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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Another banning. Evil nazis do it again. But... it's not about taking away games but having more games. LMAO Except the games certain people don't like. \ P.S. I don't care about Hatred but obviously people do since it was doing well.. Still, waiting on an answer. Why does Bruce hate my neice so much that he feels he has the right to control her and tell her what games she can and cannot play? Hmm...
  2. "In term of RPG, no one want to play a nobody who just wander around doing nothing isn't it?" No. they want to play adventurers going around exploring, killing monsters, collecting ph@t lewt, and levelling up their characters. That's the RPG basics. That's the trope and for good reason. \A good story is just a bonus. If a good story was what made RPG genre popular, PST would have been a top 5 seller.
  3. "First of all, ." Heh. "And second, this game is just what Dragon Age II would have been like if EAware had spent the same amount of time and resources on it, basically it's Dragon Age II 2.0." No. The goals of the two games were different. Besides, as is, DA2 is already the better game.
  4. "While that's terrible, it's not really much to do with journalism and sexism in the games industry." Not directly, but it does go along with the convo in these threads that a mythical 'patrirachy' exists and that men 9white or otherwise) have it super easy. Society craps over men. Man slaps woman he catches cheating on him he is labeled evil scumbag piece of crap sexist misogynist deserves to be murdered. Woman cuts off man's **** when she catches cheatuing on her you go girl the misogynist sexist piece of crap deserves it. etc., et.c (I don't approve of hitting anyone for cheating simply break up with them duh!). As for that rant, 100% correct. I still haven't gotten an answer from Bryce explaining why it is okay to mansplain to my neice and order her she is not allowed to play a game she enjoys and what did she ever do to him that make him feel he can control and enslave her like that?
  5. "but if you want a fantasy Mass Effect this will be right up your alley." Huh? Considering they're made from the same company, those two games are not alike. Plus, ME is way better.
  6. http://rebelpundit.com/domestic-violence-4-times-more-likely-in-law-enforcement-than-nfl/ P.S. Beckham is friggin' awesomesauce.
  7. Cops are your friends and they are here to help. : http://rebelpundit.com/man-calls-suicide-hotline-cops-kill-him/
  8. Patriarchy at work: http://rebelpundit.com/man-charged-30k-in-support-for-child-thats-not-his/
  9. "Your opinion is irrelevant," \You have become what you hate. That's why BIO banned you. They believe your opinion is irrelevant. How does it feel to have soemthing in common with what you hate?
  10. "Maybe if you're twelve, but I respect the game treating me like an adult." It did no such thing.
  11. Yes it was. Don't hide by generalizations.
  12. "You right of course, she shouldn't play any game unless Volo endorses it !!! But isn't this fundamentally sexist ...... " Your logic doesn't make sense. You are the one manspalining on why she shouldn't be allowed to play a game she likes. Why do you want to enslave and control women and tell them what they can and cannot do? That is sexist. "Well, duh, when most of you hold the same utterly ridiculous views, it's hard not to generalize." You are the one defending nazis who want to control and enslave women. Why should you be telling women what games they can and cannot play? That's evil.
  13. "But GB wasn't the support for this bill bipartisan? So you have even been betrayed by your own side....also if Republicans supported it as well can it really be so bad ?" Yeha, because the Republicans ar eno different than the Democrats. It's about power and control. Not morals. "So you boys are telling me that if there was a hidden camera in your house that was filming surreptitiously everything you did, including intimacy with a partner, you would consider this the same type of invasion of your privacy as someone reading your emails ?" \ Yes, what I do in my private time and my private spaces is NONE of their damn business. There are exceptions to this which is why things like court orders exist when invetsigating suspected criminal activity. But, this bill isn't about safety or protecting the public. It's about , again, power and control. It's about nazism. EVIL.
  14. That's funny... I always side with the mages or as you call them 'normal Muslims'. I never got the memo I was supposed to slaughter innocent mages ... err.. muslims in the game.
