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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. That's because I am.
  2. Actually, I do know all the classes. I don't know the PRESTIGE classes. HUGE difference.
  3. ME is awesome. But, fantasy will always be my favroite. DWARVES FOREVER! Newc: there ar eonly 3 classes. the others are 'resitge class'es that only unlock later on. You can't choose them in the usual way. You have 3 choices - Fighter-Caster-Rogue. Period. Again, tons of info to be had. Open your eyes, and don't be tricked by your ignorance.
  4. "The comments that Lowe made aren't reflective of not moving on." Oh, please. The guy spent the article bashing his counterpart, and demeaning everything Burke has accomplished in the NHL. He even went the childish route of 'I have more cups then you! neener neener!" What he forgets to emntion is that he won those cups as a player. Not only that, he was, perhaps, if he was lucky, the 10th best.most important player on those cup winning teams. L0L As GMs, ther eis no doubt Burke is better. Lowe got lucky one year because he had Pronger at his best taking them on his back all the way to the finals.. then blew it by failing to keep Pronger and wife happy... Burke > Lowe. Any day of the week. Lowe, like that piece of crap Sather, cna go back to the 80s for all I care. Two dinosaurs who don't belong in 2008. They deserve each other. Ther eis NO excuse for us losing Jagr - all because Jagr wanted a 3 year contract. it wasn't even about money sinc eboth sides were supposedly in agreement with the number. Friggin' stupid pathetic Sather. And, Lowe continues to make dumb moves that is obviously turning off potential free agents. It's no wonder star players don't want to go/stay in Edmonton for the most part despite all the money they wnat to throw. Afterall, supposedly Edmonton wanted Jagr pretty bad. So much so theyw ere willing to offer him as much as $8 mil dollars... but Lowe in his infinite wisdom wouldn't give 3 years.Just like Sather. Idiots. Both of them. Can anyone honestly say that within 3 seasons that jagr would too broken down to be still a productive NHLer? That's crap. It's even worse when we Rangers fans are told that we should be happy that we got that pathetic past his prime Markus Naslund who wasn't even a top 5 player in Canuck land any more. Meanwhile, Jagr was still the pratically undispuatble best player in NY (only possible exception is Lundqvist). We've lost Jagr, Avery, Starak, and (thankfully) Shanahan. We get in return (on offense) Naslund, that overrated punk from Columbus who'll be lucky to score 25 goals (considered a bad year goals wise for Jagr), and a few other nobodies. Yeah, whatever... And, we should be happy? Sickening. Thankfully, our boosted efense and the ever awesome Lundqvist will likely get us into the playoffs still. But, i doubt anyone will take us seriously now as a threat to go far. At least with jagr we could do some damage. Jagr controls games. Now, the Rangers have no skater who can completely dominate a game. Doomed. And, teams have no loyalty. The Rangers proved this because they didn't feel jagr deserved a 3 year contract. Absolutely pathetic. This is the worst Ranger decision since the Rangers allowed Mess to go to NY in favor of keeping Gretz... That was horrible for both sides. Even worse, was the firing of Neith "I Broke The Curse" Smith. Dummity dumd dumb. And, Naslund? Naslund is supposed to the Jagr Repalcement? Give me a break!!!
  5. ME or JE > KOTOR1 + KOTOR2 + BG1
  6. ."..the children were taken away because of excessive absences in school" Not enough. I've known students/chidlren who had missed excessive amounts of school without the school even phomning the aprents let alone getting the police involved. heck, I was one of them when school started to bore me. "and drug and alcohol use in the household." depends how excessive it is. Drugs and alochola re different. Afterall, alcohol is LEGAL so you cna't lose chidlren over drinking soemthing LEGAL. now, if that alcohol is being abused and is effecting teh child (ie. parent is phsyically abusing the child due to being drunk or whatot) then yeah. As for drusg, little different, since they are illegal. but, i seriosuly doubt you would lose your child because you got caught with some heroin (if you actually got taken to court for it instead of pleading out). I say you shouldn't only lose your chidlren *if* the alcohol/drug ABUSE is really effecting your child negatively. You mostc etrainly shouldn't lose your child just because your sharing 'unpopular' beliefs even if they (imo) are immoral.
  7. Read some more. You are apparantly blind. One example is that we do *know* what the classes will be. But, hey, continue in ignorance. It's cool to laugh at.
  8. Apparantly more than you. You can too.. just by going to these easy and safe links: http://forums.bioware.com/viewforum.html?forum=84 and http://forums.bioware.com/viewtopic.html?t...86&forum=84 It. is. just. too. easy.
