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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "You just want to be a moderator over at the codex so you can get your title removed from under your name. " Eh. I want that title. I earned that title. The Codex said that I'd never be able to achive that title. I proved them wrong.
  2. "This is very poor marketing from Atari." Really? This thread is now 4 pages long. This topic has also been passed along to various websites. Seems to me for Dragonshard being a 'crappy game' these two colourless screenshots sure are getting the masses talking. That, mon ami, is the very defintion of good marketing - get people talking about your product.
  3. "Play one football computer game and you have pretty much played them all." Play one RPG and you have pretty much played them all. Seriously, the variety of football games is as variant as there are role-playing games. There's a reason why some football games are considered classic (Madden, Techmo) and others are forgotten as quickly as possible. All one has to do is play the first Madden and then play the most recent to tell the HUGE difference between the two. 'Nough said.
  4. He was 82. It was his time. He gave Earth a bunch of laughs; and now it's time for him to do the same for Heaven, Hell, Wazoo, or wherever the afterlife (if there is one) leads him.
  5. Ellester, are you kididng? Darque is awesome; but she loves to argue as well. And, Ender would be a horrible mod. Everyone who would disagree with him would be auto harassed the banned by him if he got his way! I'll stick with Shadowstrider as he at least knows how to be a moderator. Why would anyone want to be a moderator on aboard like this, anyways? I'd rather mod the Codex 'cause at least it would be fun!
  6. "No, the developers were" of course you fail to mention that there were multiple developers for the game, and the only Ubisoft wnated out of the game was to be able to beat NWN to amrket so they claim to have 'the first 3E D&D CRPG ever'. We also saw how that abckfired. Sure, the devs have to accept blame; but so does the publisher. Nice try, though. "Which games are those? Developed in-house by EA, that is." Though Ender answered this alreayd, it doens't what games of EA's they published or devloped. The bottom line is EA has created or helped create some of the best games ever. They would not be where they are if they hadn't. The fans want them to be this successful as the fans' money as spoken loud, and clear.
  7. "Psst, Volourn. He said a rat, not a rabbit." Ok. He got me there. LOL That ends all argument. "Here you take into account the attributes of the character by saying mages get spell slots from intelligence.." As are you when you suggest that your fighters never had a thac0 of 20. And, wow, your rogues must have had very high strength or they never used melee and always stuck with their bow. Still, I'm waiting for you to prove that a 1st level wizard is a wuss compared to fighters. The only thing you bring up are their lack of hit points which is silly since wizards will *always* have low hit points in comparison to other classes. It's a weakness; but it is by no chance terminal. Still have yet to hear successfully argue against the various spells like sleep or the fact that a 1st level mage can kill a 1st level fighter in one hit too.
  8. Yes.
  9. Please. MS was fined billions of dollars. It was all aboyt the gov't stealing a legit company's money. I also like the way you put 'breaks up' in brakcets. Basically it punishes a company for being successful at delivering what costumers want. There would be no EA or MS in existence if the customers didn't want them. Period. And, this talk of 'lack of creativity' about EA is nonsense and, in facts, insults anot only EA and their wonderfully creative games; it also insults gamers like Enderwiggin and mkreku who buy and play their games. It's also silly how you complain about EA's having the NFL license for gaming yet seem to jump up for joy when Take Two gains the rights to the MLB games. What's good for one is good for the other, imo.
  10. "I just remember that if even so much as a rat nibbled on my mage he flopped over dead. He would not withstand a single hit from anything. Volourn keeps mentioning all these spells the mages have to choose from. What he fails to mention is that a level 1 mage has 4 spell slots to use (at least in 2E). Not much room for anything but sleep and magic missile, unless you're willing to rest after every battle." 1. Rabbits don't attack mages. 2. A mage has one spell in 2E + 1 depending on intelligence + 1 if specialzied 3. A sleep spell is ALL a wizard needs in 2E against a warrior. Afterall, in 2E sleep offers NO SAVE. A sleeping warrior = death. 4. Any 1st level wizard who memorizes magic missle at level one has shown to lack of the intleligence to be a wizard and deserves to die to a rabbit. Why the heck would a wizard memorize 1d4+1 dmaage spell when better offesnive spells cna be had? This just shows where you are coming from - a lack of knowledge. I lost count of how many dead warriors I've seen because they bragged 'oh, it's just a 1st level wizard' lol. 5. You don't need to rest. You keep bragging how a wizard cna die in one hit - big deal. A wizard could concievably kill a 1st leevl warrior in one hit. And, all classes have thac0s of 20 to begin. In 3e, the wizard's power is even increased from 2e so no worries there. Come on, people. Play D&D before saying silly things like this.
