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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Yes, you can.
  2. yet, JE is still a superior game with superior C&C., better comapnions, better role-playing, better combat, better quests, and is just plain better. KOTOR is a 75-80 game while JE is 85ish.
  3. "AP has yet to be beaten when it comes to C&C." FO, FO2, PST, BG2, HOTU, JE, KOTOR, KOTOR2, ME, ME2, DA, DA2, ARC, TOEE, BL, and another 25,000 games have better C&C than AP.
  4. "Jade Empire was the better game." Thank you for your honesty. P.S. not like your 'debating' was any more 'awesome'. "Dumbed down D20 was still way better than, what 3 skills in Jade Empire?" That's such a deep argument,it should be able to convince anyone of the foolishness of prefering JE over KOTOR. LMAO
  5. Hey, if people can prejudge DA2 C&C and overall quality before playing it why cna't I do the same? At least I tried to enjoy AP.
  6. The three classes play the same for the most part. Shoot, shoot, and shoot more. The C&C is a joke. Plain, and simple. Then again, I'm sure I didn't play long enough to experience all the awesome later game C&C nor do i regret 'missing out'. Obsidian is better off making seuels to other companies' popualr games because they seem to be at their best then (SOZ notwithstanding).
  7. "Dumbed down D20 was still way better than, what 3 skills in Jade Empire?" No. And, no, JE wasn't rushed, and even if it was, no excuse. That excuses is agrabage when Obsidian fanboys sue it and it's garbage for BIo fanboys as well. Either way. JE > KOTOR No contest.
  8. "KoTOR = D20 Rules (They RULE btw! HAR HAR)." majorly dumbed down d20 rules.
  9. ME is better than AP. AP is crap in every aspect. Horrible writing,s tory, characters, combat, character system, C&C, everyhting. Horrid horrid horrid.
  10. Comic is funny but inaccurate. You can be friendly withn Anders and not sleep with him. In fact, the game shows you the difference between romantic, friend, and rivalry options.
  11. "It doesn't, also the casual Hawke in the middle of battle it's annoying." I've been getting this bug once and awhile. Twas really annoying. I notice that it is most likely to happen when vasnishing assassins are around.
  12. "Jade Empire actually came out a few years after KoTOR, which made it all the more disappointing. KoTOR used a variation of the D&D rules, dumbed down a bit from NwN but made up for with a much better story and more cinematic experience while Jade Empire had one of the weakest rule systems in a RPG. Not the worst game ever but, after KoTOR, such a let down. " Kiddin' right? KOTOR is a bigb dumbed down mess. JE is avstly superior to it. ther eis not contest. JE >>>>> kOTOR LOL KOTOR LOL Silly SW kiddies! L0L KOTOR L0L "Alistair is better than 6 out of 7 DA2 NPCs. Hell i'd even take Carth over them" By and large, the DA2 npcs are superior to DA1 npcs. At worst, it can be argued they're equal as a group. Metacritic: It should be pointed out that other sites' user reviews are much higher than the silly 4. Not that numbered reveiws (fan or 'professiona') can be takens eriously. Sorry, but reviews like 'it sucks it get zero' is laughable. Same with 'this game is awesomely eprfect it get 10s' is crap as well. "http://www.wodnews.net/Articles/Blogs/tabi...ssimilated.aspx" Hey, look at me ma, I still hate BIO, and bash them some more! Woo hoo! P.S. The fact you basically praise DA here while you were bashing it 9with a few thrown in compliments) say it all. You've been negatvie towards BIo for years saying theyw ere dead yet claim this is their 'downfall'? L0LZ
  13. "Kotor2>Kotor NWN MoB>>>>NWN" I can play this game too. KOTOR = KOTOR2 NWN MOTB > NWN OC NWN HOTU > NWN2 OC NWN SOU > NWN2 SOZ ME2 > AP R00fles!
  14. "Obsidian has crafted some of the most interesting stories in gaming and has managed to take BW games further than the originals." OBSIDIAN FANBOY ALERT TROLLING A BIOWARE THREAD!!! P.S. more seriously, I like Obsidian too but some people really overrate their story writing - espicially after AP and SOZ. Not to mention the perfectly acceptable but overrated KOTOR2.