  9. "you mean Bio? don't make me larf. DA was announced 2004 and what the frak do we know about it? let's see - we know: it's set in some place called Felderen PCs will have a choice of origin stories magic is mana-based" That's all YOU know. Some of us know lots more than that. Lots have been shared about the game. Nice try, though.
  10. "hell, it's about time someone put those sad forums out of their misery: year after year of folk debating the barest sketches of info, endlessly speculating what the game might be like based on the most minimal of throwaway comments by developers and otherwise sucking Bio's big fat one. Blizzard's announcement is clearly a kick in the pants for Bio, though. Diablo 3 may be over a year from release but we already have gameplay videos, world maps, character profiles, etc. DA, by contrast, was announced four frakking years ago and so far we've seen buttkiss. At last Bio are pulling finger." D3 is irrelevant. And, the devlopers give more than minimal information on the topic. P.S. It's funny that you ahrdly ever post but a mention of DA gets you whining rather quickly. L0L Obviously, you'll be first in line to buy it when it comes out.
  11. Once again, the Law/Government/society oversteps. Absolutely disgusting. "The thing about "white pride" is that it's never just about being proud to be white, it's being proud because you're better than all those other races who should probably go back to their own countries." And? Big deal. It's no different than 'Black pride'. Heck, Black History Month is one of the most bigoted, hateful, disgusting (non violent) things we get stuck with. And, it's allowed. But, White History Month would totally be unacceptable and considered racist not honourable. Back to the main issue, while I dissaprove of what the parents are doing in this case; they should be elft alone. Heck, I dissaprove of a lot of things that aprents teach their children. Doesn't give people the right to take away chidlren. That should only occur if the children are physically in danger, or the parents are extremly verbally, and emotionally absuing them which isn't the case here.
  12. L0L talk about moving on.
  13. Stupid Sather. We just lost our offense.
  14. Not according to our stupid GM. Plus, with all our FA sugnings, there won't be no money left. Our Gm is as impatient as a little kid. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Jagr is one of the two main reasons why the Rnagers have done well since the lockout. Bah. And, people wonder why players don't feel loyalty to scumbag teams.
  15. What you posted had nothing to do with what you quote din my post. I directed my comments on the Pronger stuff Kor mentioned; not the other crap. More improtantly, STUPID RANGERS ARE IDIOTS WHO WANT TO MISS PLAYOFFS NEXT SEASON! IT SEEMS THEY ARE WILLING TO LET JAGR GO SO THEY CNA PICK UP YESTERDAY'S TRASH LIKE NASLUND!!!!
  16. "How's Pronger working out for you?" brought him a cup. What have the Oilers done since Pronger left? Absolutely nothing. Ducks 1million Oilers -1million
  17. Hossa is foolish to go to Deetroit.. at least Pr wise. It's lose-lose in that regard. they win the cup... well, they won it this year without him so they should win again. they lose the cup... well.. he'll get blamed for 'ruining' their chemistry. L0L
  18. Damn stupid Rangers. We just lost Avery. Pathetic. I HATE OUR GM.
  19. Yeah, they resigned him. $5mil a year, and well worth it.
  20. Ranger snow have a deadly 1-2 punch for their defensive core with Rozsival-Redden. Sure, it's no Pronger-Neidermayer; but not bad not bad. The team better sign Jagr, and Avery though! And, dump the crap former known as a prime goal scorer Brendan "Stonehands and Feet" Shanahan. NO EXCUSES!!!
  21. BIO > BETH 3rd Person > 1st Person
  22. I know enough about the story to know that teachers shouldn't be intervering with birthday party invitations. Obviously, handing out the invites wasn't disrupting the class as the teacher did nothing until noticing the two losers who didn't get any. And, not being invited to a party isn't the same as bullying. Not even close. In fact, the father (if the article is truthful) give 2 solid reasons why the two kids weren't invited. And, teachers want to get paid more? Not if they keep doing crap like this. Of course, thankfully, the majority of teachers are actually sane. My teahcers growing up would have NEVER done anything garbagey like this. Boo hoo!
  23. I'm no fan of Bethesda; but that article is beyond stupid. It's 2008; not 1998. It's time to get with the program. The graphics for D3 aren't all that impressive, sorry. FO3 has it beat in that way. Meh. I hate when articles force me to defend Bethesda in any way.
  24. Teacher, and school should STFU. It's simply none of their business who gets invited to whos' party. Absolutely lame. If I were the kid, my response would have been: 'And, that's why I didn't invite YOU either!"
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