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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. What kind of cheats? Did you use the savegame editor to change a weird variable that might have done something "bad"? Beyond that, all I can suggest is to re-load an earlier save, or perhaps the auto-save if you have no other. It's possible the save is just corrupt. If you do load an earlier save and it works, remember to re-save in a new slot just in case. Not sure what you mean about the FTP server being down. If you're unable to download a patch from a site at the moment, then just try later?
  2. Y'know....I still have no idea how to make XP recognize my entire HD. It stops at around 127GB, but there's 60 more (or something, I forget by now) on there it doesn't "see." Huuby said XP should see it, but he's no XP expert so has no idea why it's not. Anyone know? I'm sure it's something absurdly simple...
  3. I'm not an expert, but I had to get a better PS when I bought the ge7800GS. Although in my case, for whatever reasons, the card wouldn't even install w/out upgrading the PS (made a high pitched noise), so I was forced to from the get-go. I had a 350W. I bought a 500W. Inexpert toss: Is it possible there's something wrong with the memory sticks themselves or their connection slots?
  4. Tinkering with items, skills, units or formulas to see "what happens" and "what I can do." Alchemy in some games is an example, creating weapons is another, and creating 20 different mages to try different skillsets/builds is yet another. I'll spend hours/days/weeks on those and forget that there even is a "plot." Combat is only fun in the sense that I want to see all that stuff I'm tinkering with in action/see results. Thus most shooters bore me because there's no tinkering regarding combat; you find a gun, equip it, shoot. Zzzzz. Shooter has to have a great atmosphere/environment, or puzzles/maps ala tombraider, for me to get very far playing it. I'm a mad scientist, essentially. Everything else is secondary or unnoticed. But don't get me wrong - if story/characters really stands out, I do notice, assuming I ever get past the tinkering parts. I love 'god' strategy games with frantic action and multi-tasking of controlling 100 things at once. Grinding doesn't bother me as long I feel like I'm still tinkering in some fashion (ie grinding to get ingrediants for my alchemy to make something). I like games with a sense of humor, whether off to the "side" (gravestone text to read if you click on 'em) or direct (character dialogue). A small cuteness factor here and there never hurts. T3 was soooooo cute.
  5. I think that's a fairly well known bug that some people get. When you first enter the Academy, don't choose that "ok we mean no harm" option first thing. That's the bug trigger. Ask who Handmaiden is first, then surrender. So I'd suggest reloading a save/autosave from before you first entered the academy, if you have one.
  6. I'd buy the TV and buy the computer later, since you're less likely to want to replace the TV as fast as the computer. I'm not great at knowing what parts to buy, but I can put a computer together. Eventually. Hubby's faster so I usually make him do it. But yeah, it's not that hard these days to toss everything together - just a little time consuming; unless, maybe, you're trying to build a dilithium powered warp drive PC ...
  7. I never would have guessed. That's a very good documentary, for it's time. I'd probably find it a little dry/static now, what with all the colorful CGI animated history documentaries they make these days. But can't beat the info crammed into the Ken Burns one.
  8. Ah...signal fire on the water. I suppose that's clever, except, as you pointed out, how to avoid the flames in your very meltable rubber raft. I guess you paddle like mad as soon as you toss the match.
  9. I like the screen w/the bunker entrance in the ground, or whatever it is. Nice and creepy or curiosity-inducing or something.
  10. I browse/post at three/four at the moment. This forum, doh. A forum run by some net friends I've known for years, where I go to spam up a yuk or two now and then. A couple photography forums, mostly to look at pictures and get tech/gear info. I also register to a lot of software support forums, but those aren't social in nature at all and I rarely even browse them.
  11. There's really a beer with that name?
  12. *laughs* You two are putting me in stitches ... I've definitely been wondering about Octavian's sanity.
