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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "Also, Volourn, I am very much an American and I never supported the invasion of Iraq." The US is a democracy. The majority of Amerikans supported the Iraq War including the majority of those who elected to represent the country. Deal with it.
  2. And, you liked it!
  3. "He was completely incapable of invading anyone" False. "Bush did not act as a representative of the American people. He did not act as a representative of any nation. So where's this 'democracy'?" Sure, he did. Amerikans supported the decision to attack Iraq. the only reason why Amerikans don't as a majority now do so is because like all people they have no patience. Not to mention, the constant mishandling of Iraq doesn't help either.
  4. FLOOD = MASS MURDER. And, his 'justification' for it is far weaker than Bush's justifications for the Iraq war. Heck, Saddam's reasons for invading Kuwait were stronger. LOL :D
  5. "He was no threat to his neighbors." Tell that to Iran, and Kuwait. "ot to mention that we have not been appointed by God to judge and dispense "justice" as we fit and at the expense of those we choose to sacrifice." Since when would I care what a mass murderer thinks about stuff like this?
  6. My plan to let others do the work to fix my mistakes worked again... just like in the 'real world'. Muahahaha! P.S. Good stuff, Meta. "
  7. A horrible tyrant's grasp on an entire nation is no more and with justice hoepfully coming soon on his head; good came out of this!
  8. No. What a waste. Much like this post. Thanks.
  9. I probabled should have added an option for 'next week' as well. Ah well. That's life.
  10. "Sorry, but I don't see any justification for attacking Iraq. No WMDs. No connections to Al Qaeda. A very much contained regime. Saddam was no threat to the US or any other nation when we invaded." Your opinion (and mine) are irrelevant. This thread was made to attack a 'change to Bush's justification for the invasion'. However, it has been proven that there has always been more than one justification for the invasion given by Bush. That's why this thread and the article linked is foolish. Game over.
  11. LOL The 'real world'. That phrase always cracks me up. LOL The 'real world'. LOL The 'real world'. LOL
  12. Meh. Arguing about which of these two are more invulnerible to permenant death is silly if you ask me. There's a reason why both series continue....
  13. "The primary reason" Key word is primary. that implies that more than one reason given for the invasion which means the whole point of the article is m isleading at best, and a flatout lie at worst. There has been no change for the jsutifctaion of the invasion as there were multiple justifications given for it.
  14. "Scorsese is really bringing the best out of DiCaprio" Meh. DiCaprio doesn't need help with his acting. He's been one of the best actors for the past ten years.
  15. "you're waiting for... you? is this one of those split personality things where your "other side" is on vacation and you're waiting for him to get home?" LOL :D I knew someone would go with that joke. It was too easy to pass up, wasn't it? (w00t)
  16. 1. Finishing my module! 2.My new video card! 4. NWN2 5. Buying a xbox 360! 6. ME! 7. DA!
  17. I predict Wednsday therefore Atari/Obsidian will not pick that day just to screw with me. "
  18. "Until we get true AI which can alter the story instantly and in a satisfying way to compensate for anything the player wants to do, we have to compromise." Eh? This is getting repetive. PST, and BG2 are two games prove that you can have npcs important to the story and game while still making them fully killable. Why do people keep talking about needing to compromise? As for an expansion continuing the OC; I doubt it unless they add epic levels which is a possibility. Afterall, the OC in NWN2 will get you to level 16-20 most likely. In a Mr. Sawyer example, his character got to level 19. And, I doubt an expansion would only give you one level. LOL :D
  19. Ok, people. There's no need to pile on poor Raven. She gets the message. Let's say it together: Game over.
  20. Won't matter in the OC like normal. Death works like KOTOR so raise dead spells are nowhere near as useful.
  21. I think I won this 'argument' with Raven, and I don't have to add anything. My minions squashed her. Sorry. I usually enjoy that kind of fun too. Musc: Don't forget the druid there too. They got heal spells too which is what people usually are whining about when it comes to lack of clerics. Remember folks, clerics are more than just walking bandages. This isn't 1980.
  22. Where did i claim you could kill any and all npcs? Please share the 'evidence' where I state that. Thank you for your cooperation in this endeavour.
  23. MVP Baseball 2005 - Just started my 8th season after choking in the World Series ending my chance at 4 straight World Series Champions. My created character didn't do so well. LOL None of my batters did with RISP. I really wish the game kept tracked of that. NWN - Always, and forever.
  24. So US citizens only matter if they ar eon US soil? So, you don't consider all the US citizens in Japan, NK, or even China to be important? WOWSERS! "-we've helped kill 600,000 iraqi's" Proof please. And, real proof, at that.
  25. Nah. I liked them.
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