"Didn't it?
First week is expectedly good for a game with a successful predecessor. Second week, sharp drop.
Sure, it was cheaper to make, so the overall financial situation is a success, but there's the other part of it and that's the fact that the games sales dropped sharply as a clear indicator of lesser appeal/quality."
All games drop after week 1. All it emans the people who wanted the game badly got the game right away. Bottom line, is when things are said and done, DA1 and DA2 will have sold about the same. And, DA2 is almost guaranteed to be a profitable game than DA1. LMAO
It'll sell a minimum of 2mil copies while likely hitting 3mil just like DA1 did.
P.S. Once aagin, the sales chart above is all about fake numbers. It can't be trusted to be accurate.