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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. There's LOTS of story ideas for a BG3. All it takes is a little imagination which one should have if they ar einto fantasy. How can anything get more 'hackneyed' than the idea a god who knows he is dying decides to go around have sex and making babies of every race, species, animal type imagineable and manages to do it within a quick tiemf rame and the other gods aren't even aren't even aware of it? L0L That's the entire set up of the BG series... yet it friggin' worked. LOTS of ideas 'hackneyed' or 'otherwise' that could work. LOTS.
  2. If EA had plans tod rop BIO, i doubt they'd be claling every new division of theirs BIO x, y, z. You think EA cares much about the bashing? EA is used to it. EA is friggin' labeled satan, evil, and all sorts of other nasty things yet they keep trucking along. As long as BIO is amongst EA's best sellers (probably only their FIFA, Madden, Sims, and a few other EA franchise outsell BIO games consistently), BIo ain't goin' anywhere. The cloest BIO has come to a 'bomb' is JE and it sold 1.5mil in less than a year. DA2, ME3, and KOTOR OL have all sold a minimum of 2mil. Money talks. Bashing/criticsm walks.
  3. btw, I should point out I certainly don't approve of calling women (or men) whores or other derogatory terms.
  4. "This is true, women get "harassed" much much more often. " Make believe numbers are make believe. "There's an independent film called "femme de la rue" I think, by a young Belgian girl who lives in Brussels, in a bad neighborhood. At some point she started wearing a hidden camera and a microphone. She recorded how she's been harassed on average 10 times a day, being called "whore", "****", being invited to a hotel to ****, etc." Only gullible people wholeheartedly believe documentaries aren'tm meant to maipulate their audiences a certain way. But, hey, they anti female sexism is fantastic. I forgot people believe that women are weak and pathetic and need to be babysat like little kiddies. I prefer to see woman as grown ups who can take care of themselves and won't turn into a pile of horrible crying nerves whenever things get tough. This is the same attitude where it's considered mortal sin for a 18 year old male to have sex with a 16 year old female but a-ok for a 30 year female to have sex with a 15 year old female. LMAO Sexism. Sexism is NOT male only disease. P.S. I'm a ugly piece of crap and I've been hit on my share. *shrug*
  5. No. Girls are awesome. Not all girls act like that. heck, I've seen boys act like the girl in your fake story. Don't be sexist.
  6. "And women were the most frequent target of harassment, he said. " I don't believe this bull for a second. No way to prove this. I bet it's ebcause males don't report it as much. I get 'harassed', 'bullied'; and the like quite a bit but I never report it because laugh my ass off. And, I like to know when and where these women are who are getting bullied since 99% of the people I encounter online happen to be male. Why are they make up false flag 'facts'?
  7. "Already adressed, Volourn, now please don't project your bull upon me. " Oh, please. one throwaway line with entire paragraphs crying how big bad men are being mean to tiny helpless girls is not addressing anything. It's the same kind of attitude that has a alrge majority of soldiers being male. Males are considered expendable and garbage 'cause who cares if they die because they don't carry babies in their stomach. Talk about sexist pigs. Too many people who claim they want equality don't really mean that. I want real equality but the world cna't handle it.
  8. "inexcusable behaviour towards women that is somehow prevalent among gamers." What s exist comment. There's plenty of 'inexcusable behaviour' towards men as well. And, said behaviour is not a gamer only disease. It inflicts all aspects of life. My god, I despise sexist pigs who believe women are sow eak and fragile that they need special protections while men are a-ok and are allowed to be abused, ahrassed, assaulted, and there's no issue with it. Total garbage. Daddy beat up Little Johnny jr and he's just ';toughening' him up. but, he beats up Sally (and what a monster he is! MURDER DEATH KILL! Way to much sexist pig double standards going on. But, hey, sexismis just a male only disease.... L0L What a myth. Man beats up woman = MONSTER Woman cuts off man's **** = he is a man so he deserved it R00fles!
  9. What's is a likely higher percentage of people herre probably bought one or both of those games then in the general populace... so, my question is... why do you insult your fellow Obsidian posters so? LMAO
  10. How 'bout just Nazi speech as opposed to Nazi 'hate' speech? Would that be acceptable?
  11. I hate bigots. I hate sexist. I hate needless male bashing which seems to be a common theme on the interent and in real life. Some of the mosts exist people I've come across are either female or have a huge anti male stance. Disgusting! Sexism is not a male only disease!
