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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Welll.. maybe. But, I just finished the article, and there are soem things I didn't realize about the toolset that i didn't notice in some of the other tutorials I've read as theyeither didn't coevr it or I missed it. One example, are the added things to spawns. And, it'[s not late as it's still a preview (as it's not released), and tthe screenshots are still exclsuive to NWN2 news since they're likely different than other sites.
  2. I give you a B for effort for trolling an innocent thread Diamond.
  3. "have a sneaking suspicion that this average will fall once the big ones (Gamespot, IGN, 1up and Gamespy) gets their hands on it." Nah. G3 is a big tiem release. None of those sites will rate it less than 75% at minimum and most likely somewhere in the 80%s.
  4. I hope it makes things clearer as the toolset looks cool; but it's a mess to use. Also, welcome back.
  5. "They didn't have a way to localize it to just an area effect." Then they suck. "The Timestop stopped everything within the game. If someone casted Timestop in some dungeon area clear on the other side of the continent, so to speak, it would effect a town miles away. It is one of the reasons why PWs hated it." I have played on many PWs that have scripted TS to only effect the area it is cast in. Heck, I've played PWs where TS only effects a certain range of the wizard. If that's the reason why TS isn't in TS then they obviously didn't try hard enough. Time Stop is a premiere level 9 spell. And, it's not overpowered. That's a myth. Nobody has died because of TS being cast. P.S. deekin is overrated much like Minsc. *puke*
  6. Magic missle is a solid level 1 spell. however, it's not as useful in 3./3.5 to disrupt spellcasters because they'll likely laugh at the concentration check unless they been ignoring it. Still, a cool spell. :cool:
  7. Spoilers for what? Bg series stuff? Those games were made in '98, and '02. OMG Darque: Too 80s? That's what makes that scenario good. Besdies, it cna't be any 'chessier' than the PC being one of many bhaalspawns of many races including DOGS. LOL Child of the Bhaalspawn is a decent starting point, and it can gof rom there. PS was good setting. Dark Sun is overrated. Spelljammer was fun but 'out there' (lol). GH is a wannabe FR (yeah, I know it came first; but it tries so ahrd to be popualr but fails). Dl was ok. Ravenloft was awesome. FR is a STRONG fantasy setting. Best FANTASY setting ever except my world. And, oh, the Buffyverse (though that mixes in the real world so it doens't really count). Muahahahahahahaha!
  8. That's the best you got? Come on. Give me some REAL flames!!!
  9. Use the search button on this site, and others. Otherwise, use YOUR imagination. There are TONS of ways that BG3 cna be made to continue the story. Another thing I find hialrious is that the people who sing the loudest against a BG3 would be amongst the FIRST to scoop it out if it ever gets released. LOL Bah, fine, I'll give an example so you can say 'it sucks'. R00fles! SCENARIO: PC chose to marry Aerie. Years later, that child starting showing signs of having inherent Bhaalspawn powers, and odd things start happening. The PC - like their father before them - goes on a journey and learns dark secrets tm that may lead to a discovery taht will change them and Faerun forever tm. Not for the better either. SIDEBAR: This could even lead to the child being forced to confront their father (the original PC) who is the unwitting key to Armageddeon and the true return of Bhaal (through the influence of the still existing Myrkul, and the always intervering Bane). SIDEBAR: Yes, there's holes here; but it's two paragraphs. LOL The holes cna be filled out. P.S. I don't care if you played a female, the devs can select this to start. Or to be 'choice friendly'; it cna be simply changed to female original PC + Anomen. R00fles! Flame away, BLANKS!
  10. "ToB proved the story was over." No, it didn't. TOB proved that someone with imagination could continue the Bg saga NO PROBLEM. "Not much to do with this. You either live happily ever after or you don't." You don't need to play the PC from BG1 or BG2, and still continue the BG saga. Game over.
  11. "rumor has it that Obsidian owns the rights to IWD outright and" A more solid 'rumour' is that they own some art assests outright. "No BG3. That story is over and done with." No, no it isn't. The lack of imagination in this thread is really, really sad. There's more imagination in POR2's forced feat lineup than in this thread. "Maybe we're not the one who's wrong then." Please reread that post again. Not everyone disagreed with the ideas. The ones who did disagree simply lack imagination so I ignore their opinions as I only pay attention to imaginative opinions.
