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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. GD, I'd laugh if your guy *really* is Bin Laden. HAHA!
  2. Goodell is an idiot either way. He's a punk. That said, if the charges are proved to be True, Vick most definitely deserves punishment. I'm not the biggest animal lover (though I do like animals); but the accusation are rather sick. Treating animals like that is simply wrong. Period.
  3. ME is superior to KOTOR in every possible way from everything I've seen. Sure, they have similarities; but big deal. P.S. I'm glad BIO is getting away from 'their roots'. Their games keep adding more, and more role-playing. That's cool. And, I doubt they're trying to be Blizzard. BIO makes actual (action) RPGs. I sure don't see Blizzard hyping on anything non combat such as BIO does with their characters, story, role-playing, DIALOGUE system (whether one likes it or not), multiple endings, etc., etc.
  4. I don't evenc are about the group. I know know about them. I just like the song. Goodfballs. "Yeah, liking Evanescence is on par with enjoying kicking puppies, or thinking Paris Hilton is hot, or like even being a commie." Never kicked a puppy. Don't knwo the group. Like the song. Paris Hilton can be HOT; though she's far from the HOTTEST gal. And, she's certainly not the 'dog' that people claim her to be physically. That's for sure. Commies are not cool. FREEDOM FOR ALL! Darth: ME > KOTOR
  5. Bah. You guys suck. I love the song. <>
  6. According to a secret source, this game will have b00bies shown which contributes to its 17+ rating. WOO HOO! Even more reason for this pervert to look forward to it!!
  7. Around 20 hours is typical in my limited expansion experience. I'll be happy around that number, personally.
  8. "And there goes another company to hell in a hand basket. Go, go monoplies!" Your definition of monopolies is very much in error. Unless Disney is the only company that owns a game studio. L0L
  9. So genius, that I might put this Volo guy on ignore as well. So sayeth, Volourn to Lao.
  10. Lundqvist is still a Ranger! Now, to sign Avery, and Hossa! And, trade Shanahan for $1.
  11. http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?cId=3160981
  12. And, he'll complete ME too. *shrug*
  13. "We all know Volo hates Kotors but I really want to know what makes ME much better than kotors" Eh I don't hate either KOTOR. I think they are both good games that are overrated. The reason I believe ME will be better than the KOTORs is simple - it will likely have the stuff that made ther KOTORs fun games - characters, solid role-playing, flashy combat, and a cool story; but much improved since I expect BIO to learn from their past games. And, since ME is just BIO's own version of a space (Action) RPG; it should be superior.
  14. On a differnt topic, ME's new videos are awesome! ME > KOTOR P.S. While it sucks that xbox 360 has major problems - I know as I wa s victim - it still seems to be the new console with the most actual worthwhile games.
  15. Yeha; but they give ya a 3 year warranty. No worries.
  16. I'm not surprised; but am dissapointed. It's acceptable under 3 conditions: 1. He doesn't have a great start just fall flat in the second half. 2. He plays better even strength. 3. He doesn't have a - 1 billion in any round of the playoffs like he did versus Buffalo. That is all. P.S. Good on Sid. He earned the moolah. One more great season, and I'll be a 100% believer in him. He should have demanded the maximum amount of pay.
  17. xbox 360 is awesome. However, I was a 'victim' of this evil problem. I'm getting my new xbox 360 delivered next week. HAHA! It all works out in the end. Disspaointing that MS mae a faulty console; but at least they've admitted to it and are delaing with the problems.
  18. Their own IP even if it is based on an existing licesne. ie. A D&D game is fine; but they don't need to make another BIO game based sequal ala BG3 or even one that has done before like IWD3.
  19. "That still does not mean game can't be the catalyst, geez" Ye,s it does. I don't believe for one second that a game (or any form of entertinament) cna be the 'catalyst' or the 'reason' for someone becoming violent. It's just silly. If someone beats me up becausd ehe wants my copy of 'To Kill A Mockingbird' so bad, I guess we should blame that book and ban it. LMAO Vioent people ar eviolent because of who they are, the situation they grew up in (absive home being a common reason), alchoholism, inability to control their emotions in uncomfrotable/unpleasant situations; NOT because of a game, or book, or movie. I have seen no facts to disprove that. None. It's like ther lameos who tried to blame D&D for certain violent acts in the 80s... yet, conviently ignored more obvious factors like horrible home live, poor choice of friends, generaldepression, etc., etc. top lamely focus on the book with the dragon on it. L0L Period.
  20. Unlike poison, Mnahunt 2 will not hurt anyone. It's a game. It's not real. It's not gonna drive *anyone* who plays it to violence. Just because someone plays Manhunt 2, and then commits violence doens't mean the game made them do it. Chances are soemthing else caused the person tobecome violent. It be like someone watching Price Is Right then going out to commit robbery, and then someone blaming POR causing the person to commit robbery by showing others getting rich by 'playing a game' and making viewers jelaous. It's ludicrous! Games do NOT turn otherwise peaceful people into violent pyschopaths. Period.
  21. You tmay think it lacks any redeemable quality; but that's just an opinion with no real facts to back it up. Why should you just whether a game (or book, or movie) is worthy or not? It's silly. That's what the old book burners thoguht too - their opinions and beliefs mattered more than others. I have played violent games all my life, and while I may be soemhwat of a jerk on the 'net; I'm no violent perosn. The same goes for 99% of people who play, watch, or read violent things. And, the otehr 1% were likely already prone to violence, anyways. The fact that a game company spent millions on this games is worthy of kudos. Silly dicators trying to tell other people what they can do in their OWN HOUSE. Gah.
  22. Hmm. I figured mustard gas was considered WMD. Ah well. Did he use some on Iran? If not, than ah well. Anyways, Iraq did have WMD which is why they agreed to destroy them all, and later claimed they did just that without actually proving they had.
  23. I'm speaking in general terms, silly. I'ma rguing the same way non Amerikans argue about Amerikan laws or non Kanadians argue about Kanadian laws (not that anyoen cares what we Kanadians do anyways, lol). It's really simple that ina country that brags about being 'free' like Britian does; they should actually follow thats entiment and TSYA OUT OF THEIR CITIZENS' HOUSES (barring actual dnagerous activity that can ahrm innocents). Unless I'm mistaken, and Britian is actually a dictatorship. My bad. Game over.
  24. O RLY? It's a lie to state that Hussein was mass murdering his fellow Iraqis? That he had WOMD which was *proven* to be the case since they HAD USED THEM? That he paid suicide bombing terrorists? That he was a threat to the US and its allies? While it's true that not everything was accurtae, and Bush (or those who reported to him) lied about certain things; not everything was a lie. And, i don't think that inofitself is enough for impeachment. Don't bring up Clinton as I opposed his impeachment as well so it won't work.. P.S. I am more pro Clinton than Bush which is why I felt the Iraq War wa sjustified as Clinton stated it was when *he* was in office and his constant bombing of Iraq.
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