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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "About that, are they all really bisexual, or do they just have some sort of Schr
  2. "Geralt is as straight as it gets, plus he's like James Bond." Not much of a role-playing game when your character's chocies is forced on you. People can complaint about the TOTALLY AVOIDABLE BI SEXUAL ROMANCES in BIO games but at least you get a choice. Anyways, the TW2 ladies are HOT. The only weakness they show is their lack of taste. R00fles!
  3. Miranda better be back! "pew pew pew, in game cut scene, pew pew pew, in game cut scene, pew pew pew, in game cut scene, pew pew pew, movie cut scene. " You just described your favorite ME series to a tee!
  4. "I hate that phrase." hateas gonna hate
  5. He didn't bamboozle anybody. And, such a 'ocaltion' doesn't represent the 'majority'. People who vote NDP don't neccessarily agree with Liberals or vice verssa. It's why, afterall, theya re two seperate aprties. If they want to combine into one legit party than do so and run on THAT platform not two seperate ones hence lying to the voters.
  6. " I'm finding that DA2, and ME2 play better on console... Just feels tighter. " Very rude to toll, my friend. You don't want to make the PC fanboys cry.
  7. Stating the truth isn't trolling even if it hurts others' feelings. DA1 console . DA2 console This is simple fact.
  8. "Oh Volo, does playing the fool really make you happy? DA1 was very nice on PC, and poorly ported to console in many respects. The camera alone on PC is literally almost perfect for a game of this style, seriously, some of the best camera design I've seen, it fits a bunch of styles of play with 2 variables. Elegant doesn't seem to do it justice." Horrible junk is horrible junk and DA1 on PCV is horrible junk comapred to DA1 on console.
  9. "Between State & Federal Taxes, if you won a million dollars you would be lucky if you got 500,000." No lottery tax here,
  10. DA1 on PC was 10x worse than it was on console.
  11. So.. wait.. the crying that the rights were s'tolen' from them wwrrw rong? They simply sold them the rights for a certain amount of time? L0LZ
  12. It's mainly there to get laughs due to the over top npc dialogue there and the reactions for your teammates. ME, and DA had more 'hardcore' scenes. L0L
  13. Two Worlds is awesome. Wayy better than that trash oblivion. I have the 360 version and was superb. Haven't tried part deux yet.
  14. DA1 had a HORRIBLE mod scene. Horrible, horrible,, horrible. I didn't even bother to download one mod for it. As for the offer, it has very little to do with 'boosting' DA2 sales but more to do with boosting sales for ME3. How does this offer boost DA2 sells since the offer is also for those who already bought the game. Now, if the offer was buy DA starting nowm you get ME2 for free as some sor tof special deal that could be the argument; but that's isn't the case. It should also be noted that previous BIO games INCLUDING DA1 had special offers early on in their releases as well. Nothing new here. *shrug*
  15. "Thats great and all, but am I being a pessimist if I can't help but think this is some desperate way to boost DA2's sales? " It's more likely a way to boost ME3 sales. "did anyone buy dragon age 2 who did not already own ME2?" Probably quite a few non hardcore BIO people. ie. Those not posting here on Obsidian who depsite their constant BIO bashing are big time BIO fans.
  16. No. I live in Kanada and have never even seen a seal.
  17. "Ah, figures Volourn is a Tory." Nope. I'm a former liberal who has no party loyalty now.
  18. That little sillines just makes them come acorss as juvenile arrogant full of themselves who believe themselves better than everybody else when it comes to 'moral authority'. They seek to control and ensalves others to their way of thinking. In essence, theya re scumbags worthy of being spit upon not heroes like they claim to be. Pathetic pieces of crap.
  19. DA2 - 2nd and 3rd play throughs as rogue and mage respectively. Still early. NWN1 - stuff NHL 11 - 6vs6 online hockey leagues
  20. The Merrill quest bug is weird. I didn't suffer it but supposedly she reacts to something major before it even happens. Heh. I did get the one non active quest bug. There's the no auto attack one which i think is a major feature. None of the bugs, imo, are game breaking. Then again, as per usual, i tend to miss the most annoying bugs. L0LZ I just wish BIo could fix the bug of 'whiny internet losers crying about every little thing'. That fix would be a major welcome. P.S. There is a HUGE difference between legit criticism and whining.
  21. "I think its sad how well the Conservatives are polling considering how much they've been screwing up, how much is coming to light in terms of their association with criminals in key areas of the party, as well as their constant use of attack ads that most canadians claim to hate." You said it yourself, Liberals are full of criminals too. They also have a habit of using attack ads. On top of that, as much of a prick Harper can be that stupid Ignatiff or whatever guy is 10x worse. On top ofm this, while things aren't perfect, the Conservatives have done a decent job as a minority gov't. I used to be Liberal only voter but they lost that vote with their scumminess. It'll be decades before I even think of voting Liberal again. NDP has potential though. Don't forget, btw, this election is occuring ebcause the Liberals pushed for it. The NDP didn't really want it. And, the Liberals have been pushing for an election ever since the Conservatives won the last time. P.S. As for the contempt charges, while there is likely some truth to them, it is so mixed up in politics, it's hard to take seriously. The only Kanadians being stupid are the ones buying the garbage spouted by the evil Liberal party.
  22. MS is known for being hardcore tough on patches/update on the 360. That's likely why it takes so long.
  23. "Is Wynne any better realized than Jaheira? I really don't think so. " Yes, yes she is. Andm i say that even though I prefer Jaheira. "BG2 assumed I had previously left Imoen, Minsc, Dynaheir, Khalid & Jaheira alive. That alone makes it far worse than BG1." r u serious?
  24. "Also, BG was better accepted for it's time than DA 2 has been, that is for damn sure." True, but I never argued otherwise. "Look how well BG 2 improved on BG 1. Almost everything about it was better. Look at how DA 2 has improved on DA 1. For every positive there is a negative, and sometimes a big fat stinking negative." I do agree with this 100%. BG2 is vastly superior to BG in every single way. there is NOT one thing BG1 does better than BG2. Not a one.
  25. "Game devs really need to quit the stupid slider based character generators. The only thing they do well is alienate people." Which people? the Boo Think Alike People? Because BIO games are more successful than ever. Heck, some are trying to point DA2 as a failure 9depsite no legit facts to back it up) despite it obviously selling a lot. BIO's most successful games are their more recent ones. BG series is just a nostalgic overrated wannabe that is served better as memory of simpler times because they, by and alrge, don't stand up to the modern BIO RPG. Espicially true for BG. BG2 has a stronger case though in some ways, but BG certainly doesn't. BG npcs are the defintion of failure. One dies you just repalce them because they're almost nothing (except in a handful of instances) seperating them except stats/class/race. Definitely not personality, background, role-playing, C&C, or writing. One example is that the crybaby elf mage with the sweet sword in BG1. That was a great set up for a character that is absolutely wasted in the way Bg handles npcs. He would thrive in a newer BIO offering. Now he's just a couple of funny quips.
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