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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. " I just got Oghren for the first time, he opened his vulgar little mouth, and I cringed. " Ogrhen is not your typical DA dwarf. "The dwarfs were cliche" No, theyw eren't.. unless you mean somehting else entirely as they sure weren't your stereotypical fantasy dwarf. They certainly weren't honourable, and outside of Ogrhen they the society didn't come across as loving their booze. As for 'scottish accents'.. Bah. That's soemthing that started with silly video games, and I'm glad it got crushed. Elven parts were perfect. they were wussies. And, that's the true elf way. The dwraves were bastards. But, they were magnificant bastars. except for Oghren who was absolutely pathetic in so many ways.
  2. G3 was a fun game for the most part. I never bothered with oblivion but it's probably just as bad as TW because not much can be worst than TW as TW is just plain crap.
  3. DA > TW TW is plain crap. It has crap writing, story, characters, atmosphere, combat, music, sound, quests, it's a shallow as a piece of poo. How dare you pollute an awesome DA trhead with a game so crappy it is EPIC SOZZY much ES games, SOZ, POR2, and DTU. Horirble, horirble. TW is just plain, old fahsion crap. It's also a rip off of D&D. *yawn* TW is D&D lite.
  4. You do get recognized. You most cetrianly don't get airbrushed. Sure, more could have been done with it, but that's true about everything. Heck, you cna even end up as SPOILER. "Your input as a scion of the family / recognition is diminshed oon the pretext that you were banished." This too. You are nothing to the dwarves. You only are allowed into Orzammar because of the GW. Otherwise, you are lower than a piece of crap. Really, that simple. "i am REALLY TIRED OF ELVES AND DWARVES" Dwarves are awesome. "i want more planescape games." Both these races exist in Planescape. "dark sun would be cool too." Youa re sick, and tired of elves and dwarves yet you keep mentioning settings that have them. As suggsted, elves and dwarves exist in DS. "or something different, but cool, not different and lame" Why do you keep buying fantasy games with elves and dwarves if you think they're lame. It's illogical. "Things would have been much more interesting if the Dalish would actually be in a guerrilla war with the humans, instead of just trekking around doing nothing (save singing songs) as if the new Elven homeland would suddenly come falling from the sky." Nah, that's boring. The Dalish were perfect being pathetic. I wouldn't want them any other way. Heck, the City Elves have more backbone. L0L And, they are supposedly 'weak willed'.
  5. The dwarves aren't pathetic. They're just not the lawful good goodie two shoes they usually are. I love the le4ves btw. Elves deserve to pathetic as they ALWAYS have been pathetic. To me, it is the best showing of elves ever as it is true to the spirit of elves - pansy crybabies whose arrogance makes them think they are better than they actually are. Probably one of the reasons why the dwarves are like they are is because they are hardened by having to deal with the darkspawn mess while the surface dwellers conviently ignore the problem inbetween blights. I actually think the dwraves should have been a lot harsher with any surfacers - GW or not - who came down to them begging for their help. Why should the dwarves care about the blight? Let some surfacers deal with the problem as the dwarves know that as soon as the archdemon is dead the darkspawn will turn their attention back to them and the surfacers will blissfully go unawares for a nother 100+ years.
  6. Yeha, those two should just have sex and be done with it. L0L
  7. Alistair complains A LOT about Logain throughout the entire game. He makes it very clear that he wants Loghain to pay. And, oh, him doing what he does doesn't mean he's turning his back on Feralden or not gonna to fight the blight. he turns his back on YOU because he feels you betrayed his trust. He does not turn his back on his mission. Since when does one have to travel with the PC to have the goal to stop the bLight. Talk about selfish, and arrogance on part of the PC to think that way. Perhaps, Alistair will form his own party to do the job - a party he can trust and who respects him enough not to spit in his face, his ideals, and his mentor. I seriously doubt he simply went into the wilds to sing koombya.
  8. Numbers crunching isn't a MMORPG. BG2/NWN/any other D&D also had the numbers crunching thing going on. *shrug* Anyone whose played pnp has alsos een their share of number crunchers so it's silly to base it on one particular group. Heck, i like to number crunch and I'm no MMORPG player. And, as evidenced, plenty of people here as well.
  9. People are discussing things like it's a given that the Morrigan end game thing is a selfish/evil thing. It isn't. Not even close to having it be. In fact, I believe it could be the ultimate sacrifice for a good cause if your character happens to dislike Morrigan. I disagree with Alistair thing, and I don't even like that character much. I see his point of view. I think the problem is players want games to be dumbed down, and they don't like it when NPCs will make a chocie to leave their party espicially out of the blue so theyc ry and whine. Both characters - whether you agree with them or not - act exactly like they probably would. In Alistair's case, one could rgue that there should at leats have been a very difficult persuade check possible if you were extremely friendly with him to talk him down as a compromise. And, Grom as often as he is, is wrong. Alistair makes it perfectly clear his feelings on the issue throughout the game. In fact, making the choice you do that cause him to leave cna be seen as YOU ultimately betraying HIM.
