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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Irrelevant. Let's judge how well they do in the playoffs at the end of their careers not during... unless you want to be one of the many fools who proclaimed loudly that 'x player can't perform in the playoffs, they will always choke, they will never win the big one' and then that same player goes on to do big things in the playoffs/wins the championship. You want yoke on your face go ahead. I've lost track on how many times this has occured. Heck, it happened with a certain Giant this year in the NFL. *shrug* Heck, your precious Heatly and the Senators were in the same boat - people - most noteably Leaf fans - claiming they were just a great regualr season team who would simply fold in the heat of a playoff series... and, look what happened... NHL finals last season. *double shrug*
  2. Rangers are stupid. That is all. And, I really wish people would stop with the 'x doesn't do well in the playoffs, they are a choker, and will always suck'. That's bogus, and their are TONS of factual evidence to prove that just isn't the case. In all sports. It's just plain annoying. L0L
  3. GO BONDS GO! A superstar like him shouldn't be blacklisted. It's an outrage over something as sillfied as the overhyped steroids 'scandal'.
  4. McCabe is a good defenseman who seems way underappreciated considering how highly valued he was just a few years ago. I'd glad take him as the Ranger #2 defenseman behind Roszieval.
  5. I agree with you 100%. People are calling him selfish. give me a break. Selfish is trying to get rid of a player for your own needs without caring how he feels like it - ie.. those fans bashing Sundin for wanting to stay put are the REAL selfish ones. Why should Sundin agree to be traded by a team that wants to trash him to make that team better? Give me a break. Once the Leafs dump him (trade or release), he shoudl no longer care how better/worse theya re anyways (as long as he's still competiting). *sigh* Those type of fans are plain old fashion retarded. Look in the mirror, little children, look in the mirror.
  6. NHL 08 still.
  7. Actually, as the years go by, Obsidian will be less in common with BIS, and be more Obsidian. And, neither BIO or Obsidiana re anyone's 'little brother'. They're seperate companies who either work together in the past udner other companies (BIS was BIO's publisher previously) or worked on the other's games sequels (Obsidian on NWN2 and KOTOR2). BIO, unarguably, has had more success but they have also been around much longer. Obsidian has done well since its formation crafting 2 successful sequels (whether you like 'em or not is irrlevant). Espicially in the cas eof NWN2 which has warranted at least one expansion (and, likely naother on the way). On Topic: Meh. They'll talk when they feel the time to talk not when whiny board members demand it.
  8. L0L That's just dumb.
  9. "Yay. The US/Canada alliance! Canadians and Americans until the end! (noted that you are Canadian)" I'm sad you did; but appreciative. Usually when someone sees my pro US stance (though the US is not perfect) people automatically assume I'm an 'ignorant Amerikan'. It makes me chuckle as I inform them that I'm actually Kanadian. Samm: So true. P.S. I don't hate Europeor Europeans; but the arrogance they show simply because their land mass happens to have a long history of what we consider modern civilization irks me.
  10. "1. We believe in Society this side of the pond. You believe in hiding under a duvet with a shotgun." Must explain brainwashing, and forcing others socieities to accept yours by force. *cough* Afrika 8cough* Amerikas 8cough* "2. We believe human life is precious. You believe someone should be shot for stealing fig newtons." Must explain Hitler. Yeah, I went there. But, the ego of Europeans who try to pretend their the Land of Love, and Happiness, and the US is the Big bad Evil is a joke - espicially since all of the US's aggresive tendencies (for right or wrong reasons) are a direct result of European influence. Europeans who look down on the US should look in a mirror... and, a history book. L0L As for the topic: Europe ain't going anywhere. The Fall is foolish talk.
  11. What kind of garbage was that!?! Grats Habs, you got your revenge for our comeback from a weekend or two ago. R00fles! At least we got a point oout of it. Urgh.
