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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. That first one of the park benches is supreme. Nice finds.
  2. Danny Elfman's Oompa Loompa songs lifted from the 'Charlie & The Chocolate Factory' DVD. I love the fact he actually sings them this time around. Makes me miss Boingo even more...
  3. *scratches her armpit and prances around like an ape* Sometimes, I want intelligent and serious conversation. Sometimes, I just want to yuk it up. I see RPG's vs. RPG-lite's in that manner...neither 'suck', they're just for different moods & purposes.
  4. I look at games this way....it may cost $50, but it's yours, and will be yours forever unless you throw it away. 2 years later, when it's raining and you're bored, you can dust it off and replay it again. Unlike, say, a $20 pizza which is gone in 15 minutes or a $10 movie ticket that has no replay value at all. I think of all the money the average person spends on consumables per year and...well...$50 doesn't actually seem all that bad, relative to the cost of living increases in general.. Tho I do understand when you're a 'poor student' or something similar, almost everything seems too expensive.
  5. Hmm....well, that was actually a public service announcement that wasn't a waste of my time. I really liked that writer's review...mostly because it was funny. I also hate FilePlanet...but since most of the time my information about new games comes from threads like these, thanks for the info. The game is something to keep an eye on when it comes out. Although, it does sound like the combat interface/control system might be a bit too complex for my simple brain and reflexes. :D
  6. Doesn't have to be a flesh and blood actress, does it? Ok..I've wasted enough time, back to the sort-of grind.
  7. Hahahaha!!! That made me laugh..
  8. Not in photography. 'Macro' is used because you're making something small look big or magnified in the picture.
  9. Too big to show directly. Warning, it's a cat picture. But a pretty one. Siamese Cat
  10. Since this seems to be about cats...I just love this picture.
  11. Pretty soon this will be the 'Beautiful People' thread... :D I'm tempted to post a picture of SG-Atlantis' leading man for old memories sake, but...I shall refrain. For now. Edit - nice lake shot, Kaftan. A little grainy, but nice comp.
  12. Xmas day is fine. It's all the days leading up to Xmas that I can't stand.
  13. One of my remaining cats (11 y.o) is too fat around the middle to fold over and reach around and clean her own behind. She tries, and doesn't quite make it, and sits there looking hopelessly forlorn in a cute yet pathetic way. We call her our harpy-seal, cause she looks like one when she lies down, I swear.
  14. If a monster hits you while you have the Hunter speed skill on, you're stunned/slowed to a crawling walking pace for some seconds. If they hit you again, it goes on forever. But it's still very useful for around the huge towns and actual road travelling, which is generally 'safe'. If you're hit while riding a mount, you're not stunned.
  15. I'll agree. Most of them, anyway. I've met exceptions...
  16. I don't mind some travelling in a game...can make a nice atmosphere and seem more 'real' than being able to super-sonic your way everywere...but Blizz went a little extreme. Heheh I think they do have plans for more eventual flight-paths tho. Edit - The Hunters speed skills are NOT good for out-running monsters....but hunters rock.
  17. Even the mages can only teleport/make portals to certain main-hub towns. Useful, but it's no D2 town-portal spell hehe
  18. @Petay - re: traveling in WoW yeah, there are 'flight paths' - but they are not in every town, and initially, you have to find them before you can use them. At level 40 (if you have the gold) you can buy a mount which speeds up land travel, but the distances are so long sometimes that even that takes a while. Mounts are very useful for outrunning monsters tho... So the flight-paths/mounts are useful and definitely help, but you will still spend a hell of a lot of time travelling from place to place.
  19. Well, truthfully, people don't actually talk much in WoW - not in open public chat anyway - except in the Barrens, which seems to be the accepted 'chatroom' of WoW. I'm sure lots of intelligent and fun Guild/party chats are going on that aren't visible. I'm just referring to the visible public yakking. I'll put it this way - in WoW, my ignore list was often packed, and I'd often turn off general chat entirely, especially in the Barrens.. I tried the RP servers briefly...it didn't seem all that different to me (social-wise) than the 'normal' servers. And, Petay, one more thing - WoW is definitely not the kind of game where you can log on for an hour and get very far at all, so if you're often very short on gaming-time, GW might be more rewarding because of that. If you play WoW for the free month and like it enough to get to lvl 20 or more, I'd definitely go for the 3-6 month payment plan, because you'll probably be playing at least that long before you get totally bored.
  20. Landscapes are nice, but I'm typically more into macros. Btw, maybe this thread should have a 56K warning? Just an idle thought.
  21. Guild Wars - great for PvP, and somewhat fun for PvE. I like PvE, and I liked GW for about a month & a half of faily soild playing. It's very combat oriented, no non-combat skills, just run out and kill stuff. The quests were ok, but still your average RPG-lite fetch & carry stuff that's just meant to get you to a new area. Since I don't like PvP, I got bored pretty fast. The PvE part of GW is fun enough, and well laid-out, but it doesn't have the obsessive quality that makes me stick with it. I also didn't like the 'items' that much...they weren't very interesting at the time I played. It has more similarities to DungeonSiege than to Diablo2, IMO, although of course, all 3 are hack-n-slash stuff. WoW is a lot of fun, even solo...the world is neat, and huge, and fun to explore, but you'll hate all the running around to get from A to B. We're talking 15-20 minute runs or more sometimes. You will get lost and won't know 'what do to do' (quest-wise) many many times. WoW has more stuff to waste great chunks of your time with, like learning the blacksmithing trade etc., so if that's your bag, you'll have great fun with that. It's hard to get a PUG going in WoW tho, at least early on where everyone likes to go solo most of the time (unless you have a guild to rush you, of course). The general community of WoW...well, it's Blizzard, you can take a guess.
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