 would be really appreciated. P.S. Hype sucks. Hopefully, one day, it'll be than 'hype'; but reality as the playtesters such as metadigital know the mod exists. LOL <> Thanks again.
  14. "A game you like?" Yes.
  15. And, I threw a bigger rock into the pond. <>
  16. Finland? Europe? *yawn* Not to mention, anyone who thinks that is just plain old fashion wrong. No matter where they live.Period. Anyways, as far as I'm concerned... game magazine = crap = same **** different no matter the host country. Game magaizines are NOT the authority I trust when deciding on games that's for sure.
  17. "Your logic doesn't make sense. And, no, there is no 'entire thread' dedicated to JE's financial status. We are discussing the great games from Europe which Volourn has yet to play, right now in that thread. LOL." R00fles! P.S. There are no 'great' European games. Ha!
  18. No. Becuase often times they're not 'minor'. On top of that, their sports games are almost always good. I'd rather have 'bland' games thata re fun then 'innovative' gam,es that just plain old fashion suck. Game over.
  19. "EA makes bland, bland crap. Compare, say, the Rare 007 title to the hordes of different 007 games produced by EA. Behold such spectacular turkeys such as "The Urbz". Electronic Arts is the proverbial king Midas in reverse of the gaming industry. Everything they touch turns to crap in one way or another." EA's line of sports games, and even their Sims (which I'm not a big fan of) prove your statement wron. If they were so crap; EA would ahve been forced out of the game long time ago. As for 007 games. All 007 games suck. I ahve yet to play one good one. R00fles!
  20. Game over.
  21. Haha. Nice try. it's a good thing your opinion in this matter is irrelevant. I already know it'll be: I say FF; you say it's crap. R00fles! I win, you lose. Bottom line is games I don't play suck. Period. By default. And, oh, I played the Geneforge 'demo', and if the main game is anything like it which it is the game sucks. Heck, the graphics are the best thing about them. LOL
  22. "BTW its oibvioiiuis that the reasoini bioiware has released the jade empire soiiuindtrack is becauiise the game boimbed and noiw bioiware is trying toii recoiver its loisses." Your logic doesn't makes sense. And, no, ther eis no 'entire thread' dedidcated to JE's financial status. We are discussing the crappy games from Europe now in that thread. LOL " <>
  23. "I never said you were demonstrating Nationalism." Okay then. "You seem to be confusing Nation with State. Nationalism does not require a country though." Okay then. "Just because you haven't played the game, doesn't make it crap either. Just means that you haven't played the game. I find it odd how you can pass judgement on a game without playing it." Everyone does, and before someoen claims to be an exception to this rule, I call baloney ebfore hand. We judge games, movies, and all other froms of entertainment before playing/watching/etc. them. It's how we determine to watch a movie like War of the Worlds or one like Cujo. If a agme sin't worthy of me buying or playing then it isn't worthy of anything which means it is crap to me. If a game can't get me to buy it then it's not even close to being good. I may dislike TOEE; but at leats it had something that made me want to try it. That's more than i can say for games I have no intention of ever playing.
  24. "You're an ****, did you know that?" This is true, and I did know that. " Despite being good at modding." You don't know this. No one knows this for sure but me, and those testers that have seen my pre finsihed mod in action have an idea of mys trengths and weaknesses as a moderator. "Nationalism does not require countries." Then explain my praising of Japanese games? I have no connection to Japan so why do I say positve things about them? Hmm... Nationalism is about liking something simply because it's a certain nation is involved or disliking somehting ebcause a certain nation is involved. This isn't a case here. It's simply a perosnal fact for me that I have yet to see any Europena games that are an in the upper tier of games and said so. "The Sims did not exist prior to Electronic Arts' acquiring the company, so saying "the fact that EA didn't come in until after the Sims series started" is wrong." Better read more careful. Drakron was referring to Sim series ala Sim City and co not just THE Sims as we know them unless I read him wrong myself which makes us all doofuses. "Weird. For me it's the other way around." Nothing wrong with that. I disagree with you; but that isn't new for us so meh. :D "They named many. Simply because you don't think they're great games doesn't make them not great games." Just because they nadmed them greta doesn't make them great either. The games mentioned are at best okay at worst crappy at medium I ahven't played them so in essnece mean crap. That is all. P.S. Don't come crying to me, I did not bring 'nations' into this first - Drakron did. That is all. Part 2.
  25. Come on, people. REAL good games. Not fake ones. I need games like FF, Arcanum, Madden, or BG. Not these Butcher Bays, and Gothics. 'but on the other hand I think video game nationalism is so stupid that it could make a man eat his own head to escape it, so I'm at a loss about how to post in this thread anymore." Weird. 1. This is can't be nationalism as we're talking about continents; not countries. 2. I didn't know I was Asian or Japanese. P.S. Even Russia has Tetris!
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