  12. "Are the pain killers you are referring to legal? Because steroid use has been against the law for a long time. So there's a difference for you. " The law is punish. Check the alwbooks. there's lots of dumb laws in them. Laws not worth paying attention. Possibly laws that we are all breaking in one wya or another as well. Again, lawsa re meant to be changed. " Do painkillers make you a better player? It might get you more innings pitched, or more at bats but they do not improve performance" Painkillers do make you a better player as you likely wouldn't be able to play at all or play worse if you didn't do them. As otehrs have asked, if painkillers didn't improve performance then why do athletes take them? To me, steroids are really no different than having a full time physician help you with your training regiment, or anything that helps a player become better (even if the effect of steroids on a player's ability is questionable even in the best of circumsatnces). Afterall, if steroids made players better, why aren't there more players with Barry Bond type numbers? L0L In fact, a guy from Detroit who got caught/suspended for steroids last season had some of the worst stats known to mankind. L0L Steroids sure didn't help him any. Ha. Why wasn't he hitting 70+ homers? R00fles!
  13. Life isn't fair anyways. Besdies, if the myths are true, the vast majority of players were/are using so where's this disadvantage coming from/. As for it being 'against the rules', rules are meant to be changed. Again, to me, it's no different then popping pain killers.
  14. The whole steroids issues is overblown. Steroids did NOT make Bonds or Clemens great players. They're great players because they are great. Period. To me, steroids are really no different than other advantages like pain killers (of which , at times, players couldn't play without). people should stop whioning about it. L0L And, the SF Giant players are liars, backstabbers, and hypocrites. Not to mention cowards.
  15. Funnily enough, D&D CRPgs were so called 'floundering' as well then BIO came along... R00fles! P.S. Not that i eprosnallyc are about the DS, or Sonic in general.
  16. I have no worries. My team the Mets will be in the thick of things again.
  17. Yup. And, it annoys me. And, it's not just Amerikans. It's every country including mine.
  18. Government should stay out of sports politics. And, why continually beat this dead horse? Gzzz...
  19. "The majority of console players are retarded, and the same is true of PC players. However, the minority of not retarded players is bigger on the PC side of things than on the console side. This isn't because the PC is inherently better but rather because the PC gamer crowd is smaller than the console gamer crowd. Generally, the larger a group of people is, the dumber it is." Usually, when intelligent people state things like that they can actually use facts to back it up. You cna't.. so, I'm gonna assume you are one of those retarded PC minority.
  20. Nah. With 4E on it's way, NWN2 is likely the last 3E game but definitely expect 4E D&D games coming ouyt about the same time (within a year) of 4E's official release. I wouldn't be surprised if Atari/WOTC has a developer working on a 4E game as we speak - much like NWN1 and POR2 were being worked on at the same time (didn't work so well for POR2, thoguh, l0l).
  21. Amusing; but stupid. I cna't believe it; but somehow everyone whining about the Patriots cheating have made go on their side. They cheated, they got punished, and let's move on. Sure, they lost the super bowl; but hey, only one other team made made it there. And, guess what? that;'s the Giants. Not, the other loser teams or their crybaby fans. Pats are 18-1, went to the super bowl., and aren't acting like crybabies ove rit. Move on crybabies. Move on.
  22. Good. We're gonna be a tough team to beat for at least the next 6 seasons. <>
  23. "They can keep it and stick it where its warm and wet. They want to snub the pc user when they first release it, they can stick it." What a silly attitude. I wonde rif that's the retarded reaction a xbox 360er will ahve when/if DA gets ported to their mahcine. BIO didn't snub the PC with ME just like they didn't sub consoles with PC exclusives either. The 'woe is me' whiny attitude is hilarious when it comes to exclusives.
  24. WOW! That was a rather quick announcement. More evidence that BIO doesn't forget PC gamers... and, their money. L0L
  25. "Well, I thought my expectations for Neverwinter Nights 1 were quite reasonable due to the kickassery that BG2 was. Since then I have lowered my expectations out of a Bioware game" I hope you enjoyed playing the 'worst game ever' 3+ times. R00fles!
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