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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Get in trouble hoiw? He isn't at Obsidian anymore.
  2. "I have purchased 20+ games, which were recommended to by my friends with much lower income, who pirated the games and loved them..." For some reason, I doubt you are the normal and your personal anecdote is useless. I can use useless anecdotes of the opposite. Fact is, no matter how you slice it, theft is theft. And, when you pirate youa re a theif and therefore you are a scumbag.
  3. "Now about sales. There is no legitimate issue to consider that if a product is not pirated, then pirated version would become sold versions. It's just not realistic. It's of course the case when there is overpiracy (whatever the reason for it). In the middle term, it may become the inverse, even maybe in short term, because of the advertisement effect (even if a friend of mine got an illegal copy of a game I would never have thought to be enjoying, if he recommends it to me, I would buy it, thus the pirated copy helped to sell a copy)." This is a weakd efense of piracy IE theft. If your 'friend' shares with you a pirated game and you like it... why wouldn't someone just pirate a copy for themselves? hence no sale. The logic reeks of desperation in order to somehow make piracy 'okay'. Theft is noty okay. Hence piracy is not okay. And, it has niothing to do with 'against the law'. It' is simply immoral to steal something that is not yours. Period.
  4. " lot of you seem to be missing the point. You can't make a game out of Georgio Armani or House MD. Although they are undoubtedly very well known, they just don't translate to a game. " Lack of imagination. How can anyone who proclaims to love video games - espciially RPG ones - have such a lack of imagine? It's embarassing. I'm not even a huge fan of the show House (watched an episode here and there) but in a matter of minutes I cam up with multiple ways to do a House game. LMAO You reek of the fools who can't imagine a BG3 when there literally over a dozen ways to do a legit sequel to BG2. At minimum.
  5. "I know some of you guys keep thinking that DS3 was a failure, either because you didn't like it, or because you think over 820k units is a failure. When we show publishers DS3, including the review scores which were mid to low 7, we ALSO show them the price tag for DS3, which is VERY LOW. We also show them how SOLID and bug free Onyx is, how flexible it is, AND we show them our amazing toolset. At this point publisher's jaws hit the floor (or the table if seated). When we tell them DS3 went through console certification with ALMOST perfect scores, believe me, they are impressed." WOW! The hyperbole and self congratutory nature of this quote is mind boggling. Yeha, yeah, I'm sure DS3 made some money and I'm sure theyw ere imrpessed with the 7s for review scores but I seriously doubt theyw ere whooping it up like they just found the holy grail of gaming. It was a small game that was lambasted but still made a little bit of dough but it's no Fo:lV is it? IS IT? And, them being impressed with the Onyx Engine and its engine is NOT the same as being hip hip hooray over DS3 is it? Also, how 'low' is 'low'? Is it low comapred to titles like Skyrim? Is it low compared to NHL 12? Is it low comapred to some facebook game? Context matters. Back on topic, SP RPG definitely has potential. Anyone who thinks others are ignorant, unimaginative fools.
  6. "Bio exists longer than Obsidian. Let's see what Bio has released since 2004: Jade Empire, ME, ME2, DA, DA2, some ME/DA social crap. That new war game is likely a C&C reboot. It's like they don't even try to diversify their portfolio anymore. Bio has become too fixated on their core IPs. Not that I blame them on it, it's just nice to see that Obsidian chooses to have a broader latitude of franchises to work with." Sonic:RPG, various facebooks games include turn based ones. They're alot more diversief than Obsidian surely is. And,s top whioning about how much longer bIO has been around. That's a poor excuse and is totally irrelevant. Bottom line is BIO's portofolio is a lot more diverse than Obsidian's is both post and pre 2004. Obsidian doesn't have a broader anything. Then again, you show your ignorance and bias when you conviently forget S:RPG. Not to mention, BIO has 3 self created IPs in JE, DA, and ME since 2004 while Obsidian has one. ONE. *ONE* Now, who is more diverse? LMAO
  7. Why do people support thieves? Where are you morals? thievery is done by scumbags and piracy is theft. I don't care how much you dislike big business, DRM, or anything else. if you don't like it, don't buy it or play. Playing games is not a right that you get to have to free. Theives are selfsih scumbags who are pieces of crap.