  13. I'd be interested in his rationale for the petrol, particuarly over water. The liferaft has no motor, right?
  14. Band: I don't really listen to particular bands anymore Movie: Maybe if it was 'top 100 movies' I could answer this TV Series: Rome/House/Giligan's Island Cartoon: Um...probably King of the Hill or Flintstones Book: Except for a few tattered re-reads I rarely read anymore. I got fed up with most fiction. PC Video Game: Still Dungeon Keeper1 & Caesar3. Words/Phrases I use too often: "anyway" "really (really)" "tho" "crap" "sucks" "y'know" Color: Blue, blue, and more blue, with a dash of dark grey Laundry detergent: Cheer w/no dye/perfume Socks: plain white sports socks - they're comfy Shoes: What are shoes? Snackfood: jerky and chocolate
  15. I need one of those now, because lately I've been saving in tif's, and my relatively small HD is disappearing rapidly. :D
  16. Ah! A complete remake ... should be awesome. :D I could swear both I and my hubby had the 1st Tombraider installed/running on Windows w/out any other program. Not/haven't tried XP tho ... maybe 95?
  17. Hehehe.... She was a nut wasn't she? heheheh
  18. I saw Tombraider in the url and had to click, but I don't understand the 10 years thing. 10 years for another Tombraider that's more akin to the first game? That would be nice. One of the later ones didn't do too bad w/the 'tomb' part, but none have had the feel of the first one again, yet, to me.
  19. If you do turn him into a Jedi, you'll probably want to let him level up as a solider a bit first to get more fighting feats. It's what I always did and he was Jedi enough. The armor thing - I always wished there were more who had the option to wear heavy armor.
  20. I've always thought the "stay put" advice as being over-rated. It would really depend on the situation. Side note: darn, did I actually say a mirror could start a fire? I must have been asleep. Unless it's a bowl shaped mirror. Or a coke can polished with a bar of chocolate.
  21. I'm too lazy to write the first set of numbers this time. 1 15 3 5 6 14 12 8
  22. Videos on YouTube are often notoriously bad quality.
  23. I guess I don't think of action-RPG's as having to have actual role-playing as part of their setup to begin with.
  24. Survivorman spent a few days in a sea lifeboat during one of his shows (on Science Channel) once - watching that was interesting. Maybe you could write to people with shows like that and ask them for opinions or further experts to ask? In terms of your list, I'd be most concerned with stuff that might be useful not only on the boat but on land, since even with the distances involved that would certainly be my goal. water - imperative since the sea is salty and it might not rain - and if it does rain, the empty bottles could be used to catch more water. mirror - signalling, shards are sharp for possible cutting, could be used to start a fire (matches can get wet) fishing kit - food source, metal hooks and line could be useful for other things seatcushion - could be torn up and used as padding under clothes, or w/the stuffing taken out, as a pack of sorts sextant - if I knew how to use one, important. If I didn't, it's trash - although the metal might be useful army rations - I'm assuming it'd be more compact than the mars bars, more nutritionally complete, and possibly better bait for fish or other animals nylon rope - always useful; you could always use it to drag someone behind the boat as bait...harhar rum - antiseptic properties, possible fire starter mosquito netting - for catching food possibly, or a strainer, or whatever. It's light, so I'd take it. ------------------------------------------------- transistor radio - in a serious survival situation, I suspect it would be useless except for parts the petrol - useless weight. Maybe a tiny bottle for firestarting if you reach land, but 10 liters? maps of the ocean - useful for trying to figure out where you are intially, but trying to navigate to a specific spot in the open ocean in a lifeboat is a pretty good laugh. Still, they're light, so maybe. the plastic - possibly useful for many things, but you could live without it the mars bars - eh, if weight isn't a big issue for a couple days, or the group is large, I'd keep them and eat them first, when the fact they have almost no nutritional value vs. energy gained vs. "sugar crash", isn't as important. shark repellent - I suppose it wouldn't be bad to have, but I'd doubt its real effectiveness and it wouldn't be a priority.
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