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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. In this case it won't matter as long as the SP IP holders want the game mad eit will be made.
  2. PC = Descent to Undermountain + POR2 + ES series PC gamers should not be the ones accusing others of 'playing in the mud' since PC gaming is all about that, Glass houses and all that stuff.
  3. "Bashing? Hardly. It is called a educated opinion and simple observation. Just because that opinion is not unicorns and rainbows does not make said point moot. If I am so way off again stick to my points and refute them (if you can). Sounds more like sour grapes on your part due to a bitter pill of truth I just force fed you. *shrugs*" Forcefed me what? the fact you are more Codexian than most Codexians? Everyone on the Obsidian baords alreayd know that since they've seen multiple posts from you that show you to be a true blue Codexer. That's nothing to be asahmed of sicne that is exactly who you are. 'Educated opinion'? HA! That's exactkly what the Codexer does when bashing other forums including this one. "They are dumb because are opinion is more Educated and we know what talk about. HA!" You aren't impressinga nyone with your opinion. Since you *are* your opinion. Sour grapes about what? That you are bashing the Codex? I bash the Codex all the time. And, many Codexers hate me becuase I'm more a Codexer than any of them. And, many Codexers tolerate me because they realzie that. Refute what? You made no point worth refuting. Unkless the point you are making is that you cna't be taken seriously. And, well, point taken though it's an obvious point that all here can agree with. R00fles!
  4. More tehft defense! Scummy theif defenders are hilarious. If you don't provide me with your car to rive to work I'm going to steal it for my convience. Your logic is stupid. And,d efense of theft is scummy evil. Scumbags gonna defend scumbags, I guess.
  5. They have final choice on what to do with their money or whether or not they seek out a loan. Unless you show they had a gun pointing at them forcing them to sign such a silly deal they are 100% responsible for their choices. If that incldues to choose to listen to bogus advise that is 100% on them. People and companies should be allowed to fail if they make poor chocies. The bankss crewed up and so did the individuals. No mercy for either.
  6. "Well, see above. That and, if you're going to post internet vitriol about people, might as well save it for truly scummy people - e.g. lady who scalded her baby to death then went shopping, etc." Trust me.. the language I'd want to use about someone like her would not be allowed.
  7. ."An ordinary person is definitively not supposed to be an expert on matters financial and if told that they can pay back a loan will inherently believe the expert. " Bull. Only if the 'ordinary perosn' is an absolute moran. If you are making 20k a year you should be even asking for loans of upwards of 100k. It's ridiculous. I've been offered all sort sof things I obviously could not afford. I said no. Sorry, people need tot ake eprsonal responsibility for their stupidity. Period.
  8. The fact you feel yourt ime is well spent bashing another forum tells me you are no different than the Codex forum that you bash. You walk the walk alright. You walk the walk the Codex way. Nothing wrong with that. You are a true blue Codexer.
  9. No, I'm not going to stop bashing scumbag thieves just like I won't stop bashing scumbag murdfers or scumbag filthy lying politiians. They're scumbags. Plain and simple. And, the ludicrious chidlish 'you smelled it you dealt it' accusation is hilarious. I've never pirated in my life. I've had people give me pirated goods and broke said CD right in front of them. I've gotten into arguments with pirates whoa re otherwise close to me (ie. family members and friends) because they started crying about me hurting their feelinsg when i call pirates scumbag thieves even thoguh that's exactly what you are when you steal. Defenmding scumbag thieves makes you pathetic and to do so on a software developer forum is doubly pathetic espciially since support of piracy is technically 'against the rules' of the forums. As it shoudl be. Because, by defintion, pirates are evil. Selfish to the core. Scumbag thieves.
  10. And, DRM creators aren't (neccessarily) theives while ALL pirates are theiving scumbags. Why are people stilld efending theft of software products on a software focused company's forums? Talk about disgusting, rude, disrepectful, and evil.
  11. "Both sides have entitlement issues- Ubisoft feels entitled to sales despite shoddy ports, hopelessly annoying DRM and a horrendous attitude" Except, here's a thought, if one thinks Ubisoft has a horrible product/service.. don't buy them or play them. Why would you steal soemthing you think is crappy? That's stupid. People don't pirate things they think suck they pirate things they actually want. But, want for free. Period. If I'm a thief in a grocery store.. I'm gonna steal something I want like chocolate cake yumm.. not something I hate like broccoli yuk.
  12. Harlequin always has thought himself as more imortant than he actually is so it's delightful he mocks the Codex were thinking the same way he does.
  13. NEWSFLASH: Having similarities does not mean exactly the same. PRO TIP: Osama Bin Laden and President Obama ar eboth humans when simialr sounding first names but contrary to a certain sect of people theya re NOT the same person.
  14. The US is rich? I laugh at how the anti US contigent will, in one breath, claim that the US is rich and evil cause it doesn't share yet in the veyr next breath mock it for its relatrively high unemployment rate, the amount of poor it has, and how the economy is supposedly in shambles. You cna't be rich and poor at the same time. Pick one. Is US rich or is it poor?
  15. Except for the fact that one of the major reasons why the US economy is not as high as it sued to be is bvecause of the so called 'common folk' being stupid enough to take out loans theyw ere fully aware they would never be capable of repaying back. That's 100% on them, and their own damn stupidity. I don't feel sympathy for the morans who did that. Or the banks who werre stupid enoguh to issue such loans. Both should be allowed to fail.
