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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "BG3 as an idea makes little sense. The story is complete and done with ToB. Any new game in the series is likely to be something completely different with a nod to the original." Wrong. " Day 1 DLC, that sort of thing have been the main reason for the hatred. " What's funny is that the same people who supposedly hate day 1 dlc continue to buy/play it which only encourages EA and others to continue it. If you don't like it, don't participate.
  2. None of those would be in my top 1000 of worst/evil companies.
  3. I've tried AP, and it's plain crap. I made fun of FO:NV since it's the sequel to FO3 abnd FO3 is trash. Plus, I had just played SOZ and AP which had turned me off to Obsidian games. But, FO:NV being awesome doesn't change the fact that AP is one of the worst games ever developed.
  4. To be a god or not to be a god. To be a jedi or to be sith. DEEP No wonder ME3 ending couldn't match up to the awesomenss of past BIO endings. LMAO
  5. All it shows is that moronic self important piece of crap online tools influence meaingless online polls. Espicially since I bet majority of those voted EA 'worst' are likely repeat EA customers who buy and enjoy multiple EA games.. andm, will likely purchase another EA title within the next year. LMAO
  6. "No. Jagr had a lot of offers from different NHL teams but went for the money. Tax-free money in KHL.." Did you even read the article you linked? All 3 NHL teams that offered him a deal did so for one year He wanted a 3 year deal. (thopugh thata rticle is weird since it mentions him going home within 2 years) It had nothing to do with actual $ but term. none of them thoguht he could last playing hockey for 3 more years... that was 4 years ago. He's proven them all wrong. Plus 3 offers isn't 'a lot'. "I just think as far as hockey storyline goes, The Comeback Kid award goes to Sykora for sure. " Nah. To comeback you have to be something. Sykora is just an average NHler. SUPER RANT: I REALLY HATE TORTURECHIUPS AND THERE'S A HUGE PART OF ME HOPING THE RANGERS BOMB IN THE PLAYOFFS THAN COME BACK AND TANK NEXTS EASON SO HE GITS ****CANNED! I DON'T THINK I CAN SURVIVE BEING A RNAGER FAN IF THEY GET LUCKY ENOUGH TO WIN A STANLEY CUP WITH THAT PIECE OF CRAP AS COACH! P.S. the reason why it's easy to hate the Pantehrs is that they are a joke of a playoff team let alone division winner (potentially). they'bve lost way more games than they won. heck, DW or not, the Caps have won more games than them. What a frggin' joke when teams would prefer to finish in a spot that they''ll face Florida than any other team. NEWSFALSH: If Rangers face Panthers it's an easy series win. they face Caps... oo <>
  7. Only because Jagr has won his art rosses, hart, stanley cups, and made his money. Plus, he is 1 million times the player Sykora is (Sykora is alright). But,t he bottom line is that NHL teams thoguht Jagr was no longer good enough to be in the NHl and that was 4 years ago. Jagr proved them wrong.
  8. . "Jagr was good too but everyone knew he could still play" I disagree. NHL teams though Jagr was finished... 4 seasons ago. Rangers did not resign him because he wanted a 3 year contract and they felt he could not last long... that was 4 eyars ago. NHl teams thoguiht Jagr was dead. They were oproven wrong because NHL teams did not want the NHl ton be able brag about having the best hockey players in the world because a league with no jagr is a league that can't claim to be the best.
  9. Fans are stupid. This is fact. Heck, youc an't even really get multiple fans who both hate the ending to 100% agree on whyn they hate the ending. BIO's biggestw eakness has always been listening to the stupid internet fans. Their games would be much better if they simply ignored internet geeks.
  10. "got crushed by the gamerpress and many gamers for reasons unknown. " It's oen fo the worst games ever developed. It bveyond sucks. "I certainly class it up there Vampire: Bloodlines." That's an insult to BL. Bl has flaws but it's a far sueprior game to AP in every single way - graphics, music, atmosphere, stopry, writing, characters, C&C, combat (and I loathe BL combat), and on and on. AP , is by far, Obsidian's worst game. It's barely 2/10. Pure garbage. They shoudl take to making games like FO:NV which is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY better in every way.
