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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Since I don't use tabs, that FF mod did nothing for me. I noticed a pic in the pictures of your games thread opened up fullsize for me, so I tried uploading my own picture. It opened in a window sized to the actual size of the picture. Perhaps it's only the pictures uploaded before the forum upgrade that have the "problem?" Newer ones seem to have the 'reduced by x%" title - those open just fine for me. *scratch head*
  2. Yes, I could, and most likely will end up doing so, since so far I see no default config setting that handles the issue. I'm just curious about the mechanics and why's at this point. :D
  3. Doesn't work in IE6 for me, either. Don't have 7 or FF2. I don't use tabs. I guess it's because it's not opening an offical whole new browser (ie, none of the browser buttons/menus are on the top...), like it does when I r-click the link and specify "new window." I don't know if there's a solution via the FF config options or not, I'll research that.
  4. Yes. When one clicks on the attachment thumbnail in the post, the new window ideally would open full-sized.
  5. Deciding on a profile picture is worse than deciding on an avatar picture. I shall stick with my cat watching TV for a while I think. Fio's graphic of entwined dragons is interesting. They should be green, tho.
  6. I'm using Firefox, works both w/profile buttons and in the userpanel options area. Using any possible add-ons that could be blocking something?
  7. Assuming it's similar to vbforums, the colors are often connected. ie, background for one table 'block' element' will also change other table block elements, and sometimes it's hard to find a color that works for all of them - you might make something else unreadable/ugly as a result. But the white is a bit bright.
  8. The Add Friends seems to be working fine for me. It only adds a name to your profile list - it doesn't auto-add your name to their list.
  9. I'm w/the joke but at the same time....
  10. Bathtub accidents give you nightmares? I agree. I like those poker tournaments, but imo that doesn't make it a sport.
  11. The avatar thing doesn't bother me...tho a little more space to the left of them might be a little more eye-pleasing, I guess. I feel "pressure" to have a personal photo now. :D
  12. I like the graphic button on the front page by the who's online list.
  13. I'm intrigued. Someone here told me I should get some of these games once...I haven't yet. As soon as I'm up for longer periods of pc use, I'm gettin' em. Sounds like I could have a lot of fun goofing off, with all those elements available...even if it meant not winning a mission. heheh
  14. Weather affects the battle? As in, it rains, the game accounts for muddy ground for movement or something like that? That sounds pretty cool...
  15. I think many of us share that sentiment...unfortunately there's still no official word that one will even be made. There was an article interview bit someone posted a bit back, about how "they" aren't planning to ignore the franchise, but that doesn't neccesarily translate into "we're making a game any time soon."
  16. Thanks, that's nice to hear. I know such games will always be largely about numbers in general, I just like to know there's other options...or that tactics on the battlefield really matter, vs. just unit vs unit, and "charrrrrge." Alexander the Great type tactics, for example...which it sounds like it's possible to emulate a bit. Good nuff. Yeah, the sneaky part I didn't expect too much from TW...I just love it when you can take a quirk in the game and use it to eventually beat the enemy without even raising a fist, so to speak - just wish it wasn't always because of a 'quirk.'
  17. Because of Win-Dixie. I must have been in a mushy mood because I actually sort of liked it. :"> Although, whenever they give animals CGI smiling capabilities, it's always a bit creepy. At least the film kept it to a minimum.
  18. I was pretty disappointed that Sci-Fi wasn't in HD. There's some channels that broadcast BG in HD later, but it's more like a HD conversion and is a lot more grainy than 1st run HD stuff. And any old series/films converted to HD always look more icky than newer stuff. That's just age/film limitations, mostly.
  19. It'd help if I knew better by what you mean as "better graphics." ie, overall clarity of image quality or more about special effects. I've noticed w/HD and big screen TV that while live-people shows in HD are pretty amazing, animated films still beat them in terms of looking really sharp or...something. There's something about animation that gives a hyper-reality to lines and the overall sense of "quality" and vividness vs. real-life video/film. Thus, since most games are graphically animated, I'd postulate that this effect is one reason they can give the impression that TV shows look more dowdy by comparison. Watching Rome and 24 etc. in HD on 50" seems quite fair to my eyes, tho...I can see every wrinkle and every pore and every badly done make-up line. In terms of clarity, at least, it's actually more so than you'd notice w/your own eyes in real life. I think soon they'll have to figure out new ways to put make up on actors....
  20. Ah, ok, I get what you mean. Oddly, Stronghold is a game where I liked the AI - not because it was smart but because I like to build up and smash their castles. SH's AI was all about defense, imo - AI armies they'd send were all small and stupid, w/occasional larger waves after hours of play. heh I haven't played TotalWar - I'm curious if they've improved the problem common in older RTS games where it's mostly about greatest numbers. Are they better about giving players other ways to defeat the AI opponents besides just amassing huge armies/special units and razing the enemy with them. Either through sneaking actions or politics, perhaps. And by sneaking, I don't mean AOE-like "here's four units, get them safely to the other side of the map" levels.
  21. Is he healthy enough to do one? I haven't seen him in anything in a long time...not that I've been on the lookout much or anything.
  22. LadyCrimson


    At first I thought the first post said a "deranged parrot/. This probably doesn't quite fit in this topic, but I've always disliked the cute-child-in-peril-to-gain-audience-sympathy. This is either because they're often done very badly - no better than the dog-in-peril-moments, say - or because I'm just heartless.
  23. Beyond making sure wires aren't going to be chewed up by fans or melted by resting against something hot - neither of which is ever a major risk imo, I pay no attention to it. I don't think I have enough wires in my pc to worry about, in the first place. I'm always much more annoyed by trying to keep wires on the outside/around the desk etc. out of the way - not only from the pc but the scanner, printer, cameras, etc. Airflow hasn't been an issue in my main computer.
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