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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "In DA1 you go to kill the archdemon...that was introduced much earlier in the game and that was part of your goal." The reapers were introduced in ME1. Hell, they were introduced before ME1 was even released. And, the final choice in ME1 (and the 'lights') was based on how you would deal with the reaper problem. Seems to me the follow through was right on. "Volourn, the problem people have is that the game touted reactivity to all your previous choices throughout the series" And, your chocies were reflected throughout ME3. Nothing done during the series was 'meaningless'. That's just more over dramatics. I'd ask you guys to stop being typical overly dramatic internet posters... but since you are typical over dramatic interent posters just keep at it. P.S. People go on about these so called 'traffic lights' yet they ignore that these so called 'traffic lights'are about effecting/dealing with the reapers along with the whole flesh vs intelligent robot issue as well. Which is what the series is largely about (along with following Shepard's mission to stop them). Ending handled it fine. Not the best ending but FAR FAR FAR from the worst ending. It's not even in BIO's top 5 worst endings. L0L
  2. "I think ME3 was bound to be up there with the CoD games in sales...." HAHAHAHA! And, I'm the delusional BIO fanboy? BIO, and ME never ever had a chance to ever have sales COD. Come on now, get a grip on reality. "AS far as referring to BG2 and all that, those were purely PC games..." And, it came out at a time when PC games were pretty hot and on the heels of a very successful BG1... yet it didn't sell any more units. You overrate BIO. BIO is not popular enough to get COD sales. Period.
  3. ME3 and NHL12.
  4. The goal of the series was to stop the reapers with any means available and the final choice (indoctrination and other theories aside) does exactly that. Works eprfectly. Your final chocie in DA1, btw, was kill the archdemon... or... kill the archdemon... or... kill the archdemon... DEEP
  5. "FYI - ME1 One platform 500k ME2 Two platforms 1 million ME3 Three platforms 1.8 million" The PC is irrelevant. The number of sales it has is miniscule. the PS3 is not much better. And, there's also a lot of overlap since the same potential consumer likely owns 2 or even 3 of those. ME3 was likely cheaper to make than ME since it refuses a lot of assets and took a shorter amount of time to make. "If Bio had avoided the latest fiascos, I think they actually could have sold near 10 million at least...and their games would be gold for sellers in competition with the biggest sellers out there..." Nonsense. BIo will never be one of the biggest boys. No matter what. Ever. They ain't mainstream enough and never will be. If that were true BG2 would have sold 10s of millions. KOTOR as well. not to mention DA1 and ME1. BIO is not at Betehsda's level of mainstream popularity. Ever. There is a reason why Betehsda managed to take a middling not quite successful franchise like FO and made it into easy money. Now ay would do that even if they had made a 'better' version of FO3. "ME1 sold 500kish copies in the first week. ME2 sold 1millionish copies in a week. ME3 sold 1.87million copies in a week." the fact youa re guys are discounting the obviousness of these numbers is beyond ridiculous. Talk abotu having blidners on. "After the 2nd day sales dropped by pretty much half each day after" Um... this proves what exactly? Everything does. This happens to the most popular of blockbuster movies as well. Obviosuly, the people who REALLY wanted the game got it first day it came out or even preordered so of course your buyers are going to be top heavy. What exactly is your point here? btw, BG2 was a big hit and sold 2milish copies TOTAL. Maybe 2.5-3mil in its lifetime counting discounts/reissues/GOG/etc. ME3 sold 1.87M in a week. yet, BIo is dying? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Are people crazy!?! P.S. i doubt EA has given BIO a 'blank check' ever. But, considering outside of EA's Maden 9and a few other sports franchises) and he Sims, BIO is likely a top seller for them.. I don't they are crying over it. But, hey, this is the same forum who think AP and DS3 were successful selling 1mil or less total. L0LZ
  6. L0L Doomsday L0L BIo isn't going anywhere any time soon. Espicially with EA creating like 20000 different BIOs. ME1 sold 500kish copies in the first week. ME2 sold 1millionish copies in a week. ME3 sold 1.87million copies in a week. Nope, BIO and ME ain't goin' anywhere.
  7. "Yes Volourn. Every nonmainstream title with a niche but dedicated following is a cult classic. " So.. every game/movie/tv show/etc. that wasn't am major hit is a cult classic then? Because, you do realzie, that EVERY THING EVER CREATED has at least a small hardcore fanbase right? L A M E Like This Unlike
  8. I, for one, wouldn't rule out a ME4 with Shepard. I was saying that even ebfore the release and nothing has changed since. Andc, no, ity don't matter what BIo says.. even if they emant it the time.. things change. They also said they were finished with pre created IPs... then they proceeded to make S:RPG and KOTOR MMO. R00fles!
