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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Low magic.
  2. Don't have a problem with the fan vote. Now, some of the selections by the players/coaches is what has me scratching my head...
  3. "the fact the creator of FR ADMITTED in a interview many moons ago he mostly borrowed from other sources as that was his intent" When did I ever deny this? Tool.
  4. Extended version of trailer: http://pc.ign.com/dor/objects/682217/drago...ler_071408.html "Baldur's Gate went to consoles as well." A game with the same title did; but BG itself did not. One was being amde for PS1; but it was canceled. The game youa re thinking of BGDA which while I enjoyed it was not BG PC.
  5. "What next? Final Fantasy 13 will be on the XBox 360... oh wait." L0L It's only fair. Afterall, both ME and JE were 'xbox/xbox 360' exclusives and they eventually came to PC. This is the same just in reverse.
  6. "L00L0RZ! This coming from a Biow33ni3 fan. " I don't buy all BIO games. OMGZ!
  7. Awesome. i get to hear more whining from PC crybabies. HAHAHA! Good on BIO and EA!
  8. I don't buy games I think will be crap. Period. Loyalty to businesses are for fools. If they go udner, it's because they deserved to. NO FREE RIDES!!!
  9. "No. It sucks just like the first. The graphics are bad. Get over it." Whine MORE? Keep goin'. It's FUN! DA = AWESOME Better than all the rest include your precious BL, and KOTOR.
  10. I do, as much as I care about anything. The best players should eb there. And, Beltranm and Reyes ar eamonsgt the best at their position. they belong there. P.S. ON a negative Mets thing, the next time I read/hear someone claiming how great at defense Wright is; I'm gonna to imagine punching them a billion times 'cause he sucks in the field. Period. He makes one great play and now people think he's god's gift to fielding at 3rd base. L0L Pathetic.
  11. Yes. They're winning because they have an awesome team. Plain, and simple. Theys eemed to have no problem winning with him when they tied for 1st over, almost amde thre world series, and outside of a horrible September last seaosn ahd a pretty good season. They were eventually going to turn it around, anyways. *shrug* It's what happens when you have guys like Reyes, Wright, and Beltran. (Reyes and Beltran who should be the ASG, btw).
  12. "I just have to take a break here. My world is getting more unreal by the day. I just finished a conversation tree with ten different starting states... for a dog." http://www.dragonagecentral.com/single/1099082520
  13. Second trailer. Basically the same one but from a different view. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/36128.html
  14. Whining AGAIN? Holy moly! Second pic is from the vid so the combatants are probably grainy and all that because of crappy camera work from the recorder.
  15. I thought those sentences were very clear. Not even a single typo. *shrug* More importantly: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y194/TheM...b/DA-Battle.jpg
  16. Of course, you only die if the whole party is wiped out, anyways. *shrug* One of the lamest things about DA that it stole from the overrated KOTOR.
  17. "(This is, of course, entirely ruined if all the spells are explained in painstaking detail in appendix III of the game manual.) Great wizards like Gandalf and Obi Wan (orig. trilogy version) are intruiging to a large extent because the reader/viewer has no idea what the extent and nature of their powers are. " Horrible examples. Books/movies don't come with game play rules that the player/viewer can know. In games, there's a set of rules/guidelines for this kind of stuff so unless the DM 9ie game devloper) 'cheats'; there'll be a lack of mystery in that regard for us players (notwithstanding if we ecounter spellcasters more pwoerful than our controlled characters). That why D&D magic doens't have the 'mystery' you want because there are rulebooks detailing how said spell system works. It's a game. It ahs to have game play and hence rules. And, as a player, I'd like to knbow the rules before I play. This is different, of course, than having to know everything about everything. "That rather depends on how you define 'low magic' doesn't it??" And, like I said, it's not gonna be low magic. My standards for that is too high.
  18. That's because he didn't create them. He borrowed them from other sources. Sure, he twinked them, but still not original. Hobbits are - whcih I even said so above. The point is A LOT of ME is heavily borrowed from older sources making it NO DIFFERENT than D&D/FR in that regard. Period.
  19. Looks like crap. The graphics are as gray and drab as MW's was crappy brown. Disgusting. And, the enclave have been reduced to nothing but enemies to kill. You'd think they'd wnat to capture you to find our where your vault is (if they don't know); but nooooo.. LAME.
  20. Let me guess.. it's okay for Tolkien to 'steal' ideas, creatures, and whatnot from avrious sources but wrong for others? Whatever. Tolkien heavily borrowed stuff too. Big deal. Orc(Orks) (whatever you want to call them), and Elfs existed beforehand. He just refined them to fit his world. Just as D&D did. Big deal. And, both Tolkien and D&D creators were successful in doing so. *shrug* Plus, Tolkien is overrated. Solid writer but that's it.
  21. "Volo, FR stole a lot from Tolkien - orcs, elves etc. - so get over with it." Orcs, and elves were around before Tolkien.
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