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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Considierng the wealthy pay a lot of taxes that goes to support the poor the crying that theya ren't doing their part is nonnse. Not to mention the donations to avrious charities (whatever their motivations may be notiwthstanding). The fact they are the ones hiring others for jobs - how many poor to middle class people hire anyone? Not many). People should stop their cyring. As for the bank bailouts. It shouldn't have happened. I don't believe in 'too big fail'. If you are a private business the risk is if yous crew up you *should* fail. Period. Banks or the auto industry should not be above it. The economy maanged to survive her ein Kanada when the mining industry starting to weaken and at one time that was likely considered 'too big to fail'.
  2. Since when is 2% considred 'good'? That's horrible odds. And, that % is also based on based likely on getting quick medical attention (not a robot having to dig you up and drag your butt to a doctor in some random town). The more you silly tools try to spam such nonesne like giving examples of MIRACLE SURVIVORS doesn't make it any more reasonable or repectful. The opening would have been more effective if handled better. Period.
  3. Sounds a little butthurt for someone who wasn't around back then.
  4. Just because it's not completely impossible doens't mean it's still not silly and over the top. So many better ways to handle the same situation. As for Benny being a horrible shot.. ieven if that were true, he's shooting at a bound person. Plus, he didn't miss. It just reeks of over the top 'chosen one' cheesiness. It's not needed. The opening intro was very good otherwise.
  5. Nepenthe, don't say such a silly thing. Everyone here knows that only I do that. I mean guys like Mamillian never repeat the same thing over and over again. Don't besmirch his fantastic reputation!
  6. "I'd just like to step in here and mention that until Crosby passes him in 4-5 games," Why lie? Mr "ZERO POINTS" Crosby gonna need more points as his PPG average got cut in half today. R00fles! Hell, even the struggling Ovechkin had more points than him today! HA!
  7. "It doesn
  8. You are a month + too late but HT to you Amerikans.
  9. No. I might just give my current copy to someone for Christmas and selfishly buy the new alL DLC iinclusive version coming out next year. I'm not a huge fan of buy DLCs indivdually. I haven't even bought all the BIO NWN-ME-DA series DLC/premium mods. I have the 360n version so obviously no mods. And, I would never used a mod first time playing a game, anyways,
  10. Fat chance of that happening. ES series, Bethesda, and Skyrim are plain 'ol ****. Despite being heavily critical of Obsidian's past few games, I've always liked them since they actually have a good side. Betehsda is the worst successful game company ever. It was Bethesda that kept me away from Fo:LV so long. there's a better chance of me liking a Barbie game or one of those lame rockband type games than a Betehsda crap piece. Take your Betehsda fanboyism trolling elsewehere. This is a Obsidian FO:LV thread and we don't need that trash bringing things down.
  11. "I'd call it a failure due to its sales, though mainly because its predecessor did so well. Losing nearly 50% of your sales from the previous title doesn't usually spell success." It does when the cost and time spent on the game is cut in haklf. Also, as its well know, sequels often don't do as well as originals. This is very true in the movie industry but is also an occurance in video games. There are, of course,e xceptions of series that gain steam. Still, when the cost and time spent on a game is less than half that of the original, it likely won't need to sell as much to be successful. DA2 sold 2mil+ in a month which is nothing to be shamed about. DA1 took 6+ years to make (5 years of likely development time) while DA2 took 2-3 years and was likely a heck of a lot cheaper to produce. Yet, it's still as good as DA1.
  12. 1 FOR 1? Are you Crazy? Malkin is a legit franchis player and while those two D-man are very good; theya re not. It would have to be a 2 or 3 for 1 trade.
  13. The content was just as good as the content in DA1.
  14. That's a small survey size so hard tot ake it seriously. Though, at least this survey suggests that the tired anti KOTOR MMO line of WOW players will never switch as potential bullocks since 88% of those surveyed were either going to buy the game or heavily interested in it. And, such a dumb sruvey actually effects stock? LMAO That's why if I had a company (lol right) I'd neve rtake it public since then you rely too much on the whims of silly gooses. R00fles!
  15. Guess this is 'oproof psoitive' that BIO's name has taken a huge hit because of the socalled 'failure'm of 2mil+ seller DA2. So much so that EA is using the BIO logo to sell other people's trash. I won't fall for such a sucker move EA. I doubt this C&C is gonna be anything resmebling a BIO EDM game. I've tried C&C in the past a bit not really my kinda game.
  16. O RLY? he certainly wans't in Crosby's shadow that year he was dominating the league or when he won the playoff MVP. I remmeber at thsoe times people were claiming that Malkin was better than crosby and Ovechkin. He's in Crosby's 'shadow' right now because crosby is playing like abeats and was seriously injured and justc ame back. Plus, Kanadians ar every protective of hockey and are extremely bigotyed.
  17. Only a handful of defenseman would be even worth consideirng that deal and I doubt their teams are gonna trade them. Malkin is fine though. Why bash him? He's not even my fave top player but why the hatin on the playoff MVP?
