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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. They'r ebetter with Crosby leading the charge. Simple as that. Malkin is, at best, the 6th best player in the league. At best. I'd say 10th.
  2. Yeah. Detroit is awesome for sure. They win in 7.
  3. Crosby has been the leader of that team since his first game in the league. He's earned that C. Glad that he's showing everyone - once again - that he *is* the Penguins not that wannabe usurper Malkin.
  4. Don't get me started on Kreia... good character/villain ultimately undone by baloney.. The dialogue options in JE are supeiror to either KOTOR. Multiple solutions, logical ones, and not just black and white.
  5. Anyone with common sense belives that... right?
  6. "You can't even compare horrendous dialogues from Jade Empire to Kotor 2 ones nor can you quests." Um. JE is better in pretty much aspects espicially dialogue and quests. P.S. I only mention KOTOR2 because someone else claimed that the KOTORs were superior to JE 9and ME). This simply isn't true. Thankfully, I won't have any problems with MEPC since I don't buy games I alreayd own. Just sayin'.
  7. Actually, you are wrong. ME isn't completely black and white unlike the KOTORs (both of them) for the most part. ME,a nd JE are way better than both of the KOTORs. Better characters, stories, role-playing, dialogue, quests, combat, graphics, etc., etc. No contest.
  8. Detroit definitely is the Big Red Machine.
  9. L0L Considering that people were trying to claim that malkin was actually bettere than Crosby when he actually isn't the backlash on him is good to see. Afterall, he's the MVP candidate. He should start acting like it.
  10. JE is better than KOTOR; not as good as ME.
  11. No. Own it. Played it. Game over.
  12. Garbage. Poor analogy. Not even the same thing. "This is not to say that Iran is run by a bunch of nice guys. The fundamentalist Ayatollahs are radical nuts. But most Iranians are very moderate, and the government harbors no military ambitions to invade foreign countries." This says it all, and makes the entire thing foolish. Comparing Iran to a sheep is beyond ridiculousness.
  13. People can be vengeful.
  14. "I wonder if the friends and families and the victims themselves would agree with you, or god forbid if it happened to you, let him fry and save the taxpayers some money." The law is not about revenge or street justice. And, there's a reason why we have court systems - so people don't need to play vigilante. In fact, last i check, it's illegal to do so. Not neccessarily always immoral, though...
  15. "Each count needs to be added to the sentence if one is convicted on each count, and each sentence served consequently, not concurrently." Meh. There's a counter argument to that. Perhaps you should serve your time from the moment youa re convicted. If you are charged, and convited of 5 counts of the same crime and they're all occured at the same time you should serve them all at the same time. The way i see it punishment should fit two criteria. Fair and reasonable. It may be FAIR to sentence to prison for these crimes for that long; but 100+ years is simply unreasonable under these circumstances as I illustrated above therefore it spits in the face of the spirit of law. "The really need to ditch the Parole System" Wrong. The parole system is fine itself. It just need some twinks. It's to make sure you arne't keeping people in prisoner needlessly. of cours,e it's not always easy to tell when someone should actually be paroled, or not...
  16. I don't know when it courred; but for whatever reason it's at the point wher epeople actually think 20-25 years in prison is getting off 'light'. Seriously, 25 years in prison, and he'll be coming out a 60 year old man. Jail is about punishment; but it's also about protecting society too hence why it's possible to keep certain folks in prison longer than what they're actually sentence for if there's evdience that they ar eliable to repeat their crime. Let's look at the situation. the guy is 35. He abused his police pwoers, and did a lot of awful stuff. he deserves punishment. If you go by logic, 25 years in prison, he'll come out at 60, he'll no longer be a cop, and his threat level to repeat his level of crimes will be very minimized. Putting him in prison for 100+ year is over doing it, and is not suitable punishment and doesn't serve the public at all. Why don't we just make the sentence 500 years, and call it even. It serves the same thing as the 100+ year thing. L0L
  17. Not that I'm approving of what he did; as the guy is obviously scum. But 102 years is a tad much. It's hard for actual murderers to get even near that much. Then again, he's not only a criminal; but he abused his police pwoers which makes it worst. I'd personally give him 20 years with possibility of parole after 10. No less than 10 for sure, and no more than 25. Afterall, if he got 25, he'd be 60.. And, since he no longer will be a cop once he's out of prison, it be much ahrder for him to commit the type of crimes he was committing so his trheat factor to the public isn't as high as it could be.
  18. Went 2-0 that round. I'm 10-4 overall, I believe. Wings will beat Pens in 7 games...
  19. Anyways, would you take blame if I committed suicide after your very hateful comment? I hope not; because only I can make the decision to commit suicide. The girl had emotional problems, and should have gottne help. Her parents could have done more. They knew she was going through a rough time. It's just so much easier to blame others though. I believe in personal responsibility. And, don't tell me she's excused becuase of her gae. We all were that age at one time. I know I was, and I was fully in control of that kind of decision. Suicide is a personal decision. What the message writers did was not cool. It was wrong. But, blaming them for HER actions is just beyond silly and called scapegoating. Whether it's criminal or not is up for the courts to decide; but while morally it's wrong to do so; it's nowhere nea rmaking them responsible for her following through. Seriously, if people on the net wer eheld accoutnable for all the nasty things they posted, we'd all be prisopn for harassment, personal attacks - including you.
  20. No. The only person responsible for someone commiting suicide is the one who does it. That's why it's called 'taking one's OWN life'. What a shame. I don't care how 'mean' the messages were.
  21. Bones General Hospital
  22. "Their livelihood?" Nah. They owe thier skill, and intelligenc ewhen it comes to making games people want to pay to play for their livelihood. The only thing they owe is to make the best games they can with as few bugs as posisble for actual paying customers. It's irrelevant whether said customer is a 'BIO fan', PC troll, or console gamer. If you paid $50 for BG2; BIO owed you BG2 and presumably you got it way back in 2000 when it was released. They owe you NOTHING in 2008. That's a fact.
  23. It can. It's better than most including BIO's owns BG. And, PST. And, FO. Not quite as good as FO2, or BG2, though. Close but no cigar. "First they sellout by making it a console game only, now they want to play kiss up with the pc gamers like they with Jade Empire." Funnily enough, igonrant PC fools sem to forget that BIo has basiclaly been making console games since their creation. And, oh btw, they 'sold out' the moment they switch from being doctors to game creators. R00fles! They owe PC gamers (and, console gamers) NOTHING.
  24. I like how how they claim not be anti human yet go on to basiclaly say all specis should be saved from extinction but us. LMAO I'd be angry at them; but it's hard to be really angry at the obvious insane. R00fles!
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