  12. "Richard should be able to help Nash put up some impressive numbers." Other way around. It's Richard who needs help to put up 'impressive' numbers. This is definitely a great trade for NY. the only thing that can hurt us is we still have the most overrated piece of crap coach in the entire league. As long as he is in charge there's a aprt of me that smiles when the Blueshirts fail. R00fles!
  13. "The NHL cannot afford a lockout. " That's what people said the last time. NHL will survive as long as people want to watch talented hockey players compete. I don't see that changing anytime soon. Majority crying is all white noise.
  14. It's not the REAL BIO doing it. It's BIO MYTHIC *not* BIO EDM. HUGE DIFFERENCE. P.S. I love the way people misuse the word rape which is supposed to mean forceful sex. You cna't have forceful (or unforceful) sex with video games no matter how much gamer perrverts might want to. P.S.S. Ultima was destroeyd ages ago. It's a passe IP from the past. it's heyday is like 2 decades ago. Get over it.
  15. ME3 didn't damage anything. This is such a myth perpetrated by a handful of loudmouth toolbacks. then again, people claimed that BG2, NWN, KOTOR, JE, ME1, DA1, S:RPG, ME2, DA2, the buy out by EA, etc.,e tc. hurt the BIO brand yet BIO keeps on truckin'. L0LZ
  16. Eh. They won't be cutting Heatley's minutes down much if at all. he's gonna get his 20ish minutes a game no matter what. Heatley's issue with Ottawa is they treated him like trash. Notice how there were no 'personality' issues in SJ despite them throwing him in the trash for no discernible reason making the Sharks a worst team. L0L Wild, if they get their goalie situation sorted out, will make the playoffs and might be able to do some damage. They'll likely need to make a few upgrades along the way to be true contenders.
  17. The implication was clearly there.
  18. "Parise's value goes far beyond points" As does Jagr's. Heatley played reasonbly well for the Wild but like rest of team just fizzled down the stretch against better teams. Minny gonna be an interesting team this season.
  19. "I think what the gentleman was trying to say was that they wouldn't be interested in selling on the product if they were completely happy with it, so if they are selling, then by extension they believe themselves to have paid too much (and are trying to reimburse themselves somewhat.) " Eh. I'm sure plenty of people (iincluding myself) have sold/gotten rid of products they were quite happy with. If I didn't, I'd probably have upwards of 1000 games and I simply don't have space for that many. L0L I doubt people think oh this game is too expeensvie, but I'll buy it anyways then proceed to sell it later to get a return. People sell games they are done with it whethern they like it or not (of course, games people hate tend to be resold quicker for obvious reasons) but it has nothing to do with how much they paid for it. Afterall, if a game is being sold for $50 but you only think it is worth $40.. do you buy it for $50, then sell it for only $10 if someone offers you $15 for it? No, you grab the $15 no contest. the logic you used is illogical.
  20. 4.5MIL for someone like JJ is worth it. Any team not willing to pay that for him are undervaluing him. Just look at the yoyos getting paid that much or more. parise is gonna get 7.5-8mil and he had what? 65-70 points? Still, of all teams.... Dallas? They so ain't making the playoffs. Not to mention a completely random choice that came out of nowhere.
  21. "if they were paid more than was actually valued by the consumer on the initial sale" This doesn't make sense. A customer never overpays for a product. tehy pay what they are willing to pay. Period. If you think a game isn't worth $50 you wouldn't pay $50. If you do, you are retarded.
  22. It sold 3.5mil+ copies. 'Nough said. no amount of silly double spin talk by you changes that fact.
  23. "Shipped != sold. But those are still decent numbers, although the sell through numbers are probably quite a bit lower. " The article was very clear. It sold 3.5mil+ copies. Why argue with facts? L0L 'Decent' numbers.
  24. Oh please. All games are repetitve. ALL.
  25. Even if the Pens sign Parise they'll have money to sign Malkin if they so wish. Cap took a reasonably big jump.
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