  15. It does mean it is more original than using an IP. "Obsidian does a lot more original stuff with existing IP's" nO.
  16. "See, it's stuff like that that makes people think you're some kind of Bioware zealot." Do Bioware zealots go around claiming KOTOR is overrated? That ahven't bothered to play 3 BIO games? Post threads on the BIO baords criticizing certain design decisions? Rating some of their games less than 80%? Wow! I'm REALLY a zealot! Besdies, I'd rather be a zealot who spends time enjoying thinsg than spending time bashing the same company over,a nd over again no matter the thread. P.S. I make light fun of Obsidian but I actually like more than half of the games, and am looking forward to DS despite my dissapointment with SOZ and AP. But, I just find hyopcritical that an Obsidianite will deride another company for being 'unoriginal' or 'non innovative' 9whcih is far from teh truth) when this forum is dedicated to a company that bases it success on other Ips and proudly so. *shrug* On ME3: Should be a fun cotnination.. still wodner what 'rpg' stuff they'll readd to the series.
  17. They have more originality than thed evelopers of nwn TWO, kotor TWO, and fallout THREE.FIVE. R00fles!
  18. "Dude sure pounces on any mention of Bioware it seems." Just as others are sure to pounce on any chance to bash BIO. L0L
  19. The emo things is funny.. since, at worst, it's no mroe emo than any other BIO game, at best it's much better. Heck, wasn't one of the biggest whines about ME2 was all the 'daddy' issues? Not much of that in DA2... even those npcs in DA2 that had past family issues don't whine about it all. Heck, you won't even find out that isballea was married once and also had someone she loved prior to you unless you push her and she pretty much mentions it and moved on.
  20. BIO loves RPgs but they don't make RPgs just for Monte Carolo (oer Volourn). In essence, youa re mad, because you aren't #1 on their list of 'who to please'. They have to make RPGs for lots of people not just a loud handful.
  21. "I used "botched" in reference to how much the game differs from DA:O and Awakening" But, it is the ame. It doesn't really differ at all. the game play changes ar eminor, and the story continuation despite the character of character is large. everything that happens in DA2 can only happen b/c a0 what happened in DA1 or b) DA lore. Argue that the game sucks or whatever but to say it's not a true sequel is silly. "DA:O did the same thing with random encounters. You would run into a different encounter all the time while traveling, but it was always in the same field." In fairness to DA1, that wasn't a big deal since it was just random encounters anyways. Plus, if youw er enear mountains, you'd have mountainous areas. DA2 overkills the repetive areas. Way too much. HUGE turnoff for sure.
  22. There's corner cutting in every game. *shrug* I played DA1 for a bit on PC. It was an overrated experience comapred to the 360. No need to punish myself with a repeat performance with DA2.
  23. "Sold around the 800k to 1M mark, by best estimates." No.
  24. "Surely Volo, you must except that on PC to break the camera so much is a bit of a thumb in the eye, it's the one feature which has consistantly made me a very angry man, as it is my firm belief that DA:O has one of the best camera implementation of a 3d rpg ever." I don't have to accept anything of the sort. I don't care about the PC version. Gots the same camera in DA2 as I did in DA1. Anyways, the gameplay is basically the same as it was in DA1. The combat is really ahrd though. I can't see how anyone would bother with nightmare. I'm playing on hard,a nd there are times I feel like knocking it down to normal. DA2 on ahrd is probably the hardest game I've ever played. There's nothing botched or 'rushed job' about this. As for endings, like DA1 there's technically 1 ending (you beat the main baddie) but there are differences in how the actual ending works out. Not as many as DA1 though I've heard. DA2 is BIO's most tatical game ever, and you mostly have to earn your battle victories.
  25. Nah. been there. Done that. I want to watch the movie in peace not with not morons nor do I want my hearingd estroyed with things going fullblast. Unless the theatre experience has changed in the last 10 years or so (that's when I think I went for the lastime); I'll survive without. the only weakness from not going, imo, is movies are often spoiled for me. But, shrug, I'll live.
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