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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "Trying to discuss with Volourn the merits of Bioware's writing compared to, well, any company, is like trying to have serious discussion about abortion with diehard pro-lifer. Nothing will come out of it." The samed can be said about those who hate BIO. Hard to have a seriously legit discussion with them. "Mind you, that's a man that considers NWN series "the best ever". " K. Must explain why I rated NWN OC 75%, called SOU overrated, and HOTU as good but far from 'best ever'. Why do people feel the need to lie, and make up fairy tales?
  2. "If you need to ask, you'll never get it anyhow. Stick to McDonald's/Britney/Bioware, boy. " That's the best you got? Calling someone 'boy'? I'll one up you. IF you think Obsidian's writing is 'risky' (btw, 'risky' does not equal good as I find Obsidian's writing good) then you judt don't get what 'risky' is, baby.
  3. Art is art. None of things you listed are art.
  4. "with minor variations" No. "Obsidian's writing tends to be more risky, and while they do adhere to some aspect of the base formulaic plot lines that have been long established since the 16th century, they try to bring in more complexity in their twists and turns in their games" What's so risky about Obsidian's writing?
  5. "I didn't troll you, and if anyone's crying, it's you with your reactionary denunciation of my "trolling". I was simply pointing out that since you attempt to infallibly define everything and brook no contradiction, there's no point. As the rest of your post shows. " Sure you did. I'm far from the only one who 'attempts to infallably define everything and brook no contradiction'. Justa dmit, myou posted what you did in an attempt to get a reaction. You got one so stop crying over it. "SOZ was never a game that was going to deliver a strong narrative with interesting characters. " Poor excuse. It had writing and characters so its quality can be judged. Period. "NWN2 OC is far better then NWN." No, no it isn't. It's about equal. "NWN wasn't even going to have an OC through part of it's development." Totally irrelevant. "KoTOR 2 is proof of a rushed game. Nothing more, but even if it wasn't I still would of prefered the original." KOTOR wasn't 'rushed'. This is a myth. Obsidian knew how much time they basiclaly had from the moment they signed the contract.Nobody's fault but their own they seemingly (according to their fanboys) couldn't make due. That said, KOTOR2 isn't that bad either. In fact, it's about equal with KOTOR (which is overrated). *shrug*
  6. Yeah, for sure. If I was 140lb, it probably be mean I'd be at death's door. And, I very little - if any - muscle definition at all.
  7. "Off the top of my head, Obsidian, Irrational, Double Fine and Quantic Dream have better writers. Quite a few companies are about as competent as Bioware." Never argued that other comapnies were as 'competent' as BIO. However, none of those companies have 'better' writing than BIO's. They can arguably be equal; but better? Not. Espicially Obsidian. SOZ is proof of this. NWN2 OC is proof of this. KOTOR2 is proof of this. "Why are people still trying to argue with Volourn?" Why are you still trolling Volourn? At least the others are actually discussing the issue. You are just crying.
  8. "I'm in good shape (I'm 6'1, 160 pounds)." Off topic... wow... that's inetresting. I'm 6'0", 175lbs and I'm skinny. Hmmm... Anyways, as for ME2... it will be awesome. And, it will likely be better than DA. And, it's a well known fact that the ME series is vastly superior to the KOTOR series.
  9. "there are plenty of companies who do worse writing, but not that many." Actually, yes. BIO's writing is top of the line. None are better and some are equal, most are worst.
  10. "They'll probably just rip off Witchers delayed consequences thing." You make it sound TW invented the concept. It did not. In fact, BIO's done it before. As has BIS, Obsidian, and heck even Squaresoft.
  11. You don't (usually) get banned for criticizing BIO games or even BIO themselves. It's how one does it. People criticize BIO all the time there. *shrug* P.S. ME > KOTOR and ME2 > KOTOR2
  12. "So the companions will just go "oh and by the way we destroyed your most sacred relic"? I really hope they have some common courtesy and respect for your decisions." Wait a second. You just destroyed a religious artifact that is important and belongs to someone else yet you expect common courtesy and respect to be shown to you? LMAO
  13. RPG = NWN OTHER = NHL 09/NHL09
  14. NHL 09 as always. My league is in S8. Also, playing NHL 10 demo.
  15. Way too ahrsh. And, oh, he got a harsher penalty than most won't get. And, comapred to what otehrs get for way worse crimes, this is garbage. This is nothing but a mayor and DA punishing him because he is famous and wanting to set some lame example. I mean, he shot himself and gets two years? WTH? You can probably get less by shooting somebody else.
  16. " KotOR was a good game. " ME > KOTOR + BG + JE + SS + MDK2
  17. BIO is the best RPG developer ever. As for Bethesda goes, I have nothing good to say, sorry.
  18. Anyone who calls ME characters 'boring' than brags about how awesome and deep characters like Minsc, Viconia, Madfire, and the like were, I will laugh at them. Nonstop.
  19. Yeah, like I said before, GB fans are like ex lover who no longer wants the person but also believes that person belongs to them and nobody else should have them. Talk about an abusive relationship.
  20. Welcome back Brett Favre! KICK GREEN BAY'S BUTT!
  21. NHL 09 ME2 DA
  22. "The only 3 classes are Warrior, Rogue and Mage? D:" There's also 'presitge'/'specialized' classes.
  23. Which is why he's the back up...
  24. Actually, this is a good move by Philly, and makes me as a Giants fan like them more. It also makes me smile because of all the 'expert pundits' who were claiming that Vick's career was over. Once again, I was proven correct.
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