"I didn't troll you, and if anyone's crying, it's you with your reactionary denunciation of my "trolling". I was simply pointing out that since you attempt to infallibly define everything and brook no contradiction, there's no point. As the rest of your post shows. "
Sure you did. I'm far from the only one who 'attempts to infallably define everything and brook no contradiction'. Justa dmit, myou posted what you did in an attempt to get a reaction. You got one so stop crying over it.
"SOZ was never a game that was going to deliver a strong narrative with interesting characters. "
Poor excuse. It had writing and characters so its quality can be judged. Period.
"NWN2 OC is far better then NWN."
No, no it isn't. It's about equal.
"NWN wasn't even going to have an OC through part of it's development."
Totally irrelevant.
"KoTOR 2 is proof of a rushed game. Nothing more, but even if it wasn't I still would of prefered the original."
KOTOR wasn't 'rushed'. This is a myth. Obsidian knew how much time they basiclaly had from the moment they signed the contract.Nobody's fault but their own they seemingly (according to their fanboys) couldn't make due. That said, KOTOR2 isn't that bad either. In fact, it's about equal with KOTOR (which is overrated). *shrug*