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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "Hi Arcanium!" Arcanum doens't have a lot in common with FO outside of very solid role-playing/C&C.
  2. Actually, the PR was handled well. NWN2 was/is successful enough to warrant two sequels so obvious the PR helped. On top of that any PR that makes arrogant forum goers who think eveyrthing is about themc ry, whine, and pout makes me happy and therefore is worth it.
  3. "Oblivion on the other hand? I think everyone's forgotten about it by now." L0L Wishful thinking on your part. Olivion is far from forgotten. Just read reviews. Games are often compred to Oblivion. Most reveiwers never comapre games to Fo pretty much (except in reference to Obsidian's 'history') so to see FO will be 'remembered', and Oblivion has 'already been forgotten' is beyond fanciful wishful thinking not based in reality.
  4. "Kotor 1 > Mass Effect" ME > KOTOR
  5. BIO didn't have *any* forums when IWD/PST were made. They only got forums when they told Interplay/BIS to go bite themselves. "Atari may have said that, most likely with Bioware's influence to make it happen." Yeah, sure, BIO was desperate to have more forums on their site for a game they didn't develop. Must explain why the KOTOR2 forums are at the BIo forums. Oops, oh yeah, theya ren't. HAHAHA! Another conspiracy theory destroyed. L0L0L0L0L0LLIP0P
  6. Did you read Sand's post? It wasn't BIO's choice. It was Atari's. Plus, BIO had more influence on NWN2 trhen they did either PST or IWD. And, BIS/Inetrplay were the publisher. On top of that... NEWSFLASH: BIO didn't have forums of their own when PST, and IWD were made. L0L Sand > Dark Raven. You should have left Sand's post stand as it was all that was needed in this thread.
  7. "I hope this is not a repeat question." L0L It is; but it's okay. It's been awhile. "Which is strange considering that Bioware had nothing to do with the creation of NWN2 and its expansions." Your comment is strange considering BIO's logo is plastered on all NWN2 stuff. Even stranger is your defintion of 'nothing'. NWN2 is Obsidian's baby as they are the developers; but BIO most certainly played in a role in it. They're 3rd in importance behind Obsidian, and Atari.
  8. "I was merely stating the impression I am getting from people such as *YOURSELF*" Game over. Are you gonan try to claim that your first post wasn't directed at people such as 'myself', again? Just admit it. It's not like you are the first person to accuse others directly including myself. Mkreku did. Just admit it, and let's move on. Embarassing.
  9. XARD WINS!!!!!
  10. I noticed that, too. The kid was/is a scumbag. Not the game's fault.
  11. Mkreku mentioned by name which you quoted when you went on your silly little rant yet you are now trying to pretend I wasn't one of your targets? Give me a break. On top of that, it wouldn't matter as the point still stands.
  12. "Then again KotOR MMO might just be KotOR 3, and they are setting up like Guild Wars. A MMO without a monthly fee!" I am doubtful that BIO would set up an entire division in Texas to create, and maintain a MMO wehre it's 'free' after the initial purpose. Afterall, even all the NWN patches were mainly paid for via the premium modules....
  13. "Sand or Volo or whoever (why do I always get those two mixed up?) will come and tell me again that JE is good, and yeah, I do think now that it was a good fun game... but that opening, combined with the fact that I had played KOTOR only a month or so ago, really gave me a "oh gawd" vibe." JE > KOTOR "But the PC never makes any huge mistakes." Depends on what you mean by 'huge mistake'. And, compared to most PROTAGANISTS in RPGs, the PC in ME makes some doozies, imo.
  14. "Not at all what I was saying... I was merely stating the impression I am getting from people such as yourself." Only if youa r eignorant. I have compliment stuff I've read about it, and even defended it from others. I stand by what i said about your post: "It's better than spamming entire paragraphs where you basically state 'those who disagree with me are dumb and stupid' like you did with your post. I just get to the point." IT's entire existence was to flame, and to attack the posters in question not discuss the issue at hand. Typical of someone who fits my quotations above.
  15. "was a predictable plot with an always-right hero" Umm.. the PC 'hero' isn't always right.. heck, isn't always a 'hero'...
  16. It's better than spamming entire paragraphs where you basically state 'those who disagree with me are dumb and stupid' like you did with your post. I just get to the point.
  17. "you hate everything you know about the game so far." Your pathetic attacks aside, you obviously don't know what you are talking about. There are things I like what I'm hearing/reading about FO3. Be careful who and what you paint with your ignorant wishy washy brush. "Fallout frankly, ain't anything more than average." Good for you. "It's smacks of ignorance," Pot. Kettle. Black.
  18. Fo:BOS was a fun little action game. It was never meant to be a RPG just like FOT wasn't meant to be one. Beth's FO3 is being pimped as a RPG which it is; but it's gonna be likely a bad one just like the rest of Beth's trash.
  19. Sounds better than Oblivion not that that's hard. That said, if it didn't have the FO name, I wouldn't even care about this game a bit 'cause Bethesda will likely not make a fun game. It's too bad they think it's okay to have children talk smack; but we can't slap them down? Awww.... Abusive parents who are also gamers will go to war over this!!!
  20. NWN, NHL 08 (still maintaining my league/playing in others, i love this game), and Spellforce Universe.
  21. "NWN1. Those two games were horrendous." Yet... you played the OC 3+ times, bought both expansions, bought premium modules, played it years after release... L0L Your logic still sucks. Anyways,... Positive Tears - NWN for being the BETS GAME EVAR!!! Negative Tears - Pools of Radiance 2 was hopeless... Roll My Eyes Tears - Overrated KOTORs, people's love of the crappy Spiderweb games, and those who have ruined my good memories of the BG series...
  22. 1. NHL 09 - Let it continue the tradition of the BEST HOCKEY GAME EVER. 2. Dragon Age - Spiritual successor to the awesome NWN... and, sadly, all those crappy BIO games too... 3. Storm of Zehir - BRING ON MORE NWN GAMES! Ooo yeah!!! Other stuff: ME2, FF13 (FOR 360!!!), and I'm sure there's more I'm missing.
  23. Meh. Class or classless systems doesn't bother me. As long as they are deisgned well. *shrug*
  24. LA will 90% likely make the playoffs now. Bay is a good player but he is no Manny. Besdies the failure between Boston, and Manny are both sides' fault. They sure haven't minded him helping them win 2 world series the past 3 seasons. *shrug* Disloyal fans are punks.
  25. "I'll be this insignificant individual" Sad to say; but you already are. So am I. They make games for lots of people not just individuals.
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