  8. "Why is that a "shame"? Obsidian maybe doesn't really want to work on these huge huge blockbuster franchises, or at least not all the time. At least they keep their portfolio diverse, unlike Bioware, which has just deteriorated into a ME/DA factory. " This is cute. BIO's 'portfolio' ios a lot more varied than Obsidian's. It's not even close. Have you forgotten MDK2? SS? S:RPG? That new 'war' game that's being made using BIO's name? Meanwhile, Obsidian - sans one game - has basically spammed sequels to others' hits or use IPs created by others. At least DA and ME were BIO creations. Come yalk to me Obsidiann datres to make a TB game (maybe SP will be it *crosses fingers*). SP is a 'blockbuster' IP. Anyone who claims otherwise is foolish. Now, will SP translate successfully into a game (RPG or otherwise) is a whole'nother story that we'll have to wait and find out about.
  9. "Most bullcrap post I've read this year, and Volo exists. " SU you stupid troll! ON TOPIC: The game could be good. The game could be bad. It is a mystary.
  10. "You're trashing AP? AP was fantastic. Show me a single game that has that much reactivity to the player." AP is trahs and it's C&C sucks. Games with better reactivity? Top of my head... PST, FO1, FO2, FO:LV, DA, U, MOTB... the list goes on.
  11. " We avoid extremes but we hate liberals more than conservatives and we hate them [conservatives]." So... they hate boths ides and that makes them rightists/ That's dumb. Beside,s youa re a proven bigot anyways, and not to be takens eriously. No matter what, a SP:ROPG surely won't be worse than the crappy SOZ, AP, and DS3 trio. Likely won't be as good as the NWN2, KOTOR2, and FO;LV trio either. Still, the butthurt Obsidian fanboys are freeling right now makes me smile and makes this endeavour worth it for Obsidian. i might just pre order the game to support such butthurt even if I don't want the game. R00fles!
  12. SP bashes every group imagine. "I loved PS:Torment. I dug Alpha Protocol. New Vegas was fantastic. I even liked Knights of the Old Republic despite loathing Star Wars. " Obsidian didn't make PST. And, they only made KOTOR2 not 1. AP was horrible. FO:LV was awesome. S:RPG could be fun. To me, it's their version of S:RPG except its on 360 so I cna actually try it. It is probably real time but maybe they'll go TB like BIO did with S. "Obsidian isn't even doing the writing? Why the **** would you hire Obsidian then?" Obsidian is a game devloper. More specifilalya RPG developer. Obvious the SP guys wanted to make a S:RPG so they went to people with know how and I doubt they go BIo since they'd have to share profits with EA and with Obsidian they ahve the advantage of power. Whose publishing the game, anyways? Also, it seems while the SP guys are writing the script, I seriously doubt they'll be writing every single piece of dialogue either so the Obsidian goofs will do writing too. I also bet this is a trather small project unlike most of Obsidian's games.
  13. Interesting...
  14. "neverwinter nights, im looking at you. " NWN > bg + kotor
  15. "When your finances are tied closely together, it is important to have a good dialogue with your partner about purchases. It keeps the relationship healthy. I don't run every $10 purchase on Steam by my wife, but dropping $60 is something I talk to her about. She does the same when she wants a manicure. " All good points, but I doubt you have the guts to tell her no but she likely has no problem tlling you no when she feels neccessary. R00fles!
  16. 35 people? That's not massive? L0L
  17. I expect to see ovechkin and co to start scoring some more now that the anchor is gone 9as long as the new coach opens things up). Asa coach you shouldn't be trying to strangle your players but use their strengths. It has gotten to the point that Ovechkin is afraid to shoot or take offensive chances. That goes triple for Alexander Semin who Boudreau as all but destroyed a once promising career. Absolutely disgusting. The idea he felt the need to turn the Edmonton Oilers into the New Jersey Devils is beyond puke worthy. Can you imagine if the Poilers ahd decided to force Gretz and co to play more defensively because they gave up so many goals just because the first few years didn't lead to playoff success? Argh. Boudrsau is a good coach but I think he cut cuaght up all those stupid naysayers who 'wisely' claimed the Caps would not win the cup with their poor defense. Poosaw I say. You have a guy like Ovechkin, you tell him to go and lad the team to score 5 goals a game and who cares if he gives up a goal per game 'cause eh got cauight up ice because chances are he had 3 points. Again, as a coach, it is your job to take advantage of your players' strengths. This should be obvious.
