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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Korgan was awesome! And, Jaheira is posisbly the best joinable npc ever.
  2. Eh? Did you read the article? Look at his examples. It doesn't bother me too much as I expect CRPGs to have ph@t lewt; but I do find it odd that some of the people who whined about the ph@t lewt in NWN1 aren't whining about the apparant NWN2 ph@t lewt. Seriously, here's the list: flaming frost cold iron greatsword +3, Death's Herald +5, Hellbane +3, and Fiendbreaker +4 And, that's just 4 examples of weapons. Not to mention other weapons,a rmour, and other ph@t lewt you can create AND find. Anyone who expects ph@t lewt to be non existent in NWN2 or lower as comapred to NWN1 is fooling themselves.
  3. Ph@t lewt is cool! :cool:
  4. Volourn


    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111 My 82-0 season is ruined!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN YOU RANGERS! DAMN YOU TO HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/neverwinter...=6159585&page=1 WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! SPOILER ALERT IN ARTICLE! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! Anyways, there is good news in the article, and bad news. Depending on one's view point, of course. Overall, looks good!!! :cool: Bonus Surprise Link: http://rpgvault.ign.com/articles/738/738095p1.html
  6. GO DENMARK GO! Don't let not so subtle threats deter you! I'm not anti religion like Hades is; but those who use religion - any religion - as a background for threats deserve to mercy! I say make fun of everyone - Muslims, Christians, Jews, Amerikans, French, Iranians, Blacks, Whites, Comedians, actors, Volournians, and everyone else! No one is safe from getting made fun of!!!
  7. "We need a united coalition of many nations," There is one.
  8. "I suspect that emote dialogue is going to be something of a trend since it is the only way to have a game in which every single spoken word is in Full VO." Oh really?
  9. Volourn


    Release it in stores, BIO/Atari, or it's not worth money. That is all.
  10. Volourn


    Rangers win again! And, Belfour better show he still has it by the end of one month. What a horrible game he had!
  11. In other words, yes.
  12. http://www.worthdownloading.com/download.p...id=1746&id=8938
  13. Hades: The problem with counts like that is the kind of deaths they keep track. I've seen counters who count 'traffic accidents' or 'old fashion robbery + murder' as being caused by the invasion. LOL Basically, any and all detahs in Iraq are blamed on the US. R00fles!
  14. Hades wins. Anyways, the village looks nice. You should do something to spruce it up unless you don't mind having the typical village. Maybe old gargoyle statues on top of the hill with a legen about them 'guarding the village'. They don't have to be real gargoyles though. Just a legend. Or something that makes the village 'cool'. Still, it looks nice. I should be putting my new computer together by Monday so I'll be able to fool around with the toolset then as well. I'd be able to do now but my current video card meets all the requirements but the shader 2.0 junk.
  15. "thusly the death toll has increased." Proof please.
  16. "The Master and Kreia were good evil bad guys." Master was good; Kreia was horrible. She was one dimensional, obvious, and wannabe intellect who failed at that. Valsharess is overrated. Mala was ok though he was one dimensional as well but he fit his role perfectly. Again, Morag is undderrated as a villain. She did what she wa ssupposed to, and filled her role near perfectly BIO's worst villains are Melissan, and the stupid medusa.
  17. Not to be a stickler; but in NWN1 you could make a farm/field of wheat in like a quart of a second (exactly one click). Of course, you only had a certain number of farm choices. Heh.
  18. "brought the arab country on the verge of civil war." Meh. Iraq has been in a civil war for decades. The only problem was that before it was completely one sided.
  19. No comment. P.S. i'm one of the plaintiffs, i visted germany once and got probed by an alien shemale....
  20. "Sorry, Meta, but I take it very personal when someone is laughing at the suffering of another person. There are lines that you just do not cross." I have a funny feeling that if it was Uwe who got the crap beat out of him and was knocked out, you'd be laughing your ehad off. And, Waaaa! 17 years old. Not much of a kid, imo. Anyways, I think Uwe's movies are undderrated. They're not supposed to be deep or phiosphical. And, I think it's hilarious that a bunch of review internet geeks can talk big but can never back it up. GO UWE GO!
  21. "Yes she was, but I preferred her over Morag." Anyone who prefers Melissan over Morag needs help. Morag, while not the best or deepest villain, is 1 million times better than Melissan. Melissan has nothing to offer. Morag has LOTS. She actually was a worthwhile villainess who added to the game.
  22. Melissan is a horrible villain. B O R I N G
  23. Volourn


    HA! Jagr didn't waste time, did he? 100 points easy for him. He should reach 150 points this year!!!
  24. Don't forget the group of them you met out in the wilderness. "
  25. Um. He was a villain. Sad beginnings doesn't exuse poor behavious. "LOLZ MY dad molested me so I will molest by kid. LOLZ" Sarevok was a villain because he wanted power, and would stop at nothing to get it even and espicially if it included mass murder. He was no victim or some misunderstood fool. P.S. Be nice, Raven.
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