  11. "So for him to just dump his duty and stomp out at such a crucial moment goes against everything he supposedly stands for. Bad move on Bio's part. Very bad move." Nope. Good move. It shows he is human, and is effect by human hatred, and need for revenge. I don't enccessarily agree with Alistair, but understand and respect his decision. Then again, I had no problem punishing that certains cumbag for his evil misdeeds. "Rubbish. I got to the point that I wouldn't take her into towns where I might get side quests because I couldn't afford to keep buying her jewelry to get her to like me again." *shrug* I did a lot of 'good' deeds that Morrigan approved of, and wasn't worried. You don't seem like you are into role-playing since your choice to not bring Morri with you on trips was a gameplay decision not role-playing one. If you didn't like Morrigan's attitude you could simply ask her to leave. As a good character who did pretty much all things the perceived good way when I could, I had no problem keeping Morri's approval pretty much perfect. Negative hits were very low when she did dissaprove (unless you got them from trashing her personally). "In fact I would say Morrigan is Bio's best written female character by a long way and Alistair their best leading male character." Better than that. She's their best character ever. Period. And, I hope they don't ruin it in DA2 by doing aq certain a certain way just to spite the fact that she is not evil. I posted that the big thing with Morri is actually a GOOD thing to do, and nothing i've read changes my mind. GO MORRIGAN GO!
  12. Except the story is completely different. *shrug*
  13. "but because they were selfish, petulent, and irrational in doing so." Selfish may be arguable. Petulent, nope. Irrational - absolutely not espicially in Morrigan's case. Your under the mistaken impression that Morrigan's goals are the same as yours. They obvious aren't. You seem to forget she was FORCED to go with you. In fcat, if you ask her at any time 'why are you still here?' she give smajor dissaproval and very likely leaves unless you apologize for even asking such a dumb question. "Morrigan and Alistair are foisted on" Alistair, yes, Morrigan no. You can tell her to take a hike basically any time you want, and she doesn't cry about it. She simply leaves. Remember, as far as being 'foisted' on someone, Morrigan being in the party is at least at first not her choices. That is mommy dearest doing. As for as BIO/OBS games go, DA is probably the most 'open' when it comes to keeping or kicking npcs since NWN as KOTOR, JE, ME, KOTOR2, and NWN2 makes it evry ahrd to say no. You can flat out kill DA npcs, and all but one cna be told to get lost. In fact, you can inadvernately have two DA npcs 'die' without even interacting with them at all. "Let's be honest, in a better CRPG you'd be able to kill Morrigan. And push Alistair off a cliff. Etc." Nah. That's nea rimpossible because there ar every few games better than DA. Certain no BIO or Obsidian game. Or Interplay, Troika, Ff, or whatever. "Making the two JNPCs most central to the game's story and appeal so unlikeable is ... an odd choice." An opinion that many disagree with, and most importantly I don't. Though, I'm not a huge fan of Alistair. What makes these two characters great is they aren't cookie cutter 'yes men'. They have opinions, thoughts, ideals, and if you don't live up to them they will let you know. Morrigan was extremely likeable (and, no, just her looks as I've hated plenty of 'attractive npcs, r00fles!) even despite some of her negative personality traits. That makes her more real which makes her even more likeable.
  14. "Yes, a warm fuzzy consensus has indeed been achieved. " here; but not at the BIO baords. I posted my DA2 suggestions there, and I was basically flamed non stop by a bunch of crybabies because I dared to suggest to remolval of the holy rogue. Seriously, if they had done it here, they probably would have had their posts edited. One dink even accused me of bashing BIO, and being a BIO hater because by me having the GALL to give my DA suggestions, I was basically saying BIO sucked and were incapable. ROTFLMAOATWTKKUYADYTPPP
  15. "I didn't even know you could get up to 100% spell resistance." neitehr did I til recently, and it is obvious that it is cheese. "we stand by our assertion that 500 of the denerim thugs we encountered as a level 18 or level 20 character would make short work of the blight." Nope. You cna have a billion level 50s and it wouldn't make a dent unless SPOILER. So... the question remains, why make stuff up, Grom? You remind of Italian Warlord but at least he was doing it for fun and not actually serious. "Okay. Anyone who has fought that battle can make up their own minds on that comment." Yup. Like me. They were a solid, challenging battle; but their 'hardness' is overrated even in terms of BG2 battles. Took me twice to beat them my first time largely because I was lazy. Second time, they stood no chance.
  16. Oh that wacky Gromnir. Defdning cheese such as this while claiming that rogues are useless even though he uses them. LMAO Then again, you find simple bandits the toughest fights in the game so such a lost cause when it comes to logic. "The Twisted Rune alone has more fiersome and varied mage opponents than all of DA. " Nah. They were wussies. ASll i ddi was send my warriors to fight, and never had to click on them and never saw the Rune again.
  17. Most of the better DA battles involved mages, imo. Blood Mage Hideout, guy who is a rip off of a BG2 baddie, the avrious Emessaries. In fact, I rememeber early in the game in the wild when you meet your first Emessary. That was a fun battle with some great scripting. Fantastic. Tons tons more. More memorable mage fights in DA than BG2.