  18. My TV is state of the art fantastico. It's the game. Pipboy does a good enough job lighting things up so no more worries on that annoying issue.
  19. There's not one good ES game. They're all 4/10 or worse. The M&M games are pretty darn good. And, FO:LV is a vastly superior open world game than any ES game as well. No contest.
  20. "Those cops shouldn't go to jail for following properly identified guidelines." But, they didn't follow the guidelines. Guidelines include not constantly spraying someone with it or using it just because someone makes you mad. Pepper spray is supposed to be only used if you are physically threatened. This was not the case. Therefore abuse of power, breaking their own regulations, and basically assault. How is that worthy of being fired and even potential criminal punishment? Just ebcause you are wearing a uniform doesn't make you above it. In fact, because you have chosen to wear the uniform you need to uphold it and should actually fiollow it or else how can one take the creed that police are the 'good guys' seriously? Therer are plenty of police officers who use pepper spray as it was it was intended to be used - as a less lethal method of stopping would be violent crimials. ie. Drunks or druggies out of their mind who need to be taken into jail for at least a night may fight back and pepper spray is a good altenrative to stop them from doing so instead of the old method of beating them to a bloody pulp with a baton - not willy nilly because some people are not kissing your butt.. Follow your own rules or why bother having them. Wearing an uniform does notm give you permission to abuse people. If anything, it should be the opposite. To serve and to protect. Not to attack and assault.
  21. "Hold 'B' to turn on the Pipboy light. " I'm dumb. This makes indoor areas espciially caves and vaults much less frustrating. LMFAO There've been times I've had to rage out of playing simply because I could not see anything but grren. This way, things are still dark - as it should be -m but playable. RTFM I did but this is info I didn't think to remember. HAHAHAHAHA! Pipboy became even more cool. Thanks.
  22. Great. Even the devs are trying to be cute. L0L
  23. I agree. It's garbage. Pepper spray should be sued as advice - as a last resort with no other option avilable so more violent means aren't used. It should only be used if the target is physically violent. IThe problem is everyone asssumes that pepper spray isn't really dangerous even though it actually is - espciially if used haphazardry out of nager. The police should be in more control of themselves. Shamesful.
  24. I will do a full review later but I felt the ned to give my thoughts on this game. This thread is just for some quick cons and pros of this Obsidian game. Plus, this page needs less threads focused on that **** and more on this ****. This, btw, is coming from someone who has hated the last 3 (AP, DS3 & SOZ) Obsidian releases. I'm 30 hours in. CONS: - getting shot in the head at start of game and surviving equals bull****. - this might be a 360 only problem but the darkness level inside structures is way too dark where you literally can't see anything. Brighten it up or give us actual light sources please. - **** of Ceaser assassin ****heads. GET THE STUPID MESSAGE: I MURDERED THE LAST 10 GROUPS YOU SENT AFTER ME AT THIS POINT YOU ARE GIVINJG ME FREE EQUIPMENT BUT WASTING MY TIME - combat game play is sloppy at best POSITIVES: - outside of the point above, the start is very awesome and sets up greta motivation for character and Goodsprings is one of the best intro areas ever - character system is top notch obviously due to it being special - writing is (mostly) some of the best ever. Surely beats the piss over the overrated DS3, AP, KOTOR2, and SOZ writing - fanction useage is mostly well done - lots of fun and interetsing character - best free world game ever: 30 hours in with lots more to explore and most importantly, I actually want to see the different places - very good use of skill for both reolsution of quests/dialogue and mostly decent reperccusions: chocies can cencel out other quests or lead to others - i like the fact most shopkeepers actually have a semblance of a personality and aren't there *just* for shopping (most of the time). - Freeside is a fantastic town to explore - variety in equipment is pretty damn good - joinable npcs are awesome (at least the ones I've encountered) though I wish ED-E would be more interactive - damn good game - hardcore mod is HELLA fun My character is focused on energy weapons, speech, and science (tech geek). I'm pro NCR (laws cna help and any negativty in the organization cna eventually be purged), and the Followers for their willingness to help the masses and share tech. I have a softspot for the King and am annoyed with the Bros despite their love of tech because they are selfish **** who need to be more willing to share their toys. Stupid jerks. I am level 15 currently weiling a the repeater laser poster and the basic energy rifle, and wearing Combat Armour MDK2. I own power armour but need training to wear it. My current companions are ED-E and Victoria. I also traveled with Boone for a bit and will eventually fix Rex for my buddy The King. My play through I have my character only eating clean food and drinking clean water. No poison crap in this body. Clean food is not always easy to find and sadly I had to stuff my face with poison once but now I have a bunch of clean food. YAY! Stay tuned for when I finally beat the game and then I'll lay waste with my final AAA judgement. Laterz.
  25. Wuss? He takes more damage and lives in that clip than he did in KOTOR1? He even killed half the (n)pc group. Not bad cosnideirng it was 1vs 4. R00fles! I doubt your KOTOR1 Reven could beat up the KOTOR MMO Revan.
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