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Everything posted by Volourn
"while according to Kreia it never happened." Yeah, because god bless her ancient soul, Kreia is a symbol of truthyness. L0L
If you want to kill me keep postiung that vid as I'm gonna die from laughter.
"It's not BioWare's call to make/not make a KotOR III, that is Lucas Arts." Let's be honest, though, if BIO wanted to do KOTOR3, LA would let them. Heck, if BIO wanted to, they would have been the ones making KOTOR2. And, it was largely Obsidian's connection to BIo that got them KOTOR2 as well. BIO want to make their own space opera rpg. Afterall, LA didn't mind throwing tons of money at BIO to make KOTOR MMO, afterall. not to mention allowing BIO employees write SW novels.
Nonsense. BGDA (or DA if you are trying to be sneaky)honours BG and any true 'fan' of BG would love it. Are YOU a 'true' 'fan' of BG?
"Ok, #1 reason why the US is better than Russia, I can pick up my phone right now, grab a credit card and buy a Russian wife. Nobody in Russia can call up and buy an American wife. So there" Game over. "Russians just dont want American wifes." More like Amerikan women don't feelt he need tos ell themselves to other country's men to escape hell. Russian women sell themselves as they are deseprate exit the 'Mother Land'. Of coruse, I doubt the phenomen is as bad as it used to be.
Je is vastly superior to either KOTOR which is an overrated series.
I thoguht TW sold 2-3mil? Hmm.. Only 1.5mil depsite the 3 million rereleases?
So Miranda? No driving vechicles? A stupid melee class? A silly DLC tainted start? Bah. Other than thsoe things, sounds cool.
While it seems up front they'd go through that trouble for Shepard only to turn on him.. but, maybe, the plan was to use Sheaprd all along to get reaper tech. So, if youd ecided to keep the base they no longer need you and if you blow it up, he's pissed at you either chocie leading to him making you enemy #1.
The point is that you mentioned that 14 years in 'modern countries' are morons too like that somehow is the reson he ended up being a terrorists. Even if you could prove all 14 year olds old in the West are moderns that doesn't mean being a moron = potential terrorist. That's silly. Nor would it be in any way acceptable to do. Just look at things when a teen is reported to shoot people in the west - it's all condemnation. It's not just pooed pooed as 'moron 14 year does does soemthing moron'. 14 years old being morons tends to them doing strupid things like skateboaridng down steps dangerously, tailgaiting cars, drinking til they puke, sex without protection, etc., etc. not committing mass murder and certainly not being considred acceptable behaviour by religious leaders (barring probably a couple of psychos). I never claimed you were defending terrorists. I wanted to make a distinction between '14 year old morons' and 'religious terrorists'. HUGE difference.
Actually, they're underpriced since MS doesn't even make money off xbox 360 sales.
"Normally I'd agree 100%, but this is a 14 year old we're talking about here and 14 year olds are morons in modern countries." When a 14 year old in the West decides to go on a muyrder spree or even 'just' kills one person it's considered sick, twisted, horrible, nearly unforgiveable, and most definitely not the norm. When a 14 year old in your so called 'non modern coutnries' do it, it's often considred their religious duty and they are praised for it. In fact, they're trained for it. As for this specific 14 year old goes, I'm not gonna write him off completely since I don't know him and he might be sincere. Just writing him off as a blameless brainwashed victim is just as simple minded as wiritng him off a cold blood monster. He's 14 not 1. At 14 eyars old, you have enough of a sense of a personal identity to think for yourself. hell, 14 is an age where rebelling against those in power is considred expected so the fact that he was soe asily infleunced into committing MASS MURDER against fellow Muslims on behalf of his religion is on him and his weaknesses.
Following rock stars like they were lead designers. No. I have a life.
"ahahahaha priceless " I think the others countered you magnificiantly. You ar eobvious ignorant to how sports games are developed. Theya rne't just slapped together. RPGs are not the only genre where the LD plays a major important role. You need a good head honcho to get things done espciially since EA sports game tend to have majorly short cycles. You have to be able to improve the game without changing it so much that people who enjoyed last year's edition get turned off.
http://ca.news.yahoo.com/ignatieff-try-for...-202736959.html Man. I don't think I've seen a Kanadian politician I've despised as much as this Ignatiff frea. Whaty an absolute douche. He doesn't believe in democracy. His only goal ever has been to be king of Kanada. Seriously, he wants to be PM even if the Conservatives win a majority. It's all about 'I, I, I'. The guy doesn't give about Kanada.
Shaq never fails to crack me up!
BGDA was a fun series that is udnerrated by BG PC fanboys who are silly gooses who just don't get things don't evolve aorund their arrogance selfishness.
I like Sawyer, but he's been LD on so many games that couldn't even make it to release. What games has Avellone been LD on. I know he's done awesome work as a writer. Certainly some of BIO's LD deserve credit - even poor Laidlaw who is being tortured over DA2 which is an underrated game unlike the overrated KOTOR. EA has some good LD for their sports games as well.
yeah, because BIS/FU had to drag BIO kicking and screaming to change their planned their 3rd person real time strategy game into a D7D game. LMAO You ever think these devs actually enjoy these IPs as fans, and love the diea of working on them as part of their jobs? Espicially, in regards to D&D since many RPG fans either grew up loving D&D or at least knowing/plenty of it. And, if youa re gonna get into the RPG game devlopment those chances go up so it's logical that they'll be into D&D, V:TM and the like. And, KOTOR well.. It's SW. People tend to like SW. But, yeah, the devs are 'forced' into making these Ip games... not. Besdies, I doubt games like BG and PST were somehow 'creative poison' despite being D&D. R00fles!
"IMHO every sequel they've made so far has been superior to the original" No. First you claim to agree with me then the enxt thing you spout is a spit in my face.
DS3 will sell 1mil+. People predicting doom about games are just ignorant. There's absolutelyu no reason to think DS3 will bomb consideriung the success of the first two, Obsidian's history with sequels to popular games, and the publisher SS.
When all else fails, BLAME THE PUBLISHER!
The game deisgn isn't any similiar than any other RPG developer. The similarities are nothing special.
Aesthetically pleasing female character designs.
Volourn replied to lord of flies's topic in Computer and Console
L0L Someone actually refered to me as being 'normal' on these boards. HA!