  18. Why do you targets mages first? Oh yeah, because they are the most dangerous. With 100SR%, you can completely ignore them and target the tanks first always no matter what. How is having 100% SR% NOT broken? It's illogical. How cna people defend such broken cheesiness? There's a reason why most battles only have 1-2 mages involved and a billion meleers - any more magic power and you'd be overpwoered. In conclusion, 100%SR is cheese.
  19. "Stable government=selfish" If it is hat your character wants, and it's your way or the highway and you won't accept the fact that Alistarir makes some good points. btw, You cna have a stable gov't even doing what Alistair asks you to do. *shrug* "Not giving Morrigan, the self-styled manipulator a godkid to mess with and sacrificing his own life=selfish magic immunity=immoral" OO Spoilers. Anyways, she has her goals, you have yours. Why should she blindly follow you if you won't do her a favor espicially she gives solid reasons for why she wants to do this and why it is also helpful in YOUR mission? You spit in her face and then expect her to kiss your butt and get back in line? Give me a break. Thankfully, she's not a zombie, and doesn't follow blindly behind a poor leader who cna't see the big picture. "funny. maybe you should actually try using logic or reason for a change... might then make apparent that your conclusions is fallacious. Gromnir is using reason, but all you gots is conclusions and claims o' cheese... which is to be expected from R00FLES" You arne't using reason. You've mad eno piint to show that have 100%MR is somehow NOT broken. Being completly immune to all magic - when everyone agrees that magic is THA awesome - is complete and utterly cheesy bullocks. And, youa re wrong. It doesn't just ruin ONE battle. It ruins a huge amount of battles. Emmisaries will all of assuden become a joke, many demons would be a joke, the Mage Tower would be even EASIER, many bandit battles would be a joke, and on, and on. It completely breaks the game. Might as well just allow people to have 100% resiatnce to phsyical damage and call it a day. LMAO
  20. Morrigan has her goal. If you say not to her, it's not a temper tantrum to leave; but logical. If you aren';t willing to help her 9when she's actually helping you too)... why should she help you? LMAO And, oh, she SPOILER tells you why. And, I see your point with Alistair; but I see his point too. It seems to me youa re the one acting like a juvenile since you won't see the other characters' viewpoints. Why are you being so selfishly concerend with only your wants and needs? I think Enoch and his PC are the petulant, and selfish little children. Grom: Being compltely immune to magic is broken cheese plain and simple. No way around it. No logic can defend something so immoral, broken, and cheesy.
  21. The author of that article is ignorant. Typical Morrigan hater. If the mages were so 'powerful' as he claims then why do they bow to the Chantry. I don't blame her either for wnating to see the mages get what's coming because they'd do the same to her. Wynn the so called goody two shoes flatly attacks Morrigan simply because she is an 'apostate'. The only weakness in that scenario is that Morri should have wnated to take the tempalrs out too. That's BIO's fault for not giving that option not the character's. Morrigan approves of plenty of 'good' actions nor does she suggest murdeirng little kiddies. *shrug*
  22. Doesn't matter. 100% resistance is broken. Plain,a nd simple. Why are you defending such obvious cheese? 75% resistance should be the absolute MAX for any time of resistance. Otherwsie, it gets way too cheesy. Period. With 100% SR%, mage opponents become an absolute joke which makes a lot fo encounters pathetically easier.
  23. "These are pretty drastic, and I think overdo it a little." Blame the overreaction of how people vocally claime dthey were 'overpowered' and 'broke' the game. *shrug* This is silly BIO listening to foolish fans who don't know what they want. The loudest may win; but they often are very wrong. It's why these spells are 'broken'; but somehow 100SR% is not even though it actually is.
  24. "Where are all the people who used to play infinity engine games? They seem to have been replaced by those who want games to play themselves." Actually, the infiity games are the ones where the game is more likely to play itself since warriors and rogues are basically attack-attack-attack so you don't even have to watch them at all. While in DA, your warrior types have specialty moves that need to be sued and while DA has some of the best AI (definitely better than the IE) ever in a CRPG, it will not be able to intelligently use everything. Check, the disucssion about cone of cold. For me, in DA, I set up my meleers to do variosu special attacks and concentrae on my mages. I'll switch to the meleers to get them into better position/to attack certain enemies. And, if I think I need them to do a special move then I'll switch to them as well. In BG2, in most combats, I simply mass clicked my party INCLUDING MAGES to mass attack all the wussy non threatening enemies in melee. L0LZ In DA, you need to cleverly use your talents while in BG2, for at leats half the battles you can simply watch your party zerg rush. This is even true for BG2 'toughg' enemies like golems where you just mass click and attack them until they fall while you watch the game. "They seem to have been replaced by those who want games to play themselves" Most noteably, these are the players who prefer infinity combat to DA combat because that's more common there than in DA even with the tatics mode. *shrug*
  25. "If I found Mass Effect and KotOR to be bland, uninventive, and boring in terms of gameplay, will I enjoy this?" DA is a BIO game. Take that as you will both good and bad.
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