  9. "The ending is kinda lame, well all of them are." You are being too reasonable. Thyerefore, I ban you from the internet. I'm still trying to figure out how the ending is so much worse than every other BIO game out there. L0L BG1 has no variation in the ending at all. BG is good, bad, and god. NWN has no variation. KOTOR is good vs evil. JE is good, bad, and allow bad guy to kill you. ME1 not much variation mostly just councile choice. ME2 is blow or save base. DA1 is kill archdemon. No choice. DA2 is support mages or templars. So.. the hoopla is just garbage of the continuing of new age EA BIO hate. And, as we cna see by the sales of KOTOR MMO and ME3... in the end, these cries of faux outrage are menaingless silliness just so people can hear (read) themselves. *shrug* ME3, btw, is FAR from poerfect... but the ending(s) is farrrrrrrrrrrr from it's biggest issue. But, to read people posts ... ME3 is a 99/100 game for 30-60 hours (or hwoever long it is), and a -99/100 for the last couple of minutes which completely (supposedly) destroys one's ENTIRE enjoyment of an entire franchise. LMAO
  10. Any chiller be I, a popsicle I am.
  11. "Alpha Protocol became a Cult Classic " By whose satndards? You can't call something a 'cult classic' just because a handful of people like it or else EVERYTHING that wasn't mainstream would be a 'cult classic'.
  12. @ Boo: Says the guy whom claims a reodent is the best npc of all time. NWN has more RPG in its pinky finmger than the Bg franchice has in its entirety.
  13. "There's more C&C in BG2:ToB's ending then ME3's. " That's hilarious! "the winnowing of C&C in their games " Except BIO's newer games have way more C&C than their older games. L0L Just cool to hate on BIO because they are a Big Boy On Block tm and not some silly indy devy. I hope you all enjoy lapping up KOTOR OL while I laugh at you. HA!
  14. "AS far as the end of the trilogy, I would think Volo would believe Bio at least [clarification: Bio were the ones that said this was the end], but then maybe he falls into the boat that he distrusts anything Bio says these days (many are starting to fall in that boat with how Bio's handled the ME3 ending debacle). " I trust nobody but myself. Things change all the time. Just because someone says y one day doesn't mean it's true later on.
  15. "Its time for this new generation of QTE gamers to learn what a real RPG is." BG1 is a HORRIBLE example of what a RPG is. LMAO Unless you believe 'REAL' rpgs ar ejust dungeon crawlers with stats.
  16. "Easy way? They didn't even give it a proper ending." Yes, they did. " You keep harping on about a happy ending, but no one here has suggested that." Many have. " What people want is a competently put together ending." People don't know what they want. Theya re dumb. "And yes Volo it is the end of the ME trilogy. Just won't be the last game in the universe. " Try not to predict the future unless you are a seer. It cna lead to embarassment later on. Like This Unlike
  17. No I'm not. What the heck are you talking about? All i said is they can't use the IE without BIO's permission. And, no, i seriously doubt the docs would just hand over their property to an ex employee. L0L Anwyays, I'm sure the detaisl of how it works has been ironed out by those it effects. Duh.
  18. ME3 ending has C&C. More C&C than say BG1's ending. LMAO Yet, I don't see anyone ragging on BIO for it? ME3 has tons of C&C. Tons of C&C.
  19. It also should be pointed out that Sheaprd wasn't even considered 'weak' story wise even at the start of ME1. He was a war veteran, and it did not take very long for him to get his own ship and be named a Spectre despite being 'low level' game mechanic wise.
  20. You completely missed the point. Don't be ignorant. Do you think BIO got the Unreal Engine for free and without permission of the rightful owners? Tsk, tsk.
  21. "Isn't that always going to be a challenge in a series of games? How do you explain that Marvel Comic hero Shepard, saviour of the universe suddenly is as weak as a wet paper tissue at the beginning of the game? " Not a challenge at all. there was/is so many ways to deal with this issue. They took an easy way out. I'm glad they didn't take the easy way out with the ME3 ending. People who want Happy Happy Land Ending can go watch the smurfs. For those who complaining about plot holes.. well.. plot holes suck.. can't eally defend those but certainly nothing to get all indignant over. for those who wonder a clear cut ending where everything is spmamed at you verbatim... *yawn* so boring and so cliche been there done that. Lingering questions and mysteries is a good thing. P.S. If anyone seriously thinks/thoguht ME3 was the end of the ME series, they were smoking dope.
  22. God forbid there's actual C&C. How horrible! You have to do/be x to get y! In a RPG! Perish the thought! "There's also the fact that in order for a rape victim to open up, you have to have sex with her. " Actually, that cna logically make sense since a one would think that a prior victim of rape would old wounds open up if they feel ready to have sex with someone after such a horrible thing happen leading to them talking aboutt hings they';ve enver talked about. if they are intimate enough to have have sex/make love with someone preusmably youa re intimiate/open enough with them to talk about serious issues (casual sex aside thoguh most rape victims doubtfully are into casual sex.. most anyways). I never had a relationship with Jack (I don't care much about the character) and I certainly didn't feel like I missed out or 'got cheated'. C&C is a GOOD thing; NOT a bad thing.
  23. Shepard should ahve never 'died' at the start of ME2. It was a meaningless 'death' that added nothing.
  24. Meh. The ME3 beginning is probably one of the top 5 worst things BIo has ever done.
  25. I should also point out since I have nmo idea how the contract/lawsuit settlement between BIO/Atari/InterplayWOTC worked out who knows exactly how things with the Bg series monetarily and contractually works. For all we know, BIo let go of any of that.. or not.. who knows... But, that could also help explain why BG3 has been such a tough nut to make. Heh. Either way, I don't really think a BG remake in the IE is really neccessary. Just make a BG3 and be done with it.
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