  11. Suing would only make the suer look pathetic and they would lose. Anyways, 'fans';a re the biggest pieces fos elfish, evil, retarded, pieces ofc rap in the history of the world. I hope the whiners hate this DLC. I hope they continue whining... and, I'll enjoy it when they buy the next EA/BIO game like they always do. EA.. the 'worst' company in the world... yet they have MILLIONS of repeat customers. It does NOT make sense. "me, this is a simple matter of consumer demands not being met. When they're not met, your game doesn't sell. When your game doesn't sell, you better fix the damn thing or it isn't going to sell. If your game doesn't sell, then you're in BIG TROUBLE as a company that NEEDS TO MAKE MONEY." ME1 = sold .5mil copies in the first week. ME3 = sold 2mil in the first week, There were people claiming as early as BG2 that it spelle doom for BIO. It contuinued with NWN, KOTOR, JE (their weak link sales wise despite 1.5mil), DA, ME, and so on. Yet, the same morans cotninue to buy BIO products, and spend insane amount of time playing and tlaking about them. It is friggin' illogical. Then again, the worst company in the world has MILLIONS of repeat customers so the custo9mers are proven to be beyond stupid espicially the ones who live on the interent. L0L
  12. "Actually that sounds like a fair assumption. Very few games managed a sustained MP community. Even games like Left 4 Dead and Gears of War experience sharp drop offs after the initial months. Call of Duty and Battlefield are exceptions, not the rule. " Drop off is one thing, but claiming 'nobody' will be playing it in a 'month or two' is pure bull. Heck, even the Codex plays ME3 MP. I say this despite never perosnally playuing ME3 MP and don't plan to ever. But, his proclaimations are pure lies. Plain and simple.
  13. DE: That's why, like always, it's up to the consumer/investor to be smart with his money and make sure the project is what he desires before investing/purchasing. Don't support garbage and you won't get garbage. Twitcher taught me that. R00fles!
  14. "Weird that anyone even cares about the ME3 multi-player enough to mod it. Its not like anyone will be playing it in a month or two. " Lying is rude, dontcha know?
  15. No.
  16. No.
  17. "Are goalies of today really better than (for example) the Dominator? " They're not better than the Dominator or the other star goalies of yesteryear. The so called 'lower tier' of goalies though is much better than before. Remember, .900 S% used to be the benchmark of elite goaltending. Now, you need at least .910 or even .920 to even be considered semi elite.
  18. Look, an old new troll appears!
  19. "DA2 > ME1 > DA:O > ME3 > ME2" DA2 = ME2 = DA1 > ME1 > ME3
  20. "Fargo isn't more popular a name as Chris Avellone + Tim Cain" You sure about that? Perhaps, you should evolve outside the Obsidian forums.Fargo's history in gaming is legendary. Check the official title screen of Fallout. FARGO PRESENTS fallout. Case Closed. Anyways, the original Wasteland is an overrated inferior version precursor to Fallout 1. An alright game that people think is betetr than it actually is. It does soemthings rights and other things epically horrid. But Wasteland 2 with the developers of Fallout: New Vegas as opposed to the developers of Alpha Protocol helping tyhe development could be awesome. "school RPG designers like Garriott, Spector or Mitsoda" L0L I don't think 'old skool RPG' is what you think it is.
  21. "All gay guys and gals keep hitting on you, " No. No, they don't. They all stopped the moment I said no. "I was one of those that Anders simply would NOT let alone. Every other comment was some flirt like I was in a romance with him even when I already did the heartbreak symbol and blatantly told him no." I don't beleive you. If oent ells Anders to back off he backs off romantically. Period. You obviously kept giving his signals that you were interested. Justa dmit you like the attention and egged him on.
  22. ME3 is an action rpg yet it has more 'rpgness' in it than the BGs and other so called 'full fledge' RPGs. LMAO Then again, there's a large sect of people who honestly believe dungeonc rawlers like the GB games are the ultimate rpgs. R00fles!
  23. Don't buy or play it. Problem solved.
  24. Never played Twitcher 2 after the abomination of Twitcher 1 which was one of my top 5 most dissapointing games ever. ME3 is a good game with flaws and the ending is not one of the main ones. BL was a great game brought down to emrely above average thanks to a horrible combat system.
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