  11. EA sin't even close to a monoply. Not even close. And, if the courts try to take them down it will like MS all over again. The gov't stealing money from a legit business.
  12. GO EA GO! P.S. Isn't Ubisoft the company responsible for turning a classic D&D module into an absolute mockery with POR2? I have no mercy for them. P.S.S. EA would be doing all us gamers a favour by buying US and throwing it in the trash where it belongs.
  13. Sleep is one spell. And, elves aren't immune to it in 2e though I believe they ar ein 3E. And, yes, characters get saves but warriors and rogues will save sucks. And, in 2E, there wa sno save at all. And,a first level mage cna likely have as good an ac as a 1st level fighter. And, why would a mage have only 4 hit points espicially in 3E? Have you heard of spells like mage armour and shield? Come on, people. Use your imaginations and the darn rule book. Other useful and under appreicated 1st level wizard spells foir low level wizards: Colour Spray, Ray of Enfeeblement (makes warriors have no strnegth to even move in their armour), Spider Climb, Grease, and the list could go on. Anyone who thinks a wizard is weak at 1st level just because of low hit points simply isn't looking at the big picture and doens't udnerstand D&D at all. Sure, a wizard has a chance to be killed; but guess what? He can as easily kill the fighter as the fighter cna kill him.
  14. Low level wizards are not 'wimpy'. I cna take out any low level character playing a mage with one simple spell. So can anyone playing a wizard. It's not rocket scientist either. Why do people propagate this false myth?
  15. "This argument must be the dumbest ever, and if the moderators can't see the trolling in this.. Geez. I mean, why keep naming top quality titles to a moron who will, regardless if he has played the game or not, claim it's bad? No matter which game you mention, the moron will still say it's bad." Stop trolling. This statement is false. See Meta's mention of Ultimae. And, oh, you are reported for trolling.
  16. Bring. It. On. Of course, Ender forgets to emntion thyat nobody has given proof that BIo thought all the special editions would be sold through pre orders. Afterall, he linked to On Line Store hocking their Pirate PM; not proof. As for the European thing, it's not my fault no one cna think of even one good European game. Don't balem me for Europe's failure to deliver an actual good game. R00fles! P.S. Hades, BIo didn't think that. Foolish people who actually thought a new Ip would sell as much as KOTOR. People keep claiming that BIO is mainstream; they are not. You make a role-playing game that isn't FF or Diablo or DnD; then yo aren't mainstream. Period. BIO's rep and fan base is relatively big comapred to other RPG makers; but compared to the real big boys in Gaming land; not even close. That is all.
  17. Probabaly true about basketball; but not hockey except maybe the 2005 versions. EA's basketball series has almsot always been a dissapointment to me.
  18. But, in most cases, when it comes to an EA sports game it *is*. Espicially comapred to the 'competition'. R00fles!
  19. "Although you could probably contend that it's not that difficult to maintain the dominance with the acquistion of exclusive licenses. Somebody could make a better version, and we'll never know" Come on. EA's exlusivity over some sports leagues just vstarted this year. The fact that EA has been dominnate in the sports gaming world for basically a decade says it all. It's also not like the EA is the only company with exlusivity. I, for one, will stick with EA's MBP Baseball 2005 because I'm still playing it and see no reason to try the other company's exlusive trash.
  20. Huh? I never seriously said all of EA's games were perfect. i've, in the past, have mentioned that there are even some EA sports games I dislike including NHL AND nba 2005. Nice try, again.
  21. "Yes, that's an EA game." Your confusing liking a company,a nd liking evry game they make. There are tons of EA games I dislike. You named one. In fact, 99% of EA games I do like are sports games. You lose yet again. "There're plenty of them. You're just too nescient and selfish to recognize them. But that's Okay, otherwise the Volo-Logic (i.e. everything I don't play automatically sucks) wouldn't be Volo's Volo-Logic." No. Yes. Yes. Yes.
  22. Hey, that's not tally fair! When meta mistakenly mentioned the Ultima games as Europeans I was already to congratulate him! Sadly, Ender (I think) pointed out that meta was wrong. It's not my fualt no one else has mentioned a good or great European game. "
  23. Stop naming crappy games, please.
  24. No.
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