  18. "Sorry bud, there have to be consequences for dereliction of duty, and the guy would probably rather get a fat lip than be docked a months pay, lose a stripe, or even face an other than honorable discharge." Look at that. Actual options that don't involve murdering someone in cold blood. "Now, you say the rules in the order are dumb? Okay, fair enough. Don't join. What I said begins and ends with the order having the right to remove members who don't follow the rules. If you don't want to follow the rules, then don't join or get out. It's as simple as that. Unless someone nabbed these jedi and chained them to the oars, I don't see how you can defend them. I would say that the Jedi order follows more religious lines. It is not considered a 'job.' It's a calling. If you want a job where you can sleep with coworkers, go for it. Frankly, I don't care who sleeps with whom unless there is a conflict of interest. Where there is a defined conflict of interest, then an employer should be able to enforce fraternization rules." No. An employer shouldn't have the right to do that. Perosnal life should be none of their concern. And, to allow them to have that much power is evil. I brought slavery into it ebcause at oen time it was elgal and helping slaves was illegal and led to hueg punishment. By yiour logic, helping slaves escape made it just that such punishment was doled out. That's ridicilous. Some rules/laws are evil and need to be stopped. And, you ar eright. I would enver willingly join an army (though I would defend my country/friends/family) because I find the way the army masters treat the rank and file as barely above barbarism and nothing more dictatorship, and ruling with an iron fist with stupid rules that do nothing but hurt their charges not help. ie. don't ask don't tell'. A lot of good soldiers who made the army better than it otherwise be were ucnermeoniously thrown in the trash simply because they broke such an asanine rule. Evil. Plaina dn simple evil.
  19. You don't have to prove to me these things happen in RL. I know it does. the point is if you murder someone coldly simply because they feel asleep means you are evil. Plain and simple. It also shows very poor leadership since it was likely the leaders who placed the person in a position to fail (ie. have them up for 24 hours continually). Afterall, the army is known to physically push the human body to exhaustion. The onus of failure is on leadership. " far as the two lovers: The Jedi are putatively the guardians at the gate. They are literally the people who stand between bad guys and the population. I didn't say the lovers should not be allowed to love. I simply said that it is reasonable that they should be required to leave the organization in order to preserve it. Once again, I'm relying on the info and descriptions I get, but the Jedi aren't members of a social club. They are members of an order and, while they should be allowed to live their lives as they see fit, they should not be allowed to remain members of an exclusive order in defiance of that order's rules. " Many organziations have dumb rules. The Jedi 'rule' of not allowing one to love is one of those. Being able to love is not a sign of evil or being unable to love. Darth Vader didn't fall to darks ide because of love but because of hate. Rules are meant to be changed. I guess you approve of those freeing of slaves being execuedt because they broke the rules right? Ridiculous. If your rule is so asanine and pathetic the rule should be changed. Period. Jedis aren't gonna fall a aprt because its members fell in love. What a ridiculous notion. It rmeinds of moran business in modern times trying to make 'though shall not fall in love with coworkers' rules. It's just plain dumb, pathetic, and evil.
  20. " If you subvert yourself during Jedi training, you are the problem." No. the problem is organizations you try to enslave their members and turning them into non human brainwashed machines. "There are times and places where sleeping on watch would result in summary execution. Not because it hurts the government but because it will get your buddies killed." Only evil scumbags murder someone in cold blood because they fell asleep which is a human condition. If you feel he is incaspable of doing the job the weakness was in his bosses who put him in such a situation, and THEY should be the ones disciplined for fialing their management skills. He should be disciplined or fired not murdered. Period.
  21. The above post was a spamm post by a piece of crap who loces to troll threads but not actually disucss the topic. If you feel the ened to make perosnal attacks at least have the ecency to do so on topic.
  22. "Bethesda does a good job with the whole open-world explore and conquer thing" No. No, they don't. Obsidian did it better with FO:LV. The only good job Betehsda does is somehow manage to sell millions of copies of some of the worst games ever. FO:LV > ALL ES SERIES GAMES PUT TOGETHER! Anyways, I am playing: FO:LV, FO, FO2, NHL 12, and NWN.
  23. "That's the lies they feed you to make you believe that you too can make it! To get rich you have to be unscrupolous. Those who get there will always protect their little craps game. Altruism and greed don't mix. If you had read any history, you'd know. J. " *yawn* Plenty of example of poor people becoming rich and/or powerful through hard work, perservance, and soemtimes even luck. V.
  24. Here's a thought. If you don't like how the 1% does stuff and whine that they have too much power and influence... this is what you do. Become one of the 1% through hard work and perserverance, and then use your power, money, and influence to chaneg the system from the inside. Afterall, plenty members of the 1% used to be members of the 99%. So go get 'em, tiger!
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