  16. "Aren't Windows and the Xbox 360 almost exactly the same when it comes to development?" No, they aren't.
  17. "Any thoughts on the realignment plan next year? I was a little iffy at first but I kind of like the conference the Panthers ended up in" I don't mind the actual realignment but the way they are doing the playoff races/playoffs is horrible. Some fo the conferences are going to have some of the better teams in the league misisng the playoffs. With 16 teams making it, that should simply not be the case. It should be conference winners + top 12 teams by point period. Therefore winning your conference matters but the better teams get in.
  18. "Saying DRM is caused by Piracy is like saying the War in Iraq was caused by WMDs (sorry for the politics, but similar idealogy). I the end, were there any WMD's even found in Iraq? Sure, many supported the idea of the War (DRM) because of misconceptions of WMDs (that the DRM would even stop piracy) but when you got to the heart of the matter, there weren't any WMDs there (aka...pirates weren't stopped by the DRM overall)." Poor analogy since we know for a fact that piracy exists. It's inarguable to claim it doesn't. btw, Iraq did have WMD. They admitted. The issue is by the time the war ended the WMD which iraq admitted to willingly just mysteriously vanished. On top of that, the Iraq War was about more than WMD. Bush himself gave MULTIPLE reasons why the war was waged not just one. Talk about delusional misconception. That said, the war was mishandled hence the garbage time afterwards. Further still, it's totally irrlevant to the pricy disucssion whether or not agrees with the WMD thing becuase we know for a FACT that piracy exists. Period. And, we know it is the reason why DRM exists.
  19. "given its nature as a middle-sized independent studio," Actually, as to independent studios, they are likely one of the largest. They have 100+ employees and are able to handle 2-3 projects at once. I also agree the whining about the SP RPG is silly. It can't be any worse than SOZ, DS3, or AP. And, FO:LV is, by far, their best game. Good stuff.
  20. "Nothing really, I just made a comment how Obsidian has more diversity in the settings than other companies " Youa re simply wrong. Obsidian's portofilio is just very concentrated on one area. In fact, S:RPG is probably the only game of theirs that got them to step out of their comfort zone if even a little bit. BIO, on the other hand, has a huge portofilio that covers a host of various things. And, yeah, MDK2 and SS do count. S:RPG count. The MMO count. The social games count. You come back to me when obsdiian goes from medical software to RTS to RT RPG to TB RPG to MMO to MP /toolset focused to social games and on, and on. What has Obsidian done? Same game repeatedly.
  21. ":that's the problem. some companies don't respect their gamers." Then the choice should be not to buy/play their games. It does not give one the right to steal games. Gaming is not a right. You earn the right by paying x amount of dollars. Period. Pirating ie. stealing games is always 100% a chocie and it's an evil choice since its solely based on selfishness and one's wanting stuff for free. Pirates are scumbags. Plain and simple. It's also really disrepectful to defend theft of games on a game developer's site.
  22. " BioWare (Edmonton) seems to be stuck (for the time being) with Mass Effect and Dragon Age" More foolishness. BIO's portofolio is wasy more varied than Obsidian's. They've done games likes SS, MDK2, S:RPG,social network games, turn based games, aMP focused, etc., etc. Sorry, dude, but this ignorance that somehow Obsidian's portfolio is more broad than BIO's is ridiculous. Let's not forget the attacks on BIO when they decided to a S:RPG game and this SP game is basically the same sort of things. SP RPG has a lot a potential if done right so the whininga bout it is silly. But,t he defenders also have some stuff like tryinmg to pretend that Obsidian's portfolio is broad when it isn't. Certainly isn't broader than BIO's portfoilio. And, no, it don't matter that BIO's been around longer. Being broader thana company that has basically focused on one game or one series, however, isn't impressive either. I do like how people do like ton attack companies no matter what. ie. Company x is dumb because theya ren't focused on thing and company y is dumb because they don't focus on what theya re 'perceived' to be good at. Both extremes are just plain stupid. But, that's internet for you.
  23. Obsidian are just the script monkies for WOT if things are to be believed. They aren't developing it.
  24. Very hard to enforce it long term. Not to mention the process it takes and he difficulty to prove sucha link if he does so anonymously. This is why leaks occur quite often despite such existence of silly 'non-disclosure' agreements. Just take a gander how many times leaks happen in various industries.. then take a gander how many times 'justice' is pursused and won...
  25. "AKA...on this topic you seem to be trying to put down the legit buyers but ignore the true piracy promoters." L0L Why would I be bashing legit purchasers when I state pirates are scumbag thieves? That doesn't compute. Legit buyers, by defintion, aren't pirates. "Though to tell the truth I hold those who make stupid protection schemes like always online to play an SP game just as evil and destructive to the PC industry as any pirate...perhaps MORESO...as I haven't really been affected by pirates as far as I can tell...but have PERSONALLY been affected by stupid Game protection schemes as a legit buyer" Actually, you have been affected by piracy. DRM and other protection stuff is a direct result of piracy. Just like heavy intrustion and other garbage at airports are a direct result of scumbag terrorists. now, pirate thieves are not as horrible as terrorists but they are scumbags nontheless and they are the reason why legit customers ahve tod eal with the 'horrors' of DRM and other stupid game protection schemes. So, yeah, you very much have been affected negatively by sucmbag pirates. Capiche? Also, piracy like theft in stores, increases costs of games as companies try to negate their costs of combating them hence, once again, piracy does effect you. L0L 'Nerver been affected by piraqte thief scumbags'. LMAO
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