  12. "Hold Person will only affect lower-level opponents" LOL "Still, the NWN2 spell list is much better than the old NWN one" It's basically the same spell list with some new ones and some old ones cut. It's not subtsantitally different that's for sure. "Fireball is the best 3rd level spell there is." No.
  13. "I didn't think Fantastic 4 was too bad. It was much better than Daredevil." F4 was pasable; but Daredevil is much, much better and is liekly the mnost underrated superhero movei ever. once again, the MASTER OF ALL, Ben Affleck kicks butt! LONG MOVE BA!!! Anyways.... Click - WOW! This move was really good. If it took away the cheap dog humping and farting jokes; this movie would be one of the best ever. The ending, I'm kinda iffy on. Thee nding worked; but the stronger ending would have been the 'false ending'. WOO HOO!!!
  14. I have millions of times. I get the usal repsonses like 'dumb', 'stupid', 'unneeded', 'sounds good', 'possibly fun', 'fantastic', *shrug*, etc., etc. Those responses are boring to read now so I'll pass. I'll let YOU use YOUR imagination to imagine what a Volournian BG3 would be like.
  15. I don't. Only the unimaginative cna't figure out a way for there be a fitting BG3, and sicne were talking about a fantasy game; if you don't have imagination perhaps youa re interested in the wrong genre? Again, there's LOTs of ways a BG3 cna be handled and do justice to the previous games. I weep for my unimaginative co posters. I weep.
  16. "While I tend to agree that fireball is often overrated it can be very very good against certain types of targets like undead and trolls in the right circumstances." Oh, i agree. I never said it was useless. As for the manual, it's so out of date; it's not even funny.
  17. "of course volourn finds all spells useful." False. There are useless spells; but most ar enot. Heck, sometimes on line, I find others using spells I thought useless and making those spells awesome. "You can twist it whatever way you want." If you think fireball is the most useful spell than you are the one lacking. The only situation that fireball is the most useful 3rd level spell (or its counterpart lightning bolt) is when you have a mass of low level enemies like goblins which btw, are no threat anyways to begin with if youa re capable of casting fireball. LOL Fireball may look pretty; but only those with limited experience with D&D would claim it's the most useful spell. "lightningbolt; okay, it's fourth level" Unless its changed in 3.5, both of these spells do the same damage (1d6 per level max 10d6), and both are level 3. Lightning bolt is only more sueful against fire resistant enemies or against enemies lined up in a neat little row. Otehrwise, fireball > lightning bolt.
  18. You are wrong. For one, I hardly ever use fireball in CRPGs. There are TONS of sueful spells in the game. Deal with that fact. Perhaps, certain people just lack the imagination to use spells properly and know which ones are the most useful. TIP: Fireball is amongst the least useful 3rd level spell in NWN. Game over.
  19. "Seeing as there are very few arcane spells that are actually useful" You are drunk. There are TONS of useful spells. TONS.
  20. Yes, just like PC gamers get all pissed off when a 'PC game' is also for a console ala KOTOR. Or, just wait. If DA or NWN2 are *ever* ported to a comnsole; just wtach the whining on these boards to commence.
  21. Yeah; but where there's smoke there tends to be fire espciailyl when it comes to BIo games getting ported to PC. Check out JE as evidence.
  22. http://www.johng.co.uk/2006/10/21/breaking...-to-pc-in-2007/ Damn! Say it ain't so! They are screwing their xbox (360) fans! They haven't had a full real permenant exclusive since EVAR! :ph34r: :ph34r:
  23. "I have. There are very little exotic weapons to choose from. Only the kama, bastard sword, dwarven waraxe, katana, and the shuriken are listed (page 74). In the first Neverwinter Nights there was a dozen or so exotic weapons like the double and dire weapons." My mistake. I interpreted what you wrote about 'lack' as being equivelant to none as opposed to not as mucha s you hoped. And, you bring up soemthing I missed. I didn't even realzie they took the double weapons out. Urgh! Those are rather :cool: !
  24. "though the lack of exotic weapons is disturbing." Click on the link before commenting. Please, and thank you.
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