  15. "DAI actually has the best level/EXP system." \ L0L "They are not nice people." Takes one to know one. "I am sure you know what is my motivation, i hate Bioware, with passion, there's history between me and Bioware. I hate their attitude. so that what drive me to post everything bad about DA:I. It's not just about the game, it's about Bioware. The game show what they really are, a mirror of themselves and what they have become. Everything bad about the game is everything bad about Bioware." That's okay. Nobody is forcing you to play BIO games. Nobody is forcing you to talk about BIO games. Nobody is forcing you to lie about BIO games. You've been factually wrong so many times in this thread it's hilarious. You aren't proving anytjing with your constant spamming. Funny that people get mad at me when I post one negative post about Twitcher yet here you are spamming non stop about a game you haven't played. At least I played Twitcher and I gave it a fair shot.
  16. "So Russia finds different markets to supplement the lost ones and presto the West shot itself in the face." The West can survive Russia. Do you remember the Cold War? You remember who lost it? Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.
  17. Yup. Ignore the facts. the links have already been posted. You ignored them. Accusing me of being lazy when you are the one being lazy. LMAO \You haven't answered like 1000 question posed to you in these threads yet whine about others not playing your silly questions. Even now you ignored my question. WHAT DID MY NIECE EVER DO TO YOU EXCEPT PLAY A GAME YOU DISSAPROVE OF!?!
  18. "Volo can you post those video links and I'll watch them, I'm not sure what links you are referring to ?" \ Ignorance. Theyw ere posted in the last journalism/sexism thread here. You conviently ignored them then. You'll do it again because it doesn't fit your agenda or your manspeak. Go look at the other thread. "I'm sorry your niece was hurt, what happened?" \ \I already told you. She loves GTA5 and you and your ilk are trying to take the game away from her. That's evil. WHAT DID SHE EVER DO TO YOU EXCEPT PLAY A GAME YOU DISSAPROVE OF!?!
  19. ", reflecting its realism and inspiration in the middle age " There's nothing 'realistic' about it. It's a damn fantasy game.
  20. Typical. Yet you still haven't watched/commented on those 3 videos with female GGers. Keep manspeaking for the ladies. As an aside, with the anti GTA5 get their way the person they hurt is my niece. She loves that game. For being so pro female, Bruce, you and your cronies sure love to target, hurt, harass, and attack women. WHY!?!
  21. Not to mentioned she went to the hospital to get check out? Uh.. Is she stupid? There's got to be more to the story...
  22. "I’m a nonviolent person." What a liar. At least I don't worry abotu being doxxed since I've doxxed myself. LMAO "Firstly SJW aren't some monolithic and united organisation. There are radical elements within the movement and even though those are very vociferous voices I don't believe they are the majority. I would consider radical feminists in this group. So you shouldn't judge all SJW in the same way. This is an important point, you guys do throw around terms like " these SJW " fairly regularly as if we all have the same motives and objectives" \ Hypocrisy. I'd say I'm shocked but it's Bruce so I'm not. All SJWs are hypocrites. "Lets say that Rockstar removes hookers from future games, how is this going to impact your gaming experience? Seriously ....I want to know?" A lot and I don't even play GTA. Wanna know why? Because it's only the start. Anyone who thinks otherwise is crazy. When this entire GG mess started the claim by you SJWs was that 'nobody was gonna take your games away' and that you just wanted 'more variety'. Guess what? The whole end game is to take all games away except the ones SJWs approve of. That's sick and evil. that nazi behaviour. SJWs are all about power and control. DISGUSTING. "So let me ask you and anyone else a simple question, can you give me 3 examples of where the SJ agenda has changed and diluted your gaming experience?" They are trying to murder my zombie corpse. That has completely changed my gaming experience. I have to be worried these pyschopaths will actually follow throw and murder me. That's pretty life changing. "I would also object and say this is ridiculous. Because men and women get equally killed in games like GTA. This would be unacceptable censorship. But going back to the whole hooker incident you notice that there are no male hookers in the game so the whole issue of hookers in GTA is an unrealistic view of the sex industry and that's what I am objecting to." Your whole argument is pathetically weak. Instead of you pushing for them to remove female hookers you should be pushing for them to add male hookers. But, this is just a smokescreen for you defending such an evil nazi policy.
  23. There's nothing complex about the Twitchers. NOTHING. Not story wise, not character wise, not writing wise, non gameplay wise. NOTHING.
  24. "I drank alcohol at the age of 17" CRIMINAL!
  25. "But I'm glad you have least responded with one possible reason how removing hookers will degrade the game because most people seem unable to do this and I've the question several times " Who are you to mansplain about how real life female hookers think or feel or about GTA fake hookers? I seriously doubt they gave a crap. If all hookers are in dire sttraits like you claim they have more important things to think about than some silly video game. Man, the sexism on you just oozes. "NV had male and female hookers, it was realistic GTA only has female hookers, you cannot argue this is a realistic view of the sex trade?" Insanity. "You see this is what is the real issue at hand, you guys think it is the beginning of a slippery slope Its not and doesn't have to be, I can think of two solutions" First, you SJWs claim that you weren't after taking away/banning games. That you just wanted more 'bvariety'. Now, the banning agenda has been revealed, you are claiming that it'll stop under some condition. Stop lying. Just admit the truth. You only want games that are acceptable to you. You want to control everyone. You believe in slavery. You want to ban/burn/kill anything or anyone that disagrees with you. That's why the gamers are dead/bring back bullying/intimidation articles/attack on female devs has occured from your side. Just admit the truth. "I'm interested, because I'm obviously too stupid to grasp the nuances of this debate, how is having female hookers only an example of freedom of expression. What would a developer be expressing?" \ Who are you to tell a developer that they can only create x? Who are you to order people what they can and cannot play? That's evil. "To be fair, I agree with Bruce to a point - I think it would be interesting to see how people would deal with male prostitutes in GTA and they are increasingly a larger part of the crime world so it's not outlandish to add them (and it would probably remove some of the voices shouting nonsense over "bah GTA is sexist!" because for some reason people are obsessed with things seeming "fair" to their false perceptions). I also think it would be interesting to see a female lead in GTA, and I think women should be allowed to explore their dark side via the safety of cartoonish fake violence which would be easier to do for them with a female avatar. It's obvious to see why Rockstar hasn't added a female avatar, however, from the responses to, say, Bayonetta and Tomb Raider." People simply wouldn't care. Gamers have no problem with Lara croft and all the other female protags. Gamers wouldn't care about male prostitutes either. They would either kill them or they wouldn't just like the female one. That is a poor argument. "Bruce, would you be inclined to respond to this interview in at least somewhat depth? I'd be interested in hearing your view." Bruce ignores any interview with a woman who disagrees with him. I've posted 3 different female centric videos that were on the GG side and he ignored every single one because it destroys his narrative that gamers are just white male racists exist dead zombies. "I think it's cute how you have to resort to codenames so you can pretend you're not obsessing over women who aren't even journalists, in a movement that's supposed to be about journalism." \ GG is a lot bigger than that. It is in miniscule. My big issue is the accusation of me being a racists exist white male gamer who SJWs both see as dead and want to murder me. When someone threatens me with dead I fight back. "To be fair you guys obsess about many topics and basically all the time, this whole thread and the previous ones are testimony to that" We're the obsessive ones? We aren't the ones whow rote 10 article os 'gamers are dead', we aren't the one who manspalin to women about how they're just sockpuppets. L0LZ "He's got a point though, #GamerGate can be pretty awful." No. That's anti GG and SJWs. By your logic, btw, I should be blaming you for harassing female devs, for bullying, and threatening to murder me. Riciculousness. What haoppened to personal responsility and freedom? Why are you guys such nazis? "Tale did not state he supported the hardcore anti-#GamerGate people. This helps no one." Yes, he does. He opposes GG and is on their side. So, by his logic, he certainly does. According to him, you get lumped in with everybody else 'on your side' like sports teams.
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