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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "The whole game industry must stand up against the harassment of women." \But, not against harassment of men? Yup. Sexist piece of crap. Not new info. "t. Anita Sarkeesian would not have been conceivable five or ten years ago. Five years ago, if someone who's not white, or a woman, said on a forum like this "You know, I'd like it if more women or people of color showed up in games, as protagonists and main characters instead of just tokens," she would have been (1) completely alone and (2) run out of town on a rail" L0L ".Put another way-- as a matter of demographics, those "gamers are over" articles were correct." Nope. Gamers still exist. Gaming is more popualr than it ever was. Gamers are winning. Sexist pieces of craps like feminists - espicially the male ones - have lost. "Difference is, I condemn gaming culture for the sheer hypocrisy of always railing on about how "games are ART!" then trying to shut down any discussion of games as art." \Except SJWs and feminists don't want games as art. They don't even know what they want games to be. They just make up lie after klie after lie. Not to mention feminists loathe women. They want to enslave women. They belittle women. They want to treat women like weak little children. It'se vil, and pathetic. "because a good discussion could have been had." Disucssions with people whoa re know lairs is hard. Stop lying and stop protecting liars. Bottom line feminists are vil sex ist pieces of crap just like SJWs and masculinists. Equalists are the only legit good people in the world. PERIOD.
  2. "I really don't think its a good idea you even entertain playing this game. I am worried about the negative impact it will have on you :ermm:" Youa re insane. The fact you think a game will turn me into a violent pyschopath that will mass murder innocents is stupid, evil, and if I felt like suing good for a lawsuit. You just claimed on the this forum that I am capable of cold blooded mass murder over a video game. That's evil. I've been playing violent video games, watching violent tv/movies, reading violent books, and paying attention to violent feminists yet I have yet to go around commiting acts of volence for giggles for nearly 40 years yet you think this one stupid game will make do it? Get off your high horse. Nah, it's fun when you show you insane true colours like any feminist SJW. The fact you think that shows your insanity not mine, oh evil one.
  3. They're wannabe nazis, I told you this already. The sad part is a lot oft he most evil and vile 'feminists/SJWs' are white males. LMAO
  4. "there's a possibility that said person actually liked DA2, of course. but people tend to like all kinds of stuff, the thing is, people who like DA2 tend to not like Obsidian's games " Why lie? Why make stuff up? Why pretend there are stats that can prove or disprove your stupid theory? Pathetic. "What I've seen of DA3 looks very tempting, very tempting. But thus far I've abstained from making a pre-order. Even though DA2 was good, it wasn't nearly what it should have been. And I don't really want to support Bioware in making games that fall far short of their potential. So I am very cautious when it comes to DA3." I don't get this. You enjoyed it you enjoyed it but some make believe 'potential' stops you? So, you'd buy a game from a company that isn't as good as DA2 because that companies 'live up to their potential' but not the next BIO game ebcause you enjoyed DA2 but it wasn't 'up to their standard'. That's silly. That's like a parent punishing child A because he got a B instead an A but rewards Child B because he got a B instead of C. That insults and belittle Child B and is unfair and mean to Child A. EVIL. If you think you'll enjoy DA3 buy/play it. If not, don't. 'Potential'. L0LZ
  5. Epic Games is beinga b bay. these are the type of overreatcions that annoy me. I might fork over money to buy this game out of the spite of the crybabies. "WAA! Violence in media. WAAAAA! Idiots. I mean it's not even close to the first game to have the player have the ability to kill innocents. On top of that: GUYS IT IS NOT REAL NOBODY IS BEING KILLED. The people who get all judgemental, moralistic, and panderous over this stuff are the ones most likely to comment violence. Because they believe entetrainment media is real. LMAO
  6. "ell, it's not like if she does play it and uses her own footage, she wouldn't get accused of "purposefully playing the game in the way that wasn't intended". While if she uses other people's footage, it's obviously "she didn't even play it, how dares she talk about it like she knows anything"." She's a lair. Why do you cotninue to spin such lies? Two videos by clearly state two different things. In one she claims she's played 'games all her life'. the other she claims 'she is not a gamer and had to do research'.. So, which is it? Either way, she lied. And, once a 'researcher' lies their 'research' can't be taken seriously.
  7. "She's been playing games since she was a kid. She also doesn't play the games she usually mentions in her videos. I fail to see the contradiction." L0L
  8. "and some of those can be used in combat like Animal Whisperer or Computer use" I wager most people aren't even aware of those options. WL2 quests have tons of multiple solutions. "You cannot finish the game without combat like in Fallout" Eh. Only way you do that in FO is if you run from every encounter but, in fact, that is combat. Once combat starts it's combat. And, you surely can't finish it without killing anyone. Still, two things to note: 1) FO is the outlier. No RPG let's you avoid combat as much as FO1 so the fact that a game doesn't live up to FO1 in that way isn't horrible. 2) Your typica FO1 playthrough is gonna involve combat because a) it's enjoyable and the game rewards combat a lot. AS for DOS. it's good. WL2 is better. "What about character development, is it deep enough ? Are there non-combat skills & does it matter to have one ?" Yes. You won't be able to solve quests the 'best' way without non combat skills. You also mess out on LOTS of stuff. "And I guess there r multiple resolutions to quests, some not involving combat." Hell to the yeah.
  9. Feminism is tainted with sexism. There are people with valid concerns about hateful people. But They are doing themselves a disservice by associating with the sexist of feminism. As long as this association continues the concerns can be easily brushed aside.
  10. She is probably a man who had a sex change!
  11. I didn't 'battle'. I loathed it. It sucks.
  12. Did you read my post? I'm not planning on buying or playing it. LMAO But, I forgot, SJWs are anti anyone who doesn't yetll at the top of their lungs that something needs to be banned, its' creators burned at the stake, or some other insane thing. They don't believe in freedom and choice. Thankfully, I live in a country where I have a choice. And, I choose not to play this game. I also choose not to go on some moral crusade against the game. MAGINE THAT. I'll put it another way. I'm no fan of Leigh Alexander, but if she made a game I think I'd enjoy, I'd play it. PERIOD.
  13. "Point them out please." Me, obviously.
  14. It's dumb. The season and game length is fine as is.
  15. "Enoch I have to say its been really refreshing and interesting getting your perspective on this whole matter, I'm really glad you decided to participate in this discussion" That's ebcause he basically agrees with you that gamers are just white male rapist sexist pigs. "Folks like Quinn, Wu, Leigh Alexander, and others indubitably experienced #1 first-hand on several occassions." Leigh Alexander has attacked women, threatened women, insulted women, trashed women, made fun of women, harassed women. She is oen of the biggest women haters out there. And, that is your modern feminist idol. LMAO "You sick and tired yet the sexism, harassment and threats continue from certain people" Yeah, have you had a talk with Leigh Alexander abotut hat yet? Tell her to knock it off. "So we have to continue to point out this unacceptable social behaviour" Then why do feminists still partake in such 'socially unaceeptable behaviour' and brag about it? "I'm not sure why you are suggesting that? Who said all gamers on GG are the same or are responsible for the extremist element ?" Feminists and SJWs. Gamers are just white male sexist racist pigs. Allt hsoe non white male sexist racist pigs are all fakes. "But we are united on being opposed to Internet misogyny and sexism and from my side that's never going to change" No, your side is NOT 'uniformly' against misogny and sexism. Please, don't lie. This idea that gamers don't want women gaming is plain stupid that has no basis in fact. It's asanine.
  16. Grimlock 1 wasn't fun. It's that simple.
  17. Well, I'm sure combat is balanced for 7. And, maxing' every skill near end game shouldn't be that big of a deal since the game is near over so no worries. One of the big issues with only four though is how quick to get weighed down.
  18. "I don't find anything funny about that game and I definitely won't be playing it, with all the possible games you could design this game look like its about someone going on a shooting spree against an unsuspecting population?" It's not real. It's not real. It's not real. No humans have been killed. No humans have been killed. No humans have been killed. Anyways, more seriously, I'm not into pure shooters. I prefer purpsoe in my mass killing games ala WL2.
  19. People say the game is not 'hard' enough... trying playing with only 4 like me. You REALLY have to be careful and plan things out. And, don't be afraid to use explosive as they make what seems an 'impossible' fight into a 'very doable' one. I think I'll reach the max level as I'm already level 30 and I haven't even reached Hollywood yet.
  20. The bot itself is funny and gave me chuckles. The article, itself, is pure garbage. Only racist sexist pieces of crap nazi wananbes would support the article or the writer of said article. Pure evil. "I know I shouldn't be laughing but you guys must admit it is funny when someone gets conned like that under those circumstances" \ Definitely. Which is why I laugh at the fools who got conned by hateful feminists who hate females. :D
  21. WL2, NHL 2014, and NBA 2K15.
  22. Didn't have to wait that long. Did one small area and got radioed back to base. Some nice equipment including power armour. L0L
  23. Playing in California.l really need to upgrade my weapons because the uber weapons the enmies have is annoying. L0L Not to mention the enmy seem to come in greater numbers with more hit points. Not a good combo.
  24. "the impact is do I invest a hundred hours plus of my life in it?" EA doesn't care if you play for one second or 1 million seconds. As long as you give them money. "hope you're joking man" Truth hurts you, huh? GOOD.
  25. "Women are treated bad in general, they earn less than men, and get worse treatment than men." But, that's not mdoerate. It's patently untrue in so many ways. It's a myth spammed by liars taken as gospel but repeatedly proven false with facts. "o the reason GG needs to shutdown is its utterly tainted. Its not going to achieve anything because of the extremist element that has hijacked its motives. Close it down and start some kind of group that can be regulated and raise the valid issues that you guys feel need to be raised" Sound slike feminism which is tainted., feminism hates men AND women. Feminists and SJWs believe that white males are just rapists exist pigs. They want all men killed. Yup, tainted. pergaps, feminism should be closed and start some kind of group that is more reaosnable. I know. I'll call it Equalism. So, Bruce, why do you support a group like femnism that wants all men to have their balls cu off, set on fire, and then murdered? Or a group such as feminism that believes women are weak and pathetic and should be treated like little children? Why do you support such a heinous extremist group? "That and, well, people bashed a woman and that's always misogyny." That's the key. It's okay to bash amman but fon't be negative towards a woman. Why? Because, feminists like Bruce believe women are weak and fragile and need to be protected at all costs and women are inherently more valuable than men as men are nothing but fodder for war and cattle for more kiddies and banks for more money. Men aren't even human. Theya re monsters who must be kept away from children AT ALL COST. "All "gamers " weren't attacked" Yes, they were. they called gamers white male sexist racist pigs. They claimed 'gamers were dead'. GUESS WHAT? I'M STILL ALIVE. You lose yet again, feminist nazis. Talk about death threats. Equalism > Feminism GAME OVER, MAN, GAME OVER.
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