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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Saving Private Ryan. I need to boost my DVD collection again, it's too small.
  2. Can't have that...everyone must be corrupted! Tho admittedly, it loses about 95% of it's corruption value when reduced to stills... They're all from his Hooked on a Feeling video.
  3. @ Archmonarch - I really like that portrait from a photographic point of view. @ Chupacabra - He will be back!
  4. No. The romances, both female and male, were pretty much dropped. What remains are a few hints and dialogue bits that just make you wonder "what if" with nothing remotely satisfying development/resolution wise of any kind. There was the 'romantic' influence between Atton and Disciple where if you had greater influence with Di than Atton, you'd get those certain cutscenes (and one more if you had Mira), which I always assumed were related to the dropped storyline of jealous Atton siding with Kreia and fighting it out w/Di later. Without that resolution those cutscenes were funny/interesting but extraneous.
  5. "Nooooooooo-oooooooooo!" Well...I guess that falls under the willing to try anything mantle, as well.
  6. Jaws, finally. Every time I watch it I love it more. A little dated in style by now but the whole boat sequence is a masterpiece, imo. "You're gonna need a bigger boat." Hah.
  7. No partridge in a pear tree? I like the sound of the art books & music/art CD's. Might make this the 2nd Collectors Ed. I've ever bought.
  8. I believe that's dependant on the choices you make during the first convo with Atton.
  9. Michael York. And yeah, that scene stuck with me as well, Steve.
  10. It's not really darkside, but I still like it: "Let me shoot him in the back, no one has to know." - Atton
  11. Pinnalce Studio doesn't seem to get very good user reviews, on average - sounds like it renders very slow. But the price range is what I mean by cheap...$150 or less. As long as it isn't $600. <_< I do like the 'strip/timeline' interface too - works for my nubbish lazy self. I just don't like Moviemaker. :D
  12. Heh...that one on Who's Line is it anyway I liked quite a bit. I loved that show - both versions. Edit: It's not flattering or silly funny but I liked this one from Jekyll & Hyde. It's what I meant by 'willing to try anything.' But he should probably stick to his fluffy pop songs.
  13. Finally got around to trying Windows Moviemaker. The video's pretty rough and I have no idea how fast it'll stream-download for anyone not on broadband - probably not very. It's just a silly video of Atton pics and tiny video snippets to a song. (Boy trying to time images/video to music/lyrics is hard, I gave up trying after the first half of the thing.) The question I have is: Moviemaker saves in .wmv. I don't like that format. Are there any decent (and cheap) 'moviemakers' that will save as an .avi instead, that people like? I have an editor...but nothing but moviemaker to make movies.
  14. Description: "I had a little fun with footage from America's Got Talent where I thought that David Hasselhoff was acting a lot like the wolf from the old Tex Avery cartoons."
  15. I made it a mission to try and understand the Hoff. So I strapped myself in my chair and watched every music video on youtube I could find. I'll say this about him: He has no 'shame', doesn't mind self-parody, seems willing to try anything, and is full of unrestrained exuberance. Everything else...well...ah...let's just say I failed to understand the Hoff. I did find one clip of him singing Blue Bayou on some TV show (ignore the cow in the beginning), where he uses his limited range fairly effectively, that I thought Darth might like.
  16. According to those links, the two ladies are twins and have the same name. :D Good tidbit info find. I always like the 'faces behind the voices' stuff.
  17. I convert the ones I prefer to hang around with, and leave the others alone. I was hooked on Sentinels (?), the one who always had way more skills than she ever seemed to need. So I just liked the NPC's as firepower. Plus I liked the uniformity of three saber fighters together. Sometimes it was hard to get enough decent crystals for all the lightsabers I wanted to use, tho. heheh
  18. I've never found a use for it. It does look cool the first time you try it out; I suppose you could try to use it as some kind of oddball strategy method but...no, I don't think it's useful.
  19. I was just about to post the same thing. Now I don't have to. Thanks. My parents have watched Nova for years, and that's definitely what came to my mind first, as well. :D The pin-up looks nice tho.
  20. I've definitely been looking forward to seeing the 3rd season after that last epidsode. All kinds of ways things could go. I like dark directions for characters - as long as they continue with not letting themslves get mired in stagnant plotlines for toooo long, I'm happy.
  21. I like the old/current system just fine. Using pause to make attack choices mid-battle has never bothered me. I wouldn't mind the physics/ability to push things back or lift things to create obstacle puzzles or quests, but I don't think it should be a use-anytime skill. Maybe if it had a very long timer/fatigue recharge on it or whatever. The movie Jedi don't seem to use it all that much beyond tiny pushes to gain fighting room or push door buttons, and even then not very often. Maybe too much of a fatigue drain, plus takes too long to do anything major; a guy with a saber would cut you down while you're still grunting & waving your arms around with your eyes closed whilst trying to move that giant something with your mind.
  22. Sci-Fi 'ways to the world could end' special. Amusing